1.  List and describe features of OOP.

2.  List 8 oop supported languages.

3.  What is structure? Give syntax and example of defining , declaring and using structures.

4.  Give difference and similarity between structure and class.

5.  Give characterstics of object oriented programming .

6.  Which are input and output operator of C++ ,Give its example

7.  What is inline function? Give its syntax? State its purpose and demonstrate with example.

8.  What is friend function? Give its syntax? State its purpose and demonstrate using example.

9.  State difference between OOP and POP.

10.  Write a C++ program to generate FIBONACCI series of ‘N’ number.

11.  List and describe features of POP.

12.  List and describe concept of OOP.

13.  What do you mean by OOP language and list some OOP language.

14.  List applications of OOP language.

15.  State difference structure and class.

16.  Describe structure of C++ program.

17.  What is enumerated data type? Demonstrate with example? State purpose of it.

18.  What is scope resolution operation? Define? State purpose of scope resolution operator and demonstrate using example.

19.  Describe new and delete operation? State its important? Demonstrate with example .

20.  Declare a structure of 20 students with following 1. name2. roll no 3. gender4. percentage.


1.  What is class? Give its structures/syntax.

2.  Describe general structures of class with example.

3.  How to define a member function outside the body of the class.

4.  Can we create object of one class in definition of another class? Explain with example.

5.  Explain array of objects with example.

6.  Define class and object with example.

7.  Write a program to read 2 no’s and find sum diff , product & division using different member function.

8.  How is static data type? How a member function of a class is defined static .

9.  Describe memory allocation for object.

10.  Describe access specifier in C++.

11.  State characterstics of static data members.

12.  How an object can be passed as argument to function demonstrated with example.

13.  Write a main function using following given class 1.create a object 2.accept and display information for the same

1.  Object.

14.  How a member function of a class defined.

2.  15.describe mechanism of accessing data number and function in following case

3.  1. Inside main program 2. inside member function of same class 3. inside member function of other class.


1. What is constructor? List its different types?

2. State purpose of constructor?

3. State advantages & disadvantages? Using constructor.

4. Write a program to demonstrate constructor with read & display number.

5. What is destructor? How many destructor can be defined in single class.

6. State the necessity of overloading

7. What are defined types of overloading supported by C++/.

8. What do you mean by default argument illustrate concept of constructor with default argument with suitable

argument with suitable example.

9. Give characteristics of constructor.

10. Describe parameterized constructor with example.

11. What are ways of calling constructors in main program? Describe them with syntax.

12. What are rules governing the declaration of a destructor member function.

13. Describe purpose of operator over loading with example.

14. State use of default parameter in constructor with suitable example.

15. Explain array of object with example.

16. Describe 4 operator cannot be overloaded.

17. List and describe rules for operator overloading.

18. Write the rules for destructor function & when they are involved.

19. Describe constructor overloading with suitable example.

20. State the purpose of copy constructor? Demonstrate with example.

21. What is dynamic constructor? State its need. Demonstrate with example.

22. Demonstrate overloading of unary operator.

23. Demonstrate overloading of unary operator with friend function.

24. Demonstrate overloading of binary operator.

25. Demonstrate overloading of binary operator with friend function.

26. Compare function & constructor overloading


1. Explain concept of virtual base class with suitable example.

2. What do u meant by inheritance? List and describe different types of inheritance.

3. Define multiple Inheritance? Give example.

4. Define multilevel Inheritance? Give example.

5. Define hybrid inheritance? Give example.

6. Define single inheritance? Give example.

7. Can a base pointer be used to call virtual function? Justify.

8. State advantages and disadvantages of inheritance.

9. State importance of inheritance.
10. What is abstract class? state its necessity and demonstrate with example.

11.How constructors can be used in derive class. Demonstrate with example.

12. Demonstrate constructor in derived class with multiple inheritance.

13. Demonstrate constructor in derived class with multilevel inheritance.

14. When to make use of virtual class? What is abstract class.

15. What is role of base and derived class? Explain with suitable example.

16. Describe used of protected access specifier? Demonstrate with example.

17. Programs.


1. What is pointer? How to initialize pointer? Explain with syntax.

2. Explain concept of this pointer? State its importance.

3. Differentiate between variable and pointer variable with suitable example.

4. Write program to copy content of one string to another string using pointer to string.

5. Write program to find length of string using pointer to string.

6. Write code to display string using using pointer to string.

7. Write a program to illustrate use of pointer to object.

8. Give significance of ‘&’ , ’*’ operator.

9. Differentiate between calling function by value and calling function by refrence give suitable example.

10. Write program to find length of string using string function.

11. Write a program that counts number of vowels in a string.

12. State advantages of pointers.

13. In how many ways we can use pointer in function definition. Explain it?

14. What do you mean by7 pointer? Which are the pointer operator present? Give it with example.

15. Write program to find sum of three numbers using pointer to function method.

16. Write C++ program to count no of characters in a word using pointer to string.

17. Write C++ program to swap 2 numbers using call by refrence and call by value.

18. State applications of this pointers.

19. Write a program using pointer to find reverse of string.

20. Compare pointer & arrays with example.


1.  Explain static binding and dynamic binding. Describe with example.

2.  Describe compile time and run time polymorphism. Demonstrate with example.

3.  Difference between static and dynamic binding.

4.  Difference between overloading and overriding.

5.  Difference between early and late binding.

6.  Explain the concept of virtual function with example.

7.  Justify how polymorphism is implemented using overloading.

8.  State four rules to implement dynamic binding using virtual function.

9.  Elaborate concept of overriding with example.

10.  Can we use base class pointer for accessing member function of derived class? Explain with suitable example

11.  Illustrate the use of virtual function with suitable example.

12.  What do you mean by polymorphism? State 2 types of it.

13.  Write s program which shows compile time polymorphism using function overloading.

14.  List rules for creating virtual function.

15.  Write program to demonstrate static binding.

16.  Write short note on pure virtual function.


1.  Define manipulator? List types of manipulator.

2.  List and describe I/O manipulator.

3.  Describe and compare 1. Get, Getline 2.get & read function.

4.  Explain stream classes & give stream class used for consol application.

5.  Describe different methods to open a file and demonstrate all methods.

6.  Give syntax and use of open and read method.

7.  State difference between ios :: no create & ios :: replace.

8.  Explain ios :: in & ios :: out with example.

9.  Give syntax explain close function.

10.  List & describe all file handling function in C++.

11.  List & describe manipulator related to file handling.

12.  List & describe different ways of formatting consol I/O operations.

13.  List and describe ios class function & flags.

14.  List and describe different manipulator.

15.  Describe how user define manipulator can be defined with example.

16.  Describe setw, setfill, setcosflag, setprecision manipulator.

17.  List different ways to detect end of file with example.

18.  Write a program to copy content of 1 file to another file.

19.  Describe the built in function for reading a line of text from file. Give example.

20.  Describe the syntax of function for erasing a file.

21.  Give syntax & describe get, put function.

22.  Explain different file opening modes in details.

23.  How we can open file using constructor? Write a program for creating files with construction function.

24.  List 4 input and output manipulator.

25.  Write a program to create text file &count no of lines, words & characters.

26.  Explain ifstream, ofstream, read & write.