March 1, 2016

The Greene Township Board of Supervisors met for their regular monthly meeting on the above date at the Municipal Building, with Supervisors Brian Herron, Michael Messner and Merry Smith present, along with 13 visitors, Solicitor Curt W. McMillin and Administrative Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Glenda Short. Chairman Brian Herron called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

PUBLIC COMMENTS ON AGENDA ITEMS-Mr. Orloski from the Beaver State Police was present and asked if he had anything to present. He stated that he was in attendance to see if there were any issues that needed addressed or any concerns that the local residents had. The Board requested that the police patrol through Millcreek Park since there had been several instances of cars in the park after posted hours. Biv Moore requested that they patrol through the restaurant parking lot in the evenings as well.


MINUTES OF the February Board of Supervisor and Workshop meetings were approved. Motioned by Mike Messner, seconded by Merry Smith. MC

TREASURER’S REPORT (no bills presented)-approved. Motioned by Merry Smith, seconded by Mike Messner. MC.

GRANT UPDATES: SHARON ROAD STREAM CROSSING-Supervisors met with the residents of the surrounding properties and received their approval. MILL CREEK PARK RESTROOM PROJECT- There was discussion about whether the contractor or the Township is responsible for securing the bond. No decisions made. JUST TRANSITION FUND GRANT-Glenda read the letter addressed to the Board from the Little Blue Regional Action Group, the Environmental Integrity and Delta Institutes requesting a status report from the Township on any communication with First Energy regarding whether or not FE would be willing to provide matching funds. Rose Marie Kendall mentioned that Delta asked permission, on a recent telephone conference call, to contact the Township’s solicitor to see if they had had any communication with FE’s attorney. Curt McMillian indicated that they would be more than happy to speak with them.

OLD BUSINESS – SHELL SURVEY REQUEST – Curt stated that the permit had been reviewed and it was ok to be signed by the board. Brian made the motion to sign the survey permit, seconded by Maggie Smith. MC. EMA FOR MCCLEARY ROAD has been received and reviewed by the Solicitor. Curt asked that Kim sign and return a copy to their office. INTERGOVERNMENTAL COOPERATION- Maggie has spoken to the Hookstown representative who says they will sign the agreement. Georgetown Boro is not returning phone calls and Curt stated that his efforts to contact their Solicitor have failed since the voice mailbox is full. MARCELLUS SHALE WELL UPDATE – Nothing. EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK – Maggie spoke about the updates that were made to the non-union handbook in order to make them more in line with the union handbook. Brian requested additional time to review the handbook. All agreed. HAY CONTRACT – John and David Hudack requested that some additional language be added to the contract per their attorney’s recommendation. They asked that the spelling of their last name be corrected throughout the document and that more specific details regarding the location and frequency of trimming and cutting of brush be added. Curt recommended that the Board ratify the lease, with those changes to be made to the document by the administrative staff, then the board would sign. After all Supervisors sign, the Hudack’s would be contacted for their signatures. Mike Messner made the motion to accept the crop lease with the above-referenced changes, Maggie Smith seconded the motion. MC. RENTER’S AGREEMENT – Maggie indicated that the agreement expires in June this year and it needs reviewed before then. There was discussion among all board members about having a certified electrician review any electrical work that had been done on the rental property. The lease agreement was reviewed and it was determined that the lessee must be given a 48-hour notice before the inspection could take place. A suggestion was also made to determine what other landlords charge for rental/lease of a house in this area. DENTAL COVERAGE – Once all forms are completed and turned in to the administrative staff, dental coverage can begin. Two forms were still missing as of this meeting. 5-10 YEAR PLAN - There was discussion about the purpose of a 5-10 year plan and how that committee would differ from the Planning Commission. Maggie asked if Rose Marie Kendall would consider being the committee chairperson. Rose said she would consider. A suggestion was made to ask for volunteers for this committee in the next newsletter.

FIRST ENERGY UPDATE – we received multiple letters and reports from First Energy, DEP and CEC. In an effort to minimize the size of the agenda, each piece of correspondence was not itemized. Those items were made available for inspection to the public during and after the meeting on the credenza in the meeting room.


ROADMASTER – Spring clean-up dates will be Saturday, April 16 and Saturday, April 30 this year. The Road Master also mentioned that she witnessed whether trucks traveling on Little Blue Road and questioned whether they had a road bond. Pusateri has been in touch with the office and has already begun the road bond process for that road. They will need an EMA as well. Patching of the roads is ongoing. The fencing at the old dumpster sight has been taken down and work has begun to reinstall it at the new dumpster location. The road crew has been working on the posts for the new signs that will be erected at both entrances of the Municipal Office/Garage drive way. George Conkle requested that some patching to the road be done around the Sportsman’s Club from Lokomski Road.


BUILDING AND GROUNDS – Brian Rutter is doing outside electrical/lighting work around the garage and municipal office. The conduit/meter at the old garage may need some work as well. The records room door at the barn is painted and will soon be installed. The new entry signs will be erected once the 811 dig calls are cleared by service providers. The SSAO may need contacted about the pole at the ball field on Route 168. A proposal to purchase and install a new Day/Night camera to monitor dumpster activity was received by the office from Turnkey Integrated Systems (formerly Dwayne Cooper Enterprises). The proposal was reviewed and discussed. The Board would like to take a look at the cameras used by South Side Garage before making a decision. Mary Kaye Shutt addressed the Board about a concern over where the dumpster attendant will sit to patrol the residents utilizing the dumpster at the new location. There are concerns about whether or not the attendant can see the dumpster effectively through the windows in the meeting room and/or the garage.


CODE ENFORCEMENT – Ailene reported that her zoning enforcement responsibilities with regard to the inspection at the property of Charles Moss are vague. The Solicitor agreed to review the code and respond. The letters to property owners Allison and Morgan are ready and approved for mailing. More complaints were received regarding burning at Behren’s Trailer Court. The witness addressing the concern took pictures and sent them to Ailene. She visited the burn sight and the resident told her they had burned a couch and a table. She told them that burning of residential garbage was not permitted at all and there was to be no burning at all on Sundays. Brian informed Ailene of reports from residents that the Millers from Langham Drive were burning again and hauling in cars again. In addition, more tires were being collected on this property. She was asked to look into it. Brian also informed Ailene that the resident across the road from the Miller’s on Langham Drive had torn down a building part way and wondered if there was a demo permit issued.


VISITORS – Mark Henderson asked if the Township could bring the recycle truck more frequently or provide permanent recycling bins for residents to use.

NEW BUSINESS – Solicitor Mike Jones requested authorization to intervene in the county-wide real estate tax reassessment lawsuit filed by Charles Betters against Beaver County to ensure that the intereste of the residents and businesses in Greene Township are represented, preserved and protected. Motion to accept the Solicitors representation made by Merry Smith and seconded by Mike Messner. MC

ADDITIONAL BUSINESS – Road Master Merry Smith commended the HVFD and Hanover Volunteer Fire Department for quickly responding to a field fire next to her property on Hill Road.

As there was no further business to discuss a motion to adjourn was made at 9:12 pm by Merry Smith, seconded by Mike Messner. MC.

Respectfully submitted,

Glenda G. Short, Assistant Administrative Secretary/Treasurer