CHS Board Meeting Minutes

Date of Meeting: 10/27/2017

Location: Perkins Restaurant, Loveland

Board attendance:

Tom Adams

Georgia Aker

Jim Newton

Connie Patton

Mike Walker

Randy Holyfield

Scott Erickson, absent

Brenda Garcia, absent

Meeting Called to Order, 6:40 pm

A quorum is present

Secretary report

Minutes read, approved

These have been previously posted to the website

Treasurer’s report

Net profit of $22,319 from the Symposium

Total checking and savings is $84,175

3 new members, Family Hearing Center

Mike Walker discussed some investment options

Tom gave Mike permission to invest $30,000 in a safe, AAA-rated investment to gain better return

Connie to send Randy the credit card merchant statement for us to shop the rate we are charged for processing credit cards

Treasurer’s Report read, approved

Committee Reports:

Grievance Committee Report: Nothing to report

Government Affairs Report: Sunset review is coming and we will begin a discussion with our lobbyists and IHS government affairs team. We are looking for no major changes but would like to see how to re-incorporate the requirement of CE’s to licensure.

OTC proposed legislation, House Resolution 2430

What is our statute as related to OTC regulation and our inability to restrict governance

What is the future of third party

Continuing Education Report: Nothing to report

What could we do to offer CE’s to audiologists to appeal to them this year when CO AAA doesn’t have a Symposium

Membership Report:

Meet and Greets

Incentive to join if you attend the Symposium

Sticking with the goal of 50 members by the time of the Symposium as the incentive to then hire a PT membership person/Executive Director

President’s Report:

IHS annual meeting

Tom asked Cindy Hoest to go for him, she returned with information and hand-outs along with critical meeting notes of the various presentations.

Tom commented that we could have a more professional looking website for $65/month as produced by IHS and he will contact IHS about the Chapter website

Mike and Connie attended and felt the IHS annual conference was well attended with participants but down for manufacturer presence

Discussion on IHS Fit to Serve and its lack of direction

New Business:

We will re-sign Orf as our lobbyists

Capitol visit

Monika Stanelle MA CRC, Rehab supervisor (Dept of Vocational Rehab)

Jacquline Arcelin, Director of Sttrategic Operations

Ronne Hines, Director

Division of Professions and Occupations


Meeting adjourned, 8:51 pm