Frankenstein Reading Schedule

Date / Reading Assignment Due / Other Assignments Due, In-Class Work, Research Paper
Week 1
Monday / Finish Hamlet / Read “Hamlet’s Dull Revenge” in class. HWK: Read and practice annotating, “Analyzing the Text 1-9 odd-
PRP: Final Outline
Tue / “Tell Them Not to Kill Me” / Group Work, Discuss; HWK: Read, do “Analyzing the Text” 1-7 odd ,
PRP: Final Outline Due
Wed / “Blocking the Transmission of Violence” / Discuss, read “Hatred” in class.
PRP: Write Paper
Thurs / Novel/Author Intro(class) / In-Class: Introduce novel and Romantic Period, ghost story contest; 8 Themes Writing/Discussion Activity
PRP: Typed RD Due, Peer Critique
Fri / Essay: “Prometheus” / Discuss “Prometheus”
PRP: Peer Critique #2
Week 2
Mon / Letters 1-4 14pgs. / Quiz, Journal: Is Ambition viewed as positive in our modern society?; Discuss Letters
PRP Final Paper Due
Tues / Ch. 1-4 20pgs.
Essay: “Tampering in God’s Domain” / Quiz, Journal: God’s Domain; Discuss Essay, Discuss ch. 1-4
Wed / Ch. 5-7 20pgs. / Quiz, Journal: Science and Technology-The“ Monsters” we have created, Discuss ch. 5-7
Thurs / Ch. 8-10 16pgs.
Essay: “Milton’s Adam” / Journal:Milton’s Adam, Quiz, Group work, Discuss Essay, ch8-10
Fri / Ch. 11-14 20pgs. / Journal: Love and Belonging, Quiz,
Discuss group paragraphs, ARP: Read Novel
Week 3
Mon / Ch 15-18 24pgs. / Quiz, Discuss Frankenstein,
Tues / Essay: “Abandonment” / Quiz, Discuss Frankenstein,
Wed / Ch. 19-21 22pgs. / Discuss Journal:What does the novel reveal about 8 themes?,
Discuss Frankenstein
Thurs / Ch. 22-23 14pgs. / Discuss Frankenstein , MURAL: 8 themes
Fri / Ch. 24 17pgs. / Discuss Frankenstein, Discuss MURAL
Week 4-Mon / In-Class Essay on Frankenstein
Movie Day
Winter Holiday, Finish Reading Novel for Analytical Essay

Frankenstein: Suggested Discussion Topics

Volume One: Letters One through Four
1. Why do you think Robert Walton is so eager to visit such a hostile environment?
2. Discuss the similarities between Robert Walton and Victor Frankenstein, the man he rescues. Why does Walton feel such compassion for Victor, a total stranger?
3. Why is Walton so impressed with the shipmaster’s actions regarding his fiancée?
4. What Romantic concepts do the characters of Victor and Walton illustrate?
Volume One: Chapters One and Two
1. Victor is deeply affected by Caroline’s death. Discuss Victor’s reaction to his mother’s death and the influence it has on his scientific studies.
2. Discuss Victor’s friendship with Henry Clerval and compare it to his father’s relationship with Beaufort.
3. What is “modern science” as explained by M. Waldman, and how does it differ from the theories of Agrippa and the other scientists Victor studies?
Volume One: Chapters Three, Four, and Five
1. Why do you think Victor created such a horrible-looking creature? Did he realize what he was doing? Explain your answer.
2. What are some of the characteristics of the Gothic novel, and how does Mary Shelley use them in these chapters?
3. Victor tells us that his friend Clerval’s imagination was “too vivid for the minutiae of science.” What does he mean by this?
Volume One: Chapters Six and Seven
1. After Justine is accused of William’s murder, why do you think Victor never tells anyone about the creature?
2. Explain why Justine confesses to the crime, even though she is innocent.
3. Discuss Victor’s experience with lightning and Shelley’s use of it when Victor sees the creature.
Volume Two: Chapters One and Two
1. The creature tells Frankenstein: “misery made me a fiend.” Do you think the creature’s unhappiness justifies his murderous behavior? Explain your answer using examples from the text.
2. Victor contemplates suicide while sailing on the lake, and again when climbing the mountain. Discuss the change in Victor’s personality from his university days.
Volume Two: Chapters Three, Four, and Five
1. Describe the creature’s feelings towards Victor when he first came to life. How do they differ from Victor’s first reaction to his creation?
2. Discuss the creature’s attitude towards knowledge. Why does learning new things excite him and at the same time cause him so much pain?
3. Explain how the creature feels towards the peasant family. Why do you think he is so moved by their gentleness and kindness?
Volume Two: Chapters Six, Seven, Eight, and Nine
1. Discuss the Romantic notion of good and evil. How does it relate to the creature’s actions so far?
2. Explain why the creature feels it is so important to come out of hiding and talk to the elder De Lacey.
3. Describe how the creature feels when he finds Victor’s journal in his pocket.
Volume Three: Chapters One and Two
1. Victor says of his father that “a more indulgent and less dictatorial parent did not exist upon earth.” Discuss Alphonse’s influence on Victor and Victor’s feelings towards his father.
2. Give some examples of the Romantic concept in Shelley’s use of physical locations. How does it help establish character and mood in the novel?
Volume Three: Chapters Three and Four
1. Discuss Victor’s reluctance to create the second creature. Why do you think he destroys it in front of the other creature?
2. What does the creature mean when he tells Victor, “I shall be with you on your wedding night”?
3. Compare Alphonse’s and Victor’s relationship to Victor’s relationship with the creature.
Volume Three: Chapters Five and Six
1. Compare the events that occur on Victor’s wedding night to the night when Victor destroyed the second creature.
2. Did it surprise you that the creature killed Elizabeth and not Victor? Explain your answer.
3. Why do you think Victor finally tells the magistrate about the creature?
Volume Three: Chapter Seven
1. When Victor is chasing him, why does the creature keep leaving clues to help Victor follow his trail?
2. Do you think Victor is right when he urges Walton to abandon his ambition? Explain your answer.
3. Is Victor justified in blaming himself for the deaths of Henry, Elizabeth, and his other family members? Explain your answer.
4. Discuss the creature’s final speech to Walton. How does he really feel about Victor? Is he sad or happy about his death?
5. Why do you think the creature wants to eliminate any evidence of his own existence?