Minutes of Regular Session Meeting

City Council of the City of Unionville

March 7, 2013


Mayor-Pro-Tem Carl Burns

Aldermen Bob Lane

Aldermen Bill Paul

Aldermen Jesse Knowles

City Clerk Donna Estes

City Administrator John Roach

Not Present

Mayor Don Fowler

Guest: City Treasurer Amy Burkhiser, Street Department Head Rick Smith, Chief Corwin, and Adam Dorell (Benton and Associates)

Mayor-Pro-Tem Carl Burns called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. First City Administrator John Roach spoke to Council about the general fund revenues and expenditures. Rick Smith spoke to Council about the Street Department budget. Chief Corwin went over the Police Department budget. City Administrator asks Council if there were any questions about the budget over all. Aldermen Bob Lane wants to see the City bid out for all the chemicals use at the water plant. City Administrator spoke to Council about the investment the City has at this time also the budgeted transfers and proposed funds for investments 2013-2014.

Mayor-Pro-Tem Carl Burns called for a motion to approve the consent agenda. Aldermen Jesse Knowles made a motion to approve the consent agenda with the changes to the February 21st minutes. Parking in front of the Bargain Barn should say no parking 18th to 19th Street no parking on Washington Street and no parking in front of the Bargain Barn. The motion was second by Aldermen Bill Paul. Ayes: Aldermen Carl Burns, Aldermen Bob Lane, Aldermen Bill Paul, Aldermen Jesse Knowles. Nays none motion carried.

Adam Dorell from Benton and Associates spoke to Council MDS permit has expired needs to be renewed in June or July they will need to renew in three years. He spoke to Council about regulations to come this is from DNR it is federal. They will be testing for ammonia overloading in the Chariton River the City of Unionville must comply they are twenty-five miles away from this river and these are changes to come.

Mayor-Pro-Tem Carl Burns called for a motion to approve the Amendment No. 2 Agreement for Engineering Services with Benton & Associates. Aldermen Bill Paul made a motion to sign the agreement between the City of Unionville and Amendment No. 2 Agreement for Engineering Services with Benton & Associates. The motion was seconded by Aldermen Jesse Knowles. Ayes: Aldermen Carl Burns, Aldermen Bob Lane, Aldermen Bill Paul, Aldermen Jesse Knowles. Nays none motion carried.

Mayor-Pro-Tem Carl Burns called for a motion for the first reading of Bill Number 2164 Ordinance number 3-7-13 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 205.050: RURAL FIRE PROTECTION REGULATIONS IN THE UNIONVILLE CITY CODE. Aldermen Jesse Knowles made a motion for the first reading of bill number 2164 Ordinance number 3-7-13. The motion was second by Aldermen Bill Paul. Donna Estes City Clerk read the ordinance by title out loud. Mayor-Pro-Tem called for the second reading of Bill Number 2164 Ordinance number 3-7-13. Aldermen Jesse Knowles made a motion for the first reading of bill number 2164 Ordinance number 3-7-13. The motion was second by Aldermen Bill Paul. Donna Estes City Clerk read the ordinance by title out loud. Donna Estes City Clerk stated I ask the Board of Aldermen that Bill number 2164 shall become Ordinance number 3-7-13.

Roll Call Vote: Aldermen Bob Lane aye, Aldermen Bill Paul aye, Aldermen Jesse Knowles aye, Aldermen Carl Burns aye, Nays: none motion carried.

City Administrator John Roach spoke to Council about the Personnel Policy he told Council the girls in City Hall made a few changes to the Personnel Policy take it home read over it then at the next meeting on March 21st he would like to see Council approve the changes.

City Administrator John Roach asks the Council for a motion to increase the Cable Rates for all Cable Customers. Mayor- Pro-Tem- Carl Burns called for a motion to approve Cable Rate Increase. Aldermen Jesse Knowles made a motion to raise the Cable Rates. The motion was second by Aldermen Bob Lane. Ayes: Aldermen Bob Lane, Aldermen Bill Paul, Aldermen Jesse Knowles, Aldermen Carl Burns, Nays none motion carried.

USDI charges the City $12.67 a month per customer per meter for availability at this point the City is losing money It was ask to raise this amount. Council would like some more information before they make a decision. Council would like to see the City promote the customer changing propane to natural gas.

City Administrator John Roach spoke to Council about the chipper truck. He told Council the transmission went out of the truck. It will cost $2,000.00 to fix at Sam’s also will come with a warranty. The All Tech Guy came to Unionville he look at the bucket truck he told Shawn the plat form is crack it leaks bad. Also he look at the sixty foot truck between the two trucks the cost to repair the trucks will be around $20,000. Noted Aldermen Jesse Knowles wants John Roach to call and get a phone number to a guy who has a truck this week at REC. It is a four-wheel drive. It would serve the electrical department well.

Aldermen Bill Paul spoke to Council about Jefferson Street Lighting he would like to see this street with more lighting. He estimated a cost of $681.24 Council told him to talk to people on this street and see if they would like more street lights. Bring the information back to Council and they will discuss this further.

Aldermen Bill Paul did have concerns about the Street Department working too many hours during the last snow storm. His biggest concern was it safe he did not want anybody in an accident. Do we need to have someone as a backup? City Administrator told him Glenn, Doug and some of the other guys were a big help with the clearing of the snow.

Aldermen Bill Paul also had concerns with the BB hole in the front window at City Hall. Aldermen thought someone could put silicone on it and it would be fine.

Aldermen Bill Paul had concerns about the guys coming back to Unionville to work on the substation. He was reassured as soon as the weather breaks they will be back.

Mayor Pro-Tem called for a motion to adjourn Aldermen Jesse Knowles made a motion to adjourn. The motion was seconded by Aldermen Bill Paul. Ayes: Aldermen Bob Lane, Aldermen Bill Paul, Aldermen Jesse Knowles, Aldermen Carl Burns: Nays none. Motion carried.


Mayor Pro-Tem Carl Burns



Donna Estes, City Clerk

The news media may obtain copies of notice by contacting:

Donna Estes

1611 Grant

Unionville, Mo. 63565