Dear Sir/Madame,
Following Sixth Call for Proposals (EACEA/35/12) within TEMPUS IV Programme, University of Economics and Innovation from Lublin (Poland) would like to express interest in participating in various projects within the TEMPUS Programme.
About our University
University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin (WSEI) is a dynamic and modern higher education institution where cutting edge research and scholarship provide a stimulating intellectual environment - the ideal surroundings for learning and scientific research. WSEI is a private higher education institution in Eastern Poland that offers full university degree programmes in a range of academic disciplines, divided into 4 faculties:
Ø Faculty of Economics
Ø Faculty of Transport and Computer Science
Ø Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology
Ø Faculty of Administration
All courses are delivered with the use of the new didactic methods and the access to the latest computer software.
Over the last few years WSEI has played a key role as a leader within the non-state higher education sector in the region. The University maintains close co-operation with many education institutions across Europe, adopting an increasingly international outlook. We have also introduced the ECTS points system to apply the EU standards in terms of recognition of our diploma internationally. With over 9 000 students WSEI provides a wide range of study courses on a fulltime and part-time bases, Courses range from bachelor's degrees to postgraduate level. All programmes are accredited by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and qualified for relevant grants. The University is committed to maintaining a high level of research arising from scientific programmes along with the development of the collaborative links with industry, commerce and also R&D sector on an international level.
Our EU Project Team has an extensive experience in preparing applications, implementing and coordinating projects, which have been selected for funding under the range of EU initiatives. We focus on building bridges between business and academic sector, creating links between work and education through introducing new innovative methods and tools to academic curricula. Research in the University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin is supported by the Centre for Projects and International Cooperation as well as Finance Department, which are both experienced in assisting with the budgetary and management of LLP founded projects. Our university is a lead partner on a number of current and completed projects awarded under the LLP Programme. In the field of the EU funded projects we have an experience with Erasmus (studies, work placements, intensive programmes, multilateral projects), LDV (VETPRO, TOI) and other initiatives on national and international level. We have also acted as experts for other EU projects.
Our key fields of activity:
Ø higher education
Ø vocational and educational training
Ø adult education
Ø lower secondary and secondary schools (education & training programmes)
Ø languages and language learning
Ø ICT based content and services
Ø research in the area of psychology, social policy, labour market
Ø research (transport and IT industry)
We are particularly interested in the following thematic areas:
ü development of academic curricula and transfer of best innovative programmes,
ü joint or dual academic degree programmes
ü ICT and new technologies
ü VET and youth employment
ü recruitment services, career guidance and tracking of students' career paths
ü best practices for LLP
ü internships and work placements for students and graduates.
Within TEMPUS Programme we can provide expertise within:
v Curricular Reform
v Governance Reform
v Higher Education and Society
For further information please visit our website:
Contact person:
Jacek Lis
International project’s assistant
+48 81749 32 39