Aquatic Science Spineless REVIEW

Give aquatic examples of the following taxa:

  1. Megaloptera – Hellgramites, Alderflies
  2. Odonata – Dragonflies, Damselflies
  3. Diptera – Flies, Mosquitoes
  4. Anisoptera –Dragonflies
  5. Crustacea – Crayfish, Shrimp
  6. Zygoptera - Damselfies
  7. Ephemeroptera - Mayflies
  8. Coleoptera - Beetles
  9. Annelida – Leeches, Earthworms
  10. Hemiptera – Water Bugs
  11. Bivalvia - Clams
  12. Planorbida – Ramshorn Snails
  13. Cnidaria - Hydra
  14. Lepidoptera – Pyralid Moth
  15. Arachnida – Water Spiders, Water Mites
  16. Chordata - Lamprey
  17. Platyhelminthes – Flukes, Planaria
  18. Trichoptera - Caddisflies
  19. Plecoptera - Stoneflies
  20. Porifera - Sponges

21. Why are we spending so much time studying aquatic invertebrates? Give 3 reasons.

a. They form the foundation of an aquatic system’s food chain.

b. They are accurate indicators of an aquatic ecosystem’s health.

c. They have fascinating, complex life cycles.

List 5 aquatic invertebrates you’re likely to pull out of a…

22. Heavily Polluted Stream

a. snails

b. leeches

c. flukes

d. water bugs

e. mosquitoes

23. Very Clean Stream

a. mayflies

b. stoneflies

c. alderfies

d. caddisflies

e. hellgrammites (dobsonflies)

24. Some aquatic insects have very complex, 4-stage life cycles (egg > _larvaepupa > adult). This is known as complete metamorphosis .

25. Give 3 examples of aquatic insects with this life cycle.

a. Pyralid Moth

b. Caddisflies

c. horseflies, mosquitoes, etc.

26. Other insects have simple 3-stage life cycles (egg > nymph > adult). This is known as incomplete metamorphosis .

27. Give 3 examples of aquatic insects with this life cycle.

a. water bugs

b. dragonfly

c. damselfly

28. Here are 3 ways that animals breathe underwater. Give insect examples for each.

a. gills– damselfly, etc.

b. snorkel – water bug

c. scuba tank – water beetle

29. At what life stage are the following animals parasitic?

a. clam - larval

b. mosquito - adult

c. leech – adult

30. How do the following do it? Sexually, Asexually, Hermaphroditically, or Parthenogenetically?

a. horseflies - Sexually

b. daphnia - Parthenogenetically

c. snails - Hermaphroditically

d. hydra - Asexually

31. Left-opening snails are called dextral.

32. Right-opening snails are sinistral

33. While technically vertebrates, lampreys lack several characteristics shared by other fishes. List 3 examples.

a. Gill openings

b. jaws

c. paired fins

34. Draw out a life cycle for the disease Schistosomiasis.

Human > water > snails > water > human

35. Draw larva for horseflies, riffle beetles, whirligig beetles, dragonflies, damselflies, mosquitoes. Consult your flashcards

36. How do dragonfly larvae eat?Predatory – using cranelike mouth.

37. What is a planorbid snail? Ramshorn type shell

38. What is the most important aquatic insect from an economic point of view?
