Release Notes

Federal Procurement Data System – Next Generation

Service Pack 36.0

For Versions: 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2

BETA Installation Date: April 14, 2006

Production Installation Date: April 28, 2006


Prepared by:

Global Computer Enterprises, Inc.

10780 Parkridge Boulevard, Suite 300

Reston, VA 20191

April 28, 2006

FPDS-NG Version 1.2, Service Pack 36.0 Release Notes

Table of Contents

Section Page

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Overview 1

1.2 Documentation 1

1.3 Impact to Users 1

1.4 Impact to Integrators 1

1.5 FPDS-NG Updates and Notices 1

1.6 Support Line 1

2 Business Functionality Changes 2

3 Bug Fixes Completed 4

4 Report Enhancements 9


FPDS-NG Version 1.2, Service Pack 36.0 Release Notes

1  Introduction

1.1  Overview

This document describes the enhancements and changes made to the FPDS-NG system in the software release for Service Pack 36.0. The Software Problem Report (SPR) tracking number is included for each change.

1.2  Documentation

Changes to documentation required by this version included:

·  XML Specifications – The XML Specifications have not been modified for this service pack.

·  Web Services – Web Services have not been modified for this service pack.

·  Data Dictionary – The Data Dictionary has not been modified for this service pack.

·  NASA Specific Data Dictionary – The NASA Data Dictionary has not been modified for this service pack.

·  Use Case Summary – The Use Case Summary has not been modified for this service pack.

·  Validation Rules – The Validation Rules have been modified for this service pack.

·  Batch Format – The Batch Format document has not been modified for this service pack.

·  Online Help – Online Help has not been modified for this service pack.

·  Computer-Based Training – The Computer-Based Training modules has not been modified for this service pack.

·  Report Manual – The Reports Manual has not been modified for this service pack.

For more information on 1.0, 1.1, or 1.2 version changes, please visit the project website located at

1.3  Impact to Users

The impact to the users is addressed for each change made to the system.

1.4  Impact to Integrators

The impact to the integrators is addressed for each change made to the system.

1.5  FPDS-NG Updates and Notices

All updates and notices are posted to the FPDS-NG website at The most recent updates and anticipated changes are posted at

1.6  Support Line

If you have questions about the FPDS-NG system, please call the FPDS-NG Support Line at (703) 773-4810 or (866) 490-3737. You may fax us at (703) 773-1218 or visit the FPDS-NG website at

2  Business Functionality Changes

SPR Number / Description
FPDSNG-2160,2159,2285,2340,2298 / New Development effort for Purchase Card Processing:
·  Develop Database Services.
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / New schema created for Purchase Card data. Additional Tables created to store the file processing information and Purchase Card data.
SPR Number / Description
FPDSNG-2309 / New Development effort for Purchase Card Processing:
·  Develop Business Services for Purchase Card Processing
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / ·  Additional business services for Purchase Card Processing to validate the bank files and new business rules to validate the data in the bank files.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description
FPDSNG-2308 / New Development effort for Purchase Card Processing:
·  Develop client Processing Services
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / ·  Additional Client Processing Services for Purchase Card Processing to access FTP site, to upload files, to detect file uploads and sending e-mail notifications
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description
FPDSNG-2288,2355 / New Development effort for Purchase Card Processing:
·  GSA SmartPay Unknown Merchant Type Report
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / New Report developed in Informatica and shall be available for Purchase Card Users from FPDS-NG. Report lists all merchants where the Merchant Type is unknown or the For Profit Business Size is unknown. Includes Merchant Name, address, DUNS, Merchant Type, and For Profit Business Size.
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description
FPDSNG-2287 / New Development effort for Purchase Card Processing:
·  GSA SmartPay Large Dollar Volume Vendors Report
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / New Report developed in Informatica and shall be available for Purchase Card Users from FPDS-NG. Report lists all purchase card merchants having total dollar volume (sum of both dollar columns) greater than or equal to $250,000 or $1,000,000, user selectable. It includes merchant name, merchant category code, and total dollars per merchant.
Data Dissemination / No Impact.
SPR Number / Description
FPDSNG-2286 / New Development effort for Purchase Card Processing:
·  GSA SmartPay Purchase Charge Card Statistics Report
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / New Report developed in Informatica and shall be available for Purchase Card Users from FPDS-NG. The Report displays the number of transactions small (<2500) and large transactions (> $2500), dollar amounts, Totals. The government Statistics Report will show the sums mentioned above for the following values:
·  By Bank
·  By Card Brand
·  By State
·  By Country
·  By Merchant Type
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description
FPDSNG-2286 / New Development effort for Purchase Card Processing:
·  GSA SmartPay Summary Error Report
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / No Impact
Reports and Report Services / New Report developed in Informatica and shall be available for Purchase Card Users from FPDS-NG.
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description
FPDSNG-2316,2310 / New Development effort for Purchase Card Processing:
·  Re-Processing of Purchase Card Bank Files
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / Additional Business Services to re-process the replacement files.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact

3  Bug Fixes Completed

SPR Number / Description
FPDSHD-12895 / Problem: When creating a document in FPDS-NG through Business Services the contacting office name does not show up on the document. When using advanced search to locate the document the contracting office name is on the screen while in this window.
Solution: This will be corrected by sending the contracting office name with the correct contracting office agency ID.
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / This will be corrected by sending the contracting office name with the correct contracting office agency ID.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description
FPDSHD-16113 / Problem: There is a problem with user privileges allowing a user without enable privileges to enable users. If a person does not have 'enable' privilege on the user file he should not be able to enable new users.
Solution: The users’ privilege function will be correct so that users who do not have the enable privilege will not be able to activate disabled user IDs.
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / No Impact
Business Services / The users’ privilege function will be correct so that users who do not have the enable privilege will not be able to activate disabled user IDs.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description
FPDSHD-15743 / Problem: Validation Rule 11D02 “Reason Not Awarded to Small Disadvantaged Business must be blank if the Contracting Officer determined that the contractor is a small business and the business type indicates a Disadvantaged Business. This rule is not working properly in FPDS-NG.
Solution: Rule 11D02 implementation was not added. The new error code will be added to initiate the validation error when applicable.
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / Rule 11D02 implementation was not added. The new error code will be added to initiate the validation error when applicable.
Business Services / Rule 11D02 implementation was not added. The new error code will be added to initiate the validation error when applicable.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description
FPDSHD-15604 / Problem: Data Element 11A CO's Determination of Business Size is not transferring from the base IDV to the IDV Mod when the base is updated.
Solution: When Contracting Officer's Business Size Determination is modified on a base, the system should update the modifications as well. This issue is occurring during corrections of modifications.
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / When creating a modification of base documents, the Contracting Officer's Business Size Determination will be pulled form the base document.
Business Services / When creating a modification of base documents, the Contracting Officer's Business Size Determination will be pulled form the base document. .
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description
FPDSNG-2010 / Problem: Each department/agency code has a Start date (the date the code is put in to operation) and End date (the date the code in no longer valid). If a base document with an agency code that has an end date status is modified an error message is displayed stating the value for that agency code is invalid. The result is that mod documents with this issue have failed the validation and approval process.
Solution: On the mod documents, the PIID and PIID agency code are carried over from the base document. In the scenario discussed above, the PIID agency code is disabled. FPDS-NG will not validate the PIID agency ID for modifications when the base contract already exists.
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / FPDS-NG will not validate the PIID agency ID for modifications when the base contract already exists.
Business Services / FPDS-NG will not validate the PIID agency ID for modifications when the base contract already exists.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description
FPDSNG-2246 / Problem: All agencies that report procurement data to FPDS-NG are assigned and identified by an agency code that is unique across the federal government. FPDS-NG allows Users to report new contracts with contracting agency codes other than the agency specified in the User’s profile.
Solution: FPDS-NG will not allow users to create new documents with contracting agency codes that are not the same as the User’s profile. An error message will display and the document will not save in the system. Users will be able to create FPDS-NG documents for any child agencies under that contracting agency code. When an agency ID code is corrected on an existing document if the contracting agency code is changed, system must validate the contracting agency code entered with the agency code in the User’s profile. For new base documents, FPDS-NG will validate the PIID agency ID is consistent with User profile agency code, i.e. PIID agency ID, is in same department as the agency code in the User profile. This will not affect the following functionality.
Ø  Contracting agency ID field must be grayed out after initial save of FPDS-NG document
Ø  On update API, if contracting agency code is changed through Business services, system must strip off new value and retain original value.
Ø  Existing base documents with a disabled agency code will not be affected.
Impact Analysis for Users and Integrators
Batch / No Impact
GUI Interface / FPDS-NG will not allow users to create new documents with contracting agency codes that are not the same as the User’s profile. An error message will display and the document will not save in the system.
Business Services / FPDS-NG will not allow users to create new documents with contracting agency codes that are not the same as the User’s profile. An error message will display and the document will not save in the system.
Reports and Report Services / No Impact
Data Dissemination / No Impact
SPR Number / Description
FPDSHD-11137 / Problem: A Contract Writing System that is using 1.2 in FPDS-NG had the following validation error occur when sending a Delivery Task Order with a referenced IDV that is not a multiple award.
If Type of Set Aside is Small Business Set-Aside, Small Business Set-Aside -- Partial, SDB Set-Aside, HBCU Total, HBCU Partial, Very Small Business, Emerging Small Business, HUBZone Set-Aside or Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Set-Aside then Extent Competed must be "Full and Open Competition after Exclusion of Sources"
The validation error would make sense for an IDV record. If one of the small business set-asides was selected, then the extent competed should be "Full and Open Competition after Exclusion of Sources".
However, this error is occurring on a delivery order under a single award IDV, so the order itself was not competed. The extent competed should be "Non-Competitive Delivery Order", not "Full and Open Competition after Exclusion of Sources".
Solution: GSA has reviewed the issue and has verified that the rule should include Non-Competitive Delivery Order as well.
Rule 10N02 states: If Type of Set Aside is Small Business Set-Aside, Small Business Set-Aside -- Partial, SDB Set-Aside, HBCU Total, HBCU Partial, Very Small Business, Emerging Small Business, HUBZone Set-Aside or Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Set-Aside then Extent Competed must be "Full and Open Competition after Exclusion of Sources"