Minutes of the South Luffenham Annual Parish Council Meeting

held on

9thMay 2018 at the Village Hall South Luffenham

1/18 Open Forum– No residents attended the meeting

2/18 Attendance

Parish Councillors: Chairman Victor Bacon; Colin Wright;Susan Sewell;

Claudia Cockburn;

County Councillor Gale Waller attended the meeting.

3/18 Apologies – Apologies for absence were received from Cllr. Hall and County

Councillor Ken Bool.

4/18 Election Of Officers

Chairman – Cllr Cockburn proposed Cllr. Bacon. Seconded by Cllr. Wright

and carried a majority vote. There being no other nominations, Cllr. Bacon

accepted the Office and duly took the Chair.

Vice-Chairman – Cllr. Cockburn proposed Cllr. Wright. Seconded by Cllr.

Sewelland carried a majority vote. There being no further nominations, Cllr.

Wrightaccepted the role.

5/18 County Councillors Report – Councillor Waller told the meeting there were

no new updates ahead of the presentations and displays being held round the

County during May regarding the St. Georges Barracks Project.

Councillor Wright spoke of the R47 bus still not using the bus stop in the

morning. Councillor Waller said she would inform the bus company.

A request was made to Councillor Waller to make enquiries as to when the

work on the roundabout would begin and when the feasibility studies would be


6/18 Minutes of Last Meeting

The Minutes of the last meeting held on 14thMarch 2018 had been circulated

and with the agreement of all present were signed as a true record.

7/18 Matters Arising:-

a) Community Response Plan – Cllr. Bacon reported the Response Plan

has been updated and filed withEniolaOgundeko, Emergency Planning Officer

for Leicestershire and Rutland.

PC members noted the above.

c) Open Meeting - Cllr Bacon reported the Open Meeting was very well

attended and thatCllr Waller had given an excellent talk on the proposed

St Georges Project. As a result of the meeting, the Parish Council have had

interest from residents in becoming Councillors and the Village Hall Committee

had interest for Trustees and Volunteer help.

It is hoped in the future more village meetings will be held to discuss the plans

for St. George’s Barracks.

d) Village Sign – Due to bad weather the sign has still not be taken down.

A report will made at the next meeting.

PC members noted the above.

8/18 Standing Items:-

a) Finance

(i) Audit for the Year Ended 2017/2018 – The Annual Governance Statement for

2017/18 was read out bythe Chairman and agreed to be an accurate statement

by the PC Members.

(ii) An Internal Audit was carried out by Mr Malcolm Hunt, who also confirmed that the

record presented to him gave an accurate account of the financial dealings of the

Parish Council and he signed the Annual Report ready for Audit by PKF Littlejohn.

Retrospective Approval of Payments

Date / Cheque
Nos. 100 / Payee / Item / Amount
(£) / Budget Head
14/03/18 / 1054 / C. Welch / Tree (NEC)
Accessories / 28.96 / D
06/04/18 / 1055 / NALC &
LRALC / Membership
Subscription / 195.73 / K
06/04/18 / 1056 / V. Bacon / Printing Costs / 21.50 / Q
06/04/18 / 1057 / RCC / Lighting / 297.99 / H
06/04/18 / 1058 / Water Plus / Charges for
Cemetery / 33.49 / O
Water Rates
21/04/18 / 1059 / Barcham Trees / 2 x Water
bags / 45.00 / D
21/04/18 / 1060 / E.ON / Defib Charges / 14..50 / M
21/04/18 / 1061 / Leic. Play
Assoc. / Membership
Subscription / 30.00 / K

Monies In

Date / Payment Method / Received From / Amount (£) / Item
10/04/18 / BACS / RCC / 11,400.00 / Precept

Bank Reconciliation at 9May 18

Balance at Bank: Community Account 3,375.29

Business Saver 16,015.53

Cash in Hand 22.71

Balance 19,390.82

b) Planning Applications (To view the plans go to or

ask Pat Bellamy at

New Plans

Received From / Address / Item
MrJ. Geary / 6 Cutting Lane / 1 Dwelling
MrM. Hawkins / 4 The Street / Extension to stone wall
C.S. Ellis / Wireless Hill / Warehouse
Mr D. Utting-Curtis / 13 Pinfold Close / Amendment/ roof lights

Permissions Granted

Name / Address / Item
Mr J. Geary / 6 Cutting Lane / 1 Dwelling (outline)
Mr D. Utting-Curtis / 13 Pinfold Close / Amendment/Roof lights

Permission Refused

Name / Address / Item

Permission Pending

Name / Address / Item

(c) Highways:

(i) Integrated Capital Transport Scheme – Awaiting progress on the feasibility


(ii) Village Street Survey – Cllr. Bacon conducted a survey of the village streets and

found problems with Pot holes and general state of the roads on: Stamford Road

next to the bus stop on the village side. Pinfold Lane starting from A6121 down to

the river bridge. Top of Hall Lane. The Street on the corner of Hall Lane, Cutting

Lane sunken inspection chamber and Gatehouse Lane pot holes and poor state of


Clerk to report the problems to Highways.

d) Footpaths

Cllr. Cockburn reported there were no problems with any of the footpaths. There is

a problem with the Bridleway E279 as the weather conditions and horses are

making it very muddy. The width of the bridleway looks very narrow.

Clerk to report the matter to Dave Pye at RCC

e) Play-Areas

Cllr. Bacon reported the repairs to the grass area in front of the gates will be

Completed in the next week before the Rospa Inspection. All other safety checks

have been completed.

PC members noted the information.

f) Natural Environment Committee :

A meeting was held on 11th April 2018 to discuss what work would be carried

out during the year. A visit was made by Clive Forty, Trust for Conservation

Volunteers, to discuss the work schedule for the two days in October. It was

suggested that a wide gate and a hand gate be installed to replace the wooden

bars and the missing section of metal railing. The NEC were in favour of this as

it would give better access for future maintenance. Plans to install a duck platform

and shelter were agreed and to install a bench seat down by the well head.

Peter Graham, leader of the Plymouth Brethren Community Volunteers said they

would continue to assist with general maintenance, path clearance and strimming

throughout the year. The next formal meeting will be in November date to be

decided.A full report of the meeting has been published on the Council’s website.

PC members noted the report.

9/18 Data Protection Policies – The new Data Protection Act comes in to law on

25th May 2018. To ensure compliance with the act. The Chairman and Clerk

have completed an audit and prepared Privacy notices for Staff and the General

Public and a Consent Form. These were circulated to all Councillors before the

Meeting. The Government made an amendment to the law stating that smaller

Public Bodies (were not required to appoint a Data Protection Officer)

PC members agreed the policies and formally adopted them.

The papers will be published on the Council’s website.

10/18 Insurance Tenders – Three quotes were received from Came & Company for

renewal of the Councils Insurance. These were from Inspire (Axa) £940.76

Hiscox £1587.22 and Ecclesiastical £1484.09. Came & Company recommend

the Inspire quote on a 3 year fixed price binding contract.

PC members agreed the quote from Inspire.

11/18 Co-option of Councillors –Two residents applied for the vacancies on the

Council. Susan Seed and Tracey Steward. Their application letters were

circulated and all Councillors agreed to their co-option.

Clerk to inform Susan Seed and Tracy Steward of the Councils decision

and arrange for all necessary papers to be signed.

12/18 Correspondence/Meetings

Passed round in folder

Clerks & Councils Direct LRALC Newsletter

Parish Forum Minutes and Meeting Papers Parish Briefing

Rural Community Council Local Boundary Commission

Barrowden + Wakerly Draft Neighbour Hood Plan

Letter of introduction from the new HM Lord-Lieutenant Sarah Furness

Parish Forum meeting – A special meeting is to be held on Tuesday

29th May 2018regarding the St. George’s Barracks Project.

PC members noted the meeting.

An invitation for the Parish Council to join the Rural Community Council.

PC members declined.

13/18 Date of next meeting – Wednesday 4th July 2018

There being no other business the meeting closed at 8.45pm.