April 18, 2006


Maria, Miriam, Alberto, Chuck, Dr. Acosta



Call to Order and Introductions

Miriam motioned to approve minutes, Chuck second it. Passed 3, 0, 1

The meeting was called to order. The agenda was reviewed.

1. Updates on the following:

o  LMSA Conference

¨  Miriam was impressed with the organization and professionalism of the conference. She also got some good info about family med residencies/externship. She will submit links to Chris so they are posted on our website.

¨  Alberto posed the question regarding beer at regional board meeting-

·  Dr. Acosta mentioned that meetings that he’s attended have alcohol after the meeting, has never attended a meeting where there was alcohol present during the meeting.

¨  Regional LMSA conference here in Seattle possible for 2008

2. Funding:

o  Donor Contact List Distribution F/U

¨  Still in progress.

o  Other options for funding

¨  Set up a meeting with Rudy from CLMN to see if LMSA can go under their organization for 501c3 coverage.

¨  Barbara Rendon will be sending out a check for $100-$200

¨  Fundraising Event: Chuck proposed cooking a home made dinner and taking donations-inviting alumni, med students

¨  Miriam-ECC funding for our social $60 for advertising-

·  Chuck-use money to have an LMSA board posted in the T-wing

§  Board postings: Pictures especially of 1st years, compose a poster for reusing during other events, LMSA info

·  Miriam will check to see if ECC funds can be used in this manner. Another option is making a flyer with pictures advertising the social

·  Certificates-use ECC Money for both mentee & mentor certificates of appreciation

¨  Dr. Acosta-Another option for recognition is letter from Dean to mentors and alumni

·  Submit names to Dr. Acosta

¨  Dr. Acosta-Donations letter should be sent to alumni-Get names from Felicity

·  Honorary member: place on list, place on website

o  Bank Account for Funds F/U-Opened checking account

¨  Develop form for reimbursement

o  New Tax ID number

o  LMSA Membership Fees:

¨  Medical Students-$25/yr

¨  Undergrad-one time fee $10

¨  Dr. Acosta-Find out when the fiscal year ends and prorate the fees. Alberto will get this info.

3. Up coming events & Announcements:

o  Plan Mentor/Mentee Events- 4 events per year required.

o  Cinco De Mayo Social

¨  14 people confirmed-5 med students, 9 undergrads, 36 haven’t responded

·  Send reminder email

·  Chris to send announcement to all Latino groups

·  Miriam will contact Victoria about supplies

¨  It was proposed that we should compose a survey that is available at the social to see what events the students would like throughout the year.

o  Possible Events for LMSA

¨  LMSA participation during Second Look

o  Talk to students during the Friday night dinner

¨  Adelante Conference-May 12, 13-Need to find out our time slot from Chris

o  HS or undergrads

o  We’d like to have a Q & A panel in addition something to involve the students.

o  Schedule a meeting to plan the workshop.

¨  Latina Health Fair-May 20, 8-4pm 2 hr time slots

o  Official UW LMSA chapter recognition

¨  Benefits- Listed on LMSA Regional Website

o  LMSA Next School Year

¨  Elections-

·  Alberto to find out term and when they are done in other chapters

¨  New MSR needed to attend leadership conference during summer

·  Possibilities include: Maria to attend, new MSR, new incoming students that may be interested

·  LMSA participation during Premat-Mary Walls will be directing-Talk to her about timeslot

§  Brown bag, social make it mandatory

4. Next Meeting

o  Monday, May 8th at 5:30pm