Study Guide

5 Components of physical fitness:

  1. Know the definition of physical fitness
  2. Know the definition of cardiorespiratory endurance
  3. Know the definition of muscular strength
  4. Know the definition of muscular endurance
  5. Know the definition of flexibility
  6. Know the definition of body composition

Cardiorespiratory endurance:

  1. Know the bodies transportation system
  2. Know what parts makes up the cardiovascular system
  3. Know what parts make up the respiratory system
  4. Know what parts make up the cardiorespiratory system
  5. Know what is happening to our body when we do cardiorespiratory training
  6. Know the definition of Vo2 max
  7. Know what benefits come from increasing your Vo2 max

Cardiorespiratory system:

  1. Know the function of the nasal passage
  2. Know the function of the oral cavity
  3. Know the function of the larynx
  4. Know the function of the pharynx
  5. Know the function of the trachea
  6. Know the function of the Bronchi
  7. Know the function of the lung
  8. Know the function of the diaphragm
  9. Know the function of the heart

Interval Training:

  1. Know what interval training is
  2. Know the benefits of doing interval training
  3. Know the possible risks of interval training
  4. Know what low intensity interval training is and be able to give an example
  5. Know what moderate intensity interval training is and be able to give an example
  6. Know what high intensity interval training is and be able to give an example
  7. Know what a tabata is and its intervals
  8. Know what HIIT means
  9. Know the differences and similarities between the three different interval training.

Muscular strength and endurance:

  1. Know the definition of muscular strength
  2. Know the definition of muscular endurance
  3. Know the differences between muscular strength and muscular endurance
  4. Know the factors that influence muscular strength and endurance
  5. Know the benefits of improving your muscular strength and endurance
  6. Know the characteristics of fast twitch muscle fibers and what types of movements are associated with them
  7. Know the characteristics of slow twitch muscle fibers and what types of movements are associated with them.
  8. Know how to properly do a push-up.
  9. Know what a general, modified, and lay down push-up is and be able to recognize them.
  10. Know what some of the common errors and mistakes are that can occur when doing a push-up.
  11. Know all of the 15 muscles that we have discussed in class.