Fall Semester Final Exam Study Guide
Chapter 1
1. What is the structural and functional unit of living animals?
2. What are tissues?
3. What is an organ? Give a couple of examples of organs.
4. Compare and contrast anatomy and physiology
5. What are the levels of structural organization in order from small to large?
6. Hematopoiesis is a function of which body system?
7. What are the “life functions” of the following systems: integumentary, nervous, muscular, and respiratory?
8. Why are the following survival needs necessary: water, nutrients, body temperature, and atmospheric pressure?
9. What is metabolism?
10. What are the directional terms of the body and what do they refer to.
11. What do negative feedback systems do the original stimulus? Positive feedback mechanisms? Which one is more rare in the body?
12. Describe anatomical position.
13. Given a drawing of the body, be able to identify and describe the following body landmarks:
Abdominal Carpal Oral Sternal
Antecubital Cervical Orbital Tarsal
Axillary Digital Patellar Thoracic
Brachial Femoral Peroneal Otic
Buccal Nasal Pubic Ventral
Deltoid Lumbar Popliteal Sural
Gluteal Occipital Scapular Vertebral
14. What type of section would be used to separate the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity?
15. What are the body cavities and which organ is found in each cavity?
16. Which ventral cavity subdivision does not have any bony protection?
Chapter 3
17. What are the three main regions of the cell from the outside in?
18. What is the genetic material in the resting (non-dividing) cell called?
19. Plasma membranes are composed of a double layer of ______with ______floating throughout.
20. Microvilli are likely to be found in cells specialized for: absorption, contraction, insulation or protection?
21. Describe the major organelles and their function:
22. What organelle is the “demolition crew” of the cell that is capable of removing cell parts and even destroying the whole cell by digestive enzyme action?
23. What organelle is responsible for the power supply (ATP) of the cell?
24. What does it mean to say that the plasma membrane is “selectively permeable”?
25. How are active and passive transport systems the same?
26. Describe the process of diffusion in terms of type of transport (active or passive), what causes the movement (carriers or kinetic energy) and direction of the concentration gradient (up or down).
27. Describe osmosis.
28. Compare and contrast Isotonic, Hypotonic, Hypertonic solutions.
29. Name the two major types of active transport.
30. In what stage of mitosis do the chromosomes line up at the center of the spindle midway between the centrioles?
31. In what stage of mitosis do the centromeres divide and the chromosomes begin to migrate to opposite poles of the nuclear spindle?
32. In addition to replicating itself for cell division, DNA serves as the master blueprint for ______.
33. The synthesis of mRNA is known as ______.
34. What are the nucleotides for DNA?
35. What are the nucleotides for RNA?
36. Be able to transcribe and translate a strand of DNA: TAC, GGC, UGA
37. What are the stages of the cell cycle in order?
38. What are the stages of mitosis in order.
Chapters 4 & 5
39. What is the general function of each of the following tissue types: epithelial, muscle, connective, and nervous?
40. What type of tissue covers body surfaces, lines its cavities, and forms glands?
41. What is the function of adipose tissue?
42. What type of muscle tissue forms the heart?
43. What type of muscle tissue is voluntary and has striations?
44. Where in the body would you find mucous membranes?
45. What type of body membrane lines body cavities that are closed to the exterior?
46. What type of body membrane lines body cavities that are open to the exterior?
47. What are the functions of the skin?
48. What major layer of the skin is made of stratified squamous epithelium?
49. Be able to label the following structures in a skin drawing:
Adipose tissue Epidermis Subcutaneous layer
Arrector pili muscle Hair follicle Sweat gland
Dermis Sebaceous gland
50. What one feature do all the different layers of the epidermis have in common?
51. What is are the layers of the skin and their function?
52. When you scratch your skin, what comes off as white flakes are mostly cells from the stratum _____.
53. What protein is found in large amounts in the stratum corneum, nails, and hair?
54. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light causes the skin to darken by stimulating the production of _____.
55. What are the two major types of glands found in the skin?
56. What do sebaceous glands secrete?
57. Acne is a disorder associated with the inflammation of ______.
58. Why can you cut your hair without feeling pain?
79. What is the structure that contracts to cause goose bumps?
60. What are the two most life-threatening concerns of severe burns?
61. Joe just burned himself on a hot pot. A blister forms and the burn is painful. What degree of burn is it?
62. What is the least malignant and most common type of skin cancer?
63. What is the lunula? Nail matrix, Nail bed?
64. How is epithelial tissue named?
Chapters 6 & 7
65. What are the major functions of the skeletal system?
66. What are the two types of bone tissue?
67. What type of bone has essentially the same width, length, and height?
68. What is the shaft of a long bone called?
69. A young boy fractured his femur in the region of the epiphyseal plate. What would happen in terms of growth?
70. Rickets is due to a deficiency of which vitamin?
71. What kind of fracture is common in children where the bone splinters and the break is incomplete?
72. Describe a compound fracture.
73. What are the major parts of the axial skeleton?
74. Be able to describe where each of the following bones are located and label them on a drawing:
Carpals Humerus Patella Rib
Clavicle Mandible Phalanges (twice) Tarsals
Coxal bone Maxilla Sacrum Tibia
Femur Metacarpals Scapula Ulna
Fibula Metatarsals Sternum Vertebra
Frontal Occipital Radius
75. What is the only freely movable bone of the skull?
76. What is the only bone of the body that does not articulate with any other bone?
77. Since at birth the bones of the cranium have not completed their ossification, there are membranous portions between them called ______.
78. Single vertebrae are separated by ______which cushion the vertebrae and absorb shock.
79. The ribs are attached to the ______vertebrae.
80. What is the proper name for the “breast bone”?
81. What bones make up the pectoral girdle?
82. What is the heaviest, strongest bone of the body?
83. What type of joint permits the greatest degree of movement?
84. In embryos the skeleton is primarily made of ______, but in the adult most of the skeleton is ______.
85. Compare and contrast osteoblast, osteoclast, osteocyte.
86. What are the different types of joint and joint movements?
87. What can cause osteoporosis.
88. What are the parts of the vertebral column.
Chapter 8
89. Compare and contrast characteristics of both cardiac and skeletal muscle?
90. What type of muscle tissue has striations and many flattened nuclei under the plasma membrane in each cell?
91. What is the only muscle type that is nonstriated and involuntary?
92. Where are smooth muscle fibers located?
93. What is the major function of muscle tissue?
94. What is the specific neurotransmitter that stimulates skeletal muscle?
95. What is the energy source directly responsible for muscle fiber contraction?
96. What is a sarcomere? Myofibril? Sarcoplasmic reticulum? A-zone, H-zone, I-band, Actin, Myosin
97. Compare and contrast insertion vs. origin.
98. Describe flexion, extension, adduction, abduction, pronation, supination, plantar flexion, & dorsiflexion
99. What is the bending or movement of a limb towards the midline of the body?
100. What type of muscle is mainly responsible for a particular movement?
101. Which of the following is not a muscle of the head and neck: buccinator, pectoralis major, temporalis, or zygomaticus?
102. What are the muscles of the abdominal girdle?
103. What muscle causes flexion of the forearm?