Soil = The relatively thin surface layer of the Earth’s crust consisting of mineral and organic matter.
The Rock Cycle
Soil is formed from ______ (bedrock) that’s slowly broken down through ______.
The 5 Soil-Forming Factors: Describe Soil Soil Composition:
Mineral Matter
Organic Matter
- Pore spaces occupy ~50% of a soil’s volume
- Soil Air contains the same gases as atmospheric air, but in different proportions.
- Leaching
- Illuviation
Soil Horizon = Distinctive layer of soil
Soil Profile = Vertical section of soil from surface to parent material, showing the soil horizons present.
Soil Organisms (bacteria, fungi, algae, microscopic worms, protozoa, plant roots, insects, earthworms, moles, snakes, groundhogs, etc.)
-Provide ecosystem services
-Earthworms & Ants -Mycorrhizae
- Texture
Property / Sand / Silt / Clay
Water holding
Nutrient supplying
Pollutant Filtering
- Porosity & Permeability
- Ionic Charge
-Clay particles have a ______charge
What happens to…
-positively charged mineral ions?
-negatively charged mineral ions?
- Why would 100% sand be undesirable for plants?
- Why would 100% clay be undesirable for plants?
- A soil with a lot of ______would have good drainage, but poor nutrient-holding characteristics.
- A soil with a lot of ______would have poor drainage, but good nutrient-holding characteristics.
- A soil with a lot of ______would have low porosity.
- A soil with a lot of ______would have high permeability.
- Most soil pH is ______. Plants are happiest at ______.
- How are plants affected by soil pH?
Why is soil important?
Soil Pollution= any physical or chemical change in soil that adversely affects the health of plants and other organisms living in and on it.
Many Soil Pollutants…
What can help solve the problem of soil pollution? ______
Salinization of Irrigated Soil
Effects of Salinized Soil on Plants
Soil Remediation
-Until recently, the only way to remove soil contaminants was to…
-Why is this a BAD idea???
Soil Remediation Techniques
Technique / What is it? How does it work? / Advantages / DisadvantagesDilution
Vapor Extraction
Activities that threaten soilPreventing Soil Erosion