Humboldt City Council Meeting

May 20, 2014 @ 7:00 pm

The Humboldt City Council met in regular session on Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at Humboldt City Hall. Mayor Ritchy Griepp called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with the following members present for roll call: Theresa Muth, Adam Lund, Allen Schmeichel and Matthew Sieverding. Amanda Siemonsma was present for city personnel.

A motion was made by Griepp and seconded by Muth to approve the minutes for the regular meeting held on May 12, 2014 and the special session held on May 15, 2014. The motion carried with all members voting aye.

A brief open discussion was held about lending some tables to the Q125 committee for their supper in the park during the celebration.

The second reading for the new ordinance number 4.0314 allowing the sale of alcoholic beverages on Memorial Day. A motion was made by Sieverding and seconded by Schmeichel to approve the new ordinance immediately. The motion carried with all members voting aye.

The new Verizon voice and data tower lease and sketch was reviewed by the council. On a motion by Lund and a second from Griepp, Verizon is approved to move forward with the project.

It was brought to the attention of the council that there are some trees in the community that are in need of some trimming and upkeep. Daryl will start to take care of trees that are within the areas in which the town has jurisdiction. Property owners whom have trees on their property which border a street are still responsible for pruning said trees.

The HCC was a topic of issue. The floors will soon be stripped and waxed. Also, the HVAC units need to be upgraded soon. Siemonsma is going to put in advertising for bids.

The annual appointments were held. Ritchy Griepp was appointed Mayor on a motion by Muth and a second by Sieverding. The motion carried with all members present voting aye and Griepp abstaining. Amanda Siemonsma was appointed the Finance Officer on a motion by Schmeichel and a second from Muth. The motion carried with all members voting aye. Daryl Sieverding was appointed the Utility Manager on a motion made by Schmeichel and a second by Griepp. The motion carried with 4 ayes and one member abstaining. The appointment of a City Attorney was tabled until further research can be done. Reliabank is designated as the financial institution of choice on a motion by Schmeichel and a second from Griepp. The motion carried with Griepp, Muth and Schmeichel voting aye and Sieverding and Lund abstaining. The Hartford Area News was designated as the legal publication of choice by the council with the stipulation that the Humboldt Journal will be used if the subscription levels rise to make the publication legal. The motion carried with all members voting aye.

Department Reports:

Utility Manager – Absent with cause.

Finance Officer – Siemonsma will be completing an application to take part in the West Nile Prevention Funding Opportunity. Sioux Falls will be providing the equipment to trap the mosquitos in order to evaluate the level of risk in the area.

With no further business to discuss, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45pm on a motion by Griepp and a second from Muth.



Amanda Siemonsma

City Finance Officer