PTO Meeting Minutes

September 17, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:02 p.m.

Members and guests present: Ami Muse, Andrea Gabel, Barb Hansen, Billie Scofield, Bronwyn Caster, Christina Roachell, Christine Costello, Debi Steinmetz, Elvie LaSalita, Heidi Brown, Heidi Rogers-Stonebraker, Judy Satchell, Kelly Hanson, Lanell & Matt Smith, Lena Lopez, Lisa O’Carroll, Peggy Zapata, Shayla Patterson, Stacie Higgins, Tamminy Fisk, Tracy Garcia

May 21, 2008 minutes reviewed. Kelly Hanson moved to approve the minutes. Bronwyn Caster seconded the motion. Minutes approved.

Principal’s Report

·  Grandparents’ Day is 9/19 at 2:00. There will be cookies and punch and awards will be given out. They will also get to visit their grandchild’s classroom. The family picnic is that night on the field from 5:30-7:00 and it is bring your own food. Someone asked if the AM Kinder kids get to participate in the event? Tracy said because the PM Kinder kids are in class at that time the AM Kinder kids do not get to participate and haven’t in years past. Tracy said it is something for us to think about for next year.

·  9/24 is GATE night. It is a parent orientation for students that qualified for GATE. GATE testing is done in 3rd grade.

·  The 4th & 5th graders would like special field trips this year. The 4th graders are going to the Star of India and the 5th graders are going to the California Tall Ship. They are looking for ways to fundraise without interfering with the PTO fundraisers. A suggestion was made that the students could sell popcorn on Wednesdays, early release days. The PTO could buy a popcorn machine from Sam’s club for $160 and we could use the popcorn machine at the carnival and teachers could use it to have popcorn parties rather than pizza parties all the time. The students would actually be selling the popcorn with adult supervision. There may be a special BBQ/dinner fundraiser for 4th & 5th graders in the spring. Someone asked if the funds raised will offset the cost for everyone. Barb Hansen said that the funds do offset the cost of the entire trip and if there is money left over then it will help those students that can’t pay their entire portion.

·  Student recognition – students will receive a dog tag which we will call “panther tag”. Each time a student is recognized at flag salute they will receive a new tag for their chain.

President’s Report

·  Last year we were down on fundraisers. Our checkbook is low so be sure to get approval from Lisa or the PTO before making purchases or you may not be reimbursed.

·  Christine Costello attended the PAC meeting for Christina. Christine said that no state budget has been approved yet. The district is doing a needs assessment for a bond initiative. They are assessing who needs what and the bonds would be available in 2010. Only 18% of voters are parents so we need to spread the word. Tracy said she met with architects about Paloma and they suggested removing the portables and building a permanent 2 story building. Because we are a newer school we are towards the lower end of the list. There are several schools that need major updating.

Treasurer’s Report

·  Please review the checkbook handout. We currently have just a little over $11,000 in the PTO account. We are starting this year lower than we did last year.

Teacher’s Report

·  Barb Hansen thanked the PTO for the paper and the Target gift cards.

·  Tamminy Fisk thanked the PTO for the Weekly Readers. She said she didn’t realize how much they cost until she saw the PTO checkbook. Barb said they definitely use the Weekly Readers all year long.

Current Business

·  Anne McDaniel had to step down as Volunteer Coordinator. Heidi Brown has offered to take this position. Bronwyn motioned to approve and Ami Muse seconded the motion. All the board members voted “aye.”

·  We are looking for a volunteer to coordinate the family picnic in June. It only involves creating signs and flyers. Nobody volunteered at this meeting.

·  We are in need of a volunteer to coordinate the Holiday Baskets. There is a collection bin in front of the school. Gabby and Sylvia give us a list of about 25 families that are in need of donations. We assemble the baskets and give them to the students’ teachers for distribution. Shayla Patterson volunteered to coordinate this event.

·  Original Artwork – Heidi Brown said the teachers can spread it out so they can start beginning of February. Flyers will go home February 10th and the artwork will be returned May 5th in time for Mother’s Day. Someone asked if there was a difference in profit between Christmas and spring artwork and Heidi said no.

·  Box Tops – Crystal Prida is under the impression she is still handling Box Tops. Christina Roachell said she would connect with her on this.

·  Paloma Store is the last flag salute of every month.

·  Pledge Drive – we need to decide when to do it. It was suggested to start early and keep it open all year. Ami Muse suggested sending a note home about the Pledge Drive with every fundraiser. Someone suggested mailing a letter to parents in the summer asking for pledges before the school year gets started and they are bombarded with things.

·  Shayla Patterson suggested selling discount cards rather than Entertainment Books this year. Kelly Hanson mentioned that Entertainment Books and gift wrap are both through Sally Foster so we get more money from our sales if we do both. It was then suggested that maybe the 4th and 5th graders sell discount cards for their fundraiser.

·  Yearbook this year will be in color and hardback for just over $14/each. Debi already has some people lined up to help with it throughout the school year.

·  Grandparents Day – Debi needs help with donations of food (grapes, brownies, etc.). 5th graders are serving this year. Debi will be out at the tables at 1:00 on Friday if you want to bring food donations by.

·  Golf Tournament – Thursday, 10/9, at Twin Oaks Valley Golf Course. The cost is $95 and includes dinner. We need sponsors for the raffle and donations for the auction table. Maybe some of the items could be dinner with a teacher. We are looking for big value items for the raffle or auction. If you have someone that can donate, please contact Mia Piro. We also need golfers. There is an updated flyer on the Paloma website and it is downloadable.

·  Gift wrap – starts on Friday, 9/19 and ends on 10/3. We will receive our shipment around 11/3.

Open Discussion:

·  Someone asked how much the hot air balloon cost for flag salute. Tracy said the cost was $250 and will be back at the end of the school year. Teachers will get to pick one student to go in a tethered balloon ride. Also, as each student reaches a continent they will receive a bookmark. When they finish and reach their goal at the end of the school year they will receive a tag for their chain. Kinder will use parent reading logs as a way to reach their reading goals. Tracy & Peggy will go to the Kinder classrooms to do recognition and Panther Way.

·  Sally Foster – teachers receive 50% off catalog items. Heidi Brown mentioned that it would be nice if the salesman for gift wrap didn’t oversell the prizes at flag salute. The kids don’t understand why they receive these small prizes when during flag salute they show the kids big prizes. Christina Roachell said this year they are doing a fashion show instead.

·  Tricycles for Kinder – Ami Muse is looking for someone to repair the trikes. It takes about one week to get them fixed. Andrea volunteered to take the tricycles and will connect with Ami to get the repair shop information.

·  Debi Steinmetz is looking for volunteers for picture day on 10/16 & 10/17. You can work the whole day or half a day. Whoever works gets their pictures for free. If you work half day, you get half your pictures for free. The class pictures will be taken in front of the panther. Instead of the cafeteria, photos will be taken in two different classrooms this year.

·  Someone asked if there will be any after school programs this year like Mad Science? Peggy Zapata said she has received calls from various programs, but she is very selective about who can come on campus and watch our kids. She said she screens them very closely and felt comfortable with Mad Science and Academic Chess. She is also looking into the KidsFit program and a music program. Our current music teacher is doesn’t currently have the liability insurance needed for such a program. Mia Piro mentioned the karate studio that has been here before hadn’t heard back from his emails he sent.

·  Debi reminded everyone to please send flyers to her and Renee for the front bulletin board. Also, all flyers must go through Tracy Garcia first and they need to be in the teachers’ boxes by 10:00a.m. on Wednesday to make it in the Thursday envelopes.

Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Next meeting 10/15 at 6:00p.m.