Asset Health Inc.
Health Management & Consulting
(705) 879-2828
Risk Factor: HEREDITARY / YES / NO / N/A / Don't KnowGenetic predisposition to cancer (any type)
Family history of cancer (any type)
Mother/Sister/Aunt with breast cancer
Relative with ovarian or endometrial cancer
Brother or Father with prostate cancer
Light skinned
*Waist to Hip ratio > .81
*Body mass index > 28
Over weight (> 154 lbs F, > 190 lbs M)
* To calculate your waist to hip ratio and body mass index (BMI) go to:
You have the power to transform your health by changing the factors that influence the behavior of your genes.
Did you know…
Our lifestyle (diet and nutrition, activity level), emotional state, environment all influences the behavior of our genes. Our lifestyle sends molecular messages to our DNA and become genetic switches that turn genes on/off. This on/off switch determines the cell’s behavior towards improved health or disease.
Asset Health Inc.
Health Management & Consulting
(705) 879-2828
Risk Factor: Female/REPRODUCTIVE / Yes / No / N/A / Don’t knowNo children
Children after 30 years of age
No breast feeding
Breast trauma
Breast augmentation
Benign breast disease
High breast density/large breast size
Late age menopause
Late age at first full term pregnancy (30 years)
Early menarche (before age 12yrs.)
Resources: Health Canada, Public Health Agency of Canada,
Canadian Women’s Health Network, Women’s Health
on the meta-analysis of the existing data on early puberty in girls.
-health promotion information
- information on breast augmentation
Asset Health Inc.
Health Management & Consulting
(705) 879-2828
Risk Factor: Hormonal / Yes / No / N/A / Don’t know*Use of Diethylbestos (DES) self or by mother
Synthetic estrogen supplementation
Use of oral contraceptives before age 20 or for more than 5 years before age 35
Low progesterone levels
Increased prolactin levels
Increased testosterone levels
Increased growth hormones
Increased insulin
Unbalanced thyroid, iodine deficiency
Use of fertility drugs
Sleep with light on at night
Unbalanced cortisol
Decreased melatonin levels
Post menopausal and >50lbs overweight
Resources: National Cancer Institute – Characteristics and functions of hormones
Asset Health Inc.
Health Management & Consulting
(705) 879-2828
Risk Factor: Lifestyle & Healthcare / Yes / No / N/A / Don’t knowLack of physical activity/exercise
(Min. 30min., 3x/week)
< 2 bowel movements per week
Use of prescription drugs
Dental problems: (mercury fillings, root canals, chronic infections)
Chronic systemic infections
Immune deficiency, allergies
Underactive thyroid
Smoke cigarettes
Alcohol consumption (>3 drinks/week)
Sleep > 8hrs/night (at least 4-5 days out of the week)
Wear tight fitting bra/underwear/clothes
Mineral & Enzyme deficiency
Parasitic infections
Liver toxicity
Bowel toxicity
(bloating, gas, constipation)
Frequent need of use for antibiotics
Poor lymphatic circulation
(swollen/tender lymph nodes, swelling of tissues)
Work long hours (<40 hrs./wk.)
Asset Health Inc.
Health Management & Consulting
(705) 879-2828
Risk Factor: Diet and Nutrition / Yes / No / N/A / Don’t knowConsume low fiber < 10grams per day
Consume minimal servings of fresh fruits and vegetables daily
High fat consumption >30% total calories
Consume mostly soft drinks, carbonated drinks, juices
Eat meat weekly
Use /consume dairy products
Consume sweets, sugar products
Consume processed/canned foods regularly
Use bread products
Drink coffee <1 cup/day
Use vegetable oils, animal fats, margarine
Eat mostly cooked food
Rely on laxatives regularly
Use plastic food containers/drinking bottles/wraps
Eat out of boredom/sporadically/late at night/on the go
(circle that applies)
Follow a healthy diet regularly
Consume barbequed foods frequently
Feel bloated/gassy after meals frequently
Difficulty tasting food/flavors
Asset Health Inc.
Health Management & Consulting
(705) 879-2828
Risk Factor: Psychological/Emotional / Yes / No / N/A / Don’t knowBecome anxious easily
Difficulty coping with stress/handling stressful events
Deny, bury, repress anger
Ignore own needs
Feel alienated from others
Feel useless, helpless, hopeless
Feel out of control of self and life-path
Have support system I can rely on
Take time for self reflection regularly
Take time out for self daily/regularly
Have effective coping mechanisms
Keep a journal/log book
Engage in social activities/socializing regularly
Have a mental diagnosis/illness
Have attempted suicide in the past/or have frequent suicidal thoughts
Experience (d) hallucinations (auditory/visual)
Inability to relax
Experience poor sleep regularly
Asset Health Inc.
Health Management & Consulting
(705) 879-2828
Risk Factor: Spiritual / Yes / No / N/A / Don’t knowPartake in spiritual counseling as needed
Practice prayer/meditation regularly
Have sense of purpose
Experiencing loss of faith
Have vitality
Presently living the quality of life I want
Surrounded by love/feel loved/feel belonging
Take time to rejuvenate/reconnect with my soul/self
Laugh often
Asset Health Inc.
Health Management & Consulting
(705) 879-2828
Risk Factor: Environmental / Yes / No / N/A / Don’t know*Exposure to radiation (x-ray)
Fly frequently
*Continuous exposure to electricity and electromagnetic fields
Work in an electrical trade
Install/repair telephones
Keep cell phones on person often (pocket/purse)
Sleep within 2’ of electrical devices (alarm clocks/computers)
Sit , 2’ from front ,4 ‘ from sides of computer video display terminals
Use electric blanket
Have worked on a farm
Exposure to pesticides (food, lawn, garden, golf course, public areas)
Live in an industrialized area
Exposure to petrochemicals
Work at gas stations
*Exposure to organochlorines
Use of/exposed to industrial cleaners or chemicals
Live near a hospital incinerator
Live near PVC recycling plants
Asset Health Inc.
Health Management & Consulting
(705) 879-2828
Risk Factor: Environmental continued / Yes / No / N/A / Don’t knowUse plastics
Use chlorine bleach
Live near sewage treatment plant
Drink chlorinated water
Dry clean clothes
Exposure to formaldehyde
electromagnetic field