Greater Austin Council - Navy League U. S.

Minutes of the Council Business Meeting

April 20, 2016

Council President Hunsberger called the meeting to order at 12:00 noon. In attendance were Tim Hunsberger, Kathy Pillmore, Mike Jackson, Lisa Sullivan, Glenn Looney, Jack Ritter, Max Miller, LuAnn Reyes and guest Jack Mayo

Minutes of the March 2, 2016 meeting were approved

Programs/Calendar Update

·  April 27 - Dennis Blocker, researcher/historian "The Heart of Hell".

·  *Jim Lovering --Tim to verify his availability as chaplain

·  Glenn will have awards/certificates to present

·  Bastrop

·  Don Jones has requested additional raffle items

·  *Wine & Beer Service - Tim will confirm with Bruce Byron

·  *Tim requested Adopt-A-Cadet certificates and the PDF file, which Kathy agreed to again provide.

Future Speakers being considered

Max provided the following individuals being considered as dinner speakers:

·  June 8 - Jeff Murrah - The Texas Navy

·  Dec. 8 - Jim Hornfischer

No dates set for the following:

·  Coast Guard ADM Schultz and/or Coast Guard Commandant Zukunft

·  Professor Tom Hatfield who has published a new book

·  Congressman Michael McCaul, Homeland Security Chairman

·  RADM Rebecca J. McCormick-Boyle, Commandant of the Nurse Corps (San Antonio)


Finance - LuAnn Reyes

·  Still holding $869 from silent auction. No update on MVP's 501(c)(3) status. Motion made and approved to give the money to Fisher House.

·  Four scholarship winners were chosen (out of 7 applications received) totaling $3,500. Checks will be presented at the 4/27 dinner. Balance in scholarship fund = $20,038

·  There will be additional free dinners with scholarship winners and parents at the 4/27 dinner so need adopters to cover extra cost.

·  Vista Ridge cadets will also attend 4/27 dinner.

·  Solicitation letter has gone out -- membership renewals are coming in as well as donations.

·  NLUS rebates have been received totaling $1,833.50

·  Income year-to-date = $7,086.74 Expenses year-to-date = $6,168.92; Operating funds = $917.82

Education - Max Miller

See Programs above

Membership - Glenn Looney

NLUS membership increasing by estimated 8%. National membership campaign slated for May. Top recruiter gets $1,000/Council $200

*Glenn is updating GAC membership roster and has asked for assistance in calling lapsed or former members.

*Tim will call a Membership brainstorming meeting for a Saturday morning. (Remaining Action item from March)

Chaplin - Jim Lovering

No Report

Legislative Affairs - Jack Ritter

Jeanie Coffey recently briefed Lamar Smith about the Coast Guard.

Youth Programs - Lisa Sullivan

Lisa has been busy with Roosevelt Youth Medals. All but a couple school presenters are spoken for. Lisa handed out award packages to presenters. Lisa asked about having another JROTC proclamation from the state legislature. It was agreed that the hassle for the Council and the cadets and the benefit to the Council were not worth the time and effort and the process would be tabled.

Military Affairs - Tom Uhl

·  Kathy reported on Tom and her successful meeting with Sr. Chief Bernal of the NOSC. A new commander will take over in June. Possible involvement includes a "Returning Warrior" event and the change of command ceremony. A meeting will be requested with the new commander to continue to build the linkage between GAC and NOSC.

·  Sword for UTROTC will be purchased and receipt sent to LuAnn for reimbursement.

·  *Tim will verify that Tom Uhl will make the presentation on behalf of the Council

·  *Kathy will determine the date of the Returning Warrior event and how GAC might participate


Letter to professional fundraiser

A registered letter was sent to Greg Mills requesting a refund of all monies paid due to his inactivity. The reply card was returned with no signature. A second letter will be send via Fed Ex.

*Kathy will get with Mike Murray (Council JAG) to get it done. (Still outstanding)

Annual Report

Report sent - no changes necessary


·  Newsletter deadline - June 20

·  *Rivercity Sportswear has moved into new space so Kathy will call a meeting to discuss Council "swag"

·  Kathy will be gone from May 15 thru June 25.

·  Jack Mayo talked about the Vietnam Wall event April 22 thru 28. Volunteers still needed to man the wall during its stay. He also mentioned the Vietnam War Summit with a list of distinguished speakers

·  Max questioned about the possibility of having a lunch meeting (membership) at Camp Mabry with a tour of the Military Forces Museum. *He will pursue the idea and get back to everyone.

·  Lisa asked about the possibility of having a Navy League nite at Round Rock Express.

·  *She will check into it and get back at the next meeting.


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Minutes of April 20, 2016 Meeting (* indicated action items)