User’s Manual
Srikar Velagapudi
Akhil Kadiyala
Ashok Kumar
University of Toledo
Chapter 1: How to Begin
1.1System Requirements:
To run a Chemical Identification Software following system requirements are necessary:
Personal or multimedia computer with a 486 or higher processor.
Microsoft Windows 95/98 operating system or later.
A minimum of 32MB RAM or higher is required to run the software.
Hard disk space of minimum 25MB is required to load software.
A mouse or compatible pointing device.
A VGA monitor (15 inch VGA or higher recommended).
An Internet connection.
A suitable browser (Internet Explorer 5.0 recommended).
Microsoft Access 2003 and higher.
1.2Installing the Chemical Identification Software:
The following steps are to be followed to install the software.
Connect to the Internet and open the browser window
Type in the URL:
Click on the icon: Download Chemical Identification Software 1.0
Soon it asks for saving the MS Access (.mbd) file named CIS.
The following window will appear on the screen:
Figure 1
Save the file at the required destination (Example: Desktop as in the screenshot).
Chapter 2: Working with the tool
This chapter gives you the instructions on using the tool.The tool can be opened using the following method:
Open MS Access and select the Openoption from the File option as shown below:
Figure 2
This will open a window, wherein you must browse to the folder where you have saved the tool.
Figure 3
Select the ‘saved file’ to upload into MS Access and proceed working with the tool.
The CIS 1.0 is basically a database application which consists of Tables and Forms. ‘Tables’ consist of the whole data about the chemicals while ‘Forms’ give the output for a particular chemical.
In the table, four hazardous chemical lists were arranged in four different columns in such a way that they are grouped without any repetition of chemicals. The properties and limiting value of chemicals are arranged in adjacent columns so that complete information about a particular chemical is available in a single row. Figure 4 provides the screenshot of “Table”.
Figure 4
This screen shot clearly explains how the chemicals from four different lists are arranged along with their properties and limiting values.
The ‘Forms’ are used in viewing the complete information about the chemical and serve as an output of the software. The chemical is selected using the drop down box.
Figure 5
The chemical can be selected from the dropdown box by entering the starting letter (character) of the chemical in the dropdown box.
When the chemical name is selected from the dropdown box, the corresponding lists in which chemical is present, the properties and the limiting value will be displayed on the screen in their respective text boxes.The following screen shot provides an explanation of this.
The chemical name “Ammonia” is selected from the drop down box.
The lists in which the chemical “Ammonia” is present is displayed in theirrespective text boxes. Here it is present only in the EPA list so it is displayed there in the EPA List text box and in remaining text boxes NA which means “Not Available”.
The properties of the chemical are also displayed in the properties text box.Following are the properties of the “Ammonia” chemical.
Melting point, °C -77
Boiling point, °C -33
Decomposition point, °C 500
Vapor pressure: mmHg:7510 (25 C)
Critical temperature: 132.4
Critical pressure: 111.5
Density: 0.77 g/cm3
Solubility in water: 54 g/100 mL
Viscosity: 0.475 cp
Surface tension: 23.4 g/s2 at 11.1 C
Refractive index: 1.355
Dielectric constant 3.03 (-150 C)
pKa/pKb: 4.75 (pKb:)
Thermal expansion 0.0028/K at 0 C
Heat of fusion: 58.1 kJ/mol
Heat of vaporization: 23.3 kJ/mol
Heat of combustion: -316 kJ/mol
The limiting value of the chemical is displayed in the limiting value text box. The limiting value of “Ammonia” is “25ppm TWA ACGIH”.