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MR No.______

Date ______



Name of the Tendered For :

Estimated Amount submitted (in Rs.) :

(As per Annexure-I) A)Total Material Cost.:

& Annexure- II) B)Total Labour Cost:

Name of the Tenderer with Present &

Permanent Address & Contact Phone No.

Present Address :

Permanent Address :

Contact Phone/Mobile No :

Electrical Contractor

License No. & Date:

Details of Enclosures :

1.Signature of the Tenderer




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1)The Tenderer should please note that the work will have to be completed within 45 (forty five) days commencing from the date of issue of work order. They are required to submit the detailed programme of work alongwith the Tender.

2)Tenderers are required to deposit earnest money @ of 1% of the estimated cost by way of Bank Draft/ Banker’s Cheque drawn in favour of ORISSA STATE FINANCIAL CORPORATION payable at Cuttack otherwise their tender will not be considered. The Earnest Money will be refunded to the unsuccessful tenders on application and the same will be retained in case of the successful tenderer and will not carry any interest.

3)The plan and specification for the work can be seen at the office of the OSFC Office Management Section, OMP Square, Cuttack-3 during working days.

4)The Tenderers whose tender is selected for acceptance shall within a period of seven days upon written intimation being given to him of acceptance of his tender make an initial security deposit of 1% of the tendered amount so that the earnest money and initial security deposit will be 2% of the tendered amount and sign the agreement in prescribed format of the Corporation for the fulfillment of the contract in the office of the OSFC, OMP Square, Cuttack-3. This security deposit together with the earnest money shall be retained as security deposit for due fulfillment of the contract. Failure to enter into the required agreement and to make the security deposit as above shall entitleforfeitures of Earnest Money. No tender shall be finally accepted until the required amount of security deposit is deposited.

5)The rates should be quoted in words and figures and the units in word other wise tender will be liable for rejection. The tender shall be written legibly and free from erasures over writings or conversion of figures.

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Correction where unavoidable should be made by scoring out initialing dating and rewriting.

6)The contractor shall submit a certified copy of the valid license issued by the competent authority, Govt. of Orissa for taking up the electrification work, along with the tender paper.

7)The contractor should submit attested true copy of PAN CARD, Last I.T. return, valid VAT clearance certificate, TIN/SRIN number and experience certificate along with the tender paper. Original certificate must be produced at the time of opening of the tender.

8)The contractor should be fully liable to indemnify the Department for payment of any compensation under workmen Compensation Act.VIII 1823 on account of the workmen being employed by him. The full amount of compensation paid will be recovered from the contractor.

9)For the purpose of jurisdiction in the event of dispute if any, contract should be deemed to have entered into with the Corporation and it should be agreed that neither party to the contract nor the agreement will be competent to bring a suit in regard to the matters covered by this contract at any place out side the state of Orissa.

10)After the work is finished all debris are to be removed by the contractor at his own cost.

11)If, any further necessary information is required, the O.M. Section, OSFC, Cuttack will furnish such but it must be clearly understood that the tenders must be received in order and according to instruction.

12)Every Tenderer is expected before quoting his rates to inspect the site of the proposed work.

13)The contractor shall have to furnish a certificate along with tender to the effect that he is not related to any employee of the Corporation.

14)All tenders received will remain valid for a period of 90 day’s from the date of receipt of the tenders and validity of tender can also be extended if agreed to by the contractor and the Corporation.

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15)The Tenderer shall bear the cost of various incidental sundries and contingencies necessitated by the work falling within the category.

16)TDS is applicable as per the norms.

17)The sealed Tender paper alongwith the other requisite shall be dropped in the Tender Box available in the OM Section, OSFC,OMP Square,Cuttack on or before 24.03.2008. The Tender Box shall be closed at sharp 3.00 P.M. on dated 24.03.2008.

18)The Tender paper along with all its enclosures must be signed in full with date by the Contractor. The Tender paper should be filled in all respect by the contractor. Tender received late, incomplete, unsigned will be rejected. Conditional tender paper shall also be rejected.

19)The Contractor shall execute the whole and every part of the work in most substantial and workman like manner and both as regards materials and otherwise in every respect in strict accordance with the specifications.

20)If the contractor or his work people or servant shall break, deface, injure or destroy any part of the building in which they may be working, the contractor shall make the same good at his own expenses or in default the Corporation may cause the same to be made good by other workman and deduct the expenses from his security deposit or final payment.

21)Besides 1% earnest money and 1% initial security deposit already deposited by the Contractor 5% of the gross bill of the contractor shall be retained by the Corporation, till the defect liability period of three months from the date of handing over of work is over in all respect and may be released at the end of the defect liability period of three months of the work that the work is free from any defects.

22)The materials to be used should be reputed brand and ISI specification.

23)In case any inferior quality of work and material utilised is detected within three months from the date of handing over of work the

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contractor shall be responsible for its proper repair at his own cost immediately.

24)Original Money Receipt of the tender paper cost should be accompanied with the tender paper

25)No advance will be given to the tenderer. After completion of 50% (fifty percent)of tender work 40%(forty percent) of the bill amount will be released subject to approval by the Corporation. Balance 60% (sixty percent) will be released after completion of the tender work with retention of 5% (five percent) of the gross bill amount subject to approval by the Corporation.

26)After completion of work the tenderer shall furnish a completion certificate that the work has been completed as per the plan and specification given in the tender call notice.

27)The tenderer should bi-furcate the total tendered amount in the following manner :

In FigureIn words

a)Cost of all materials :Rs.

b)Labour cost:Rs.



(In words)

Signature of the tenderer




Details of the work (Item-wise) to be done with specifications

Item No / Item of works with detail specifications / Quantity / Per unit rate / Total tendered amount
In figures / In words
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

Signature of the tenderer


Bifurcation of the total tendered amount

a)Total Material Cost:

b)Total Labour Cost:

c)Any other cost (If any):


Total Amount:


Signature of the tenderer