Ch 26 Sec 1-4 Assignment


Indicate whether the statement is true or false.

____ 1. The murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria led to the outbreak of World War I.

____ 2. After being forced to retreat in the Battle of the Marne, Germans were able to defend their position on the Western Front by digging heavily defended trenches.

____ 3. The Battle of Verdun, the Battle of the Somme, and the Third Battle of Ypres dramatically changed the position of the frontlines.

____ 4. The Fourteen Points included provisions for a reduction of weapons, an affirmation of the right of all people to choose their own governments, and plans to form an organization of the world’s nations to protect one another.

____ 5. Russia joined World War I because of a previous agreement to protect Serbia.

Multiple Choice

Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____ 6. Which of the following best describes Germany’s position for much of the war?

a. / All of Germany’s military efforts were focused on Serbia.
b. / Germany faced war on two fronts.
c. / Germany did not have a military strategy for this war.
d. / Germany was a neutral country.

____ 7. Which of the following was a social change influenced by the war?

a. / The government took permanent control of heavy industry.
b. / Universal public education was implemented.
c. / All men won the right to vote, regardless of race or class.
d. / Public views of what women could do were transformed.

____ 8. Czar Nicholas II welcomed World War I because he

a. / hated the United States and wanted to defeat them.
b. / believed that all ethnic groups should have the right to rule themselves.
c. / hoped a surge of patriotism would overcome domestic problems and unite the country around his leadership.
d. / was a brilliant military commander and led most effectively on the battlefield.

____ 9. Bolshevik opponents came to be called

a. / the Red Army. / c. / Marxists.
b. / Soviets. / d. / the White Army.

____ 10. Which of the following battles signified a turning point in the Allied Powers’ favor in the war?

a. / the Second Battle of the Marne / c. / the Battle of Verdun
b. / the Battle of the Frontiers / d. / the Battle of Caporetto

____ 11. Which of the following is visible in the photo?

a. / zeppelin / c. / tank
b. / gas mask / d. / aircraft

____ 12. The partnership formed between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy in the late 1800s was called the

a. / Triple Entente. / c. / Eastern Block.
b. / Triple Alliance. / d. / Central Powers.

____ 13. Which series of events led to World War I?

a. / Austria took over Bosnia, Serbia declared war on Austria, and Germany declared war on Serbia.
b. / Germany declared war on Serbia, Russia moved to support Serbia, and Great Britain declared war on Russia.
c. / Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia moved to support Serbia, and Germany declared war on Russia.
d. / An Austrian-Hungarian nobleman was assassinated, Germany moved to support Austria, and Great Britain declared war on Germany.

____ 14. On which two fronts did Germany fight during World War I?

a. / Russia to the east and Italy to the south.
b. / France to the west and Belgium to the north.
c. / Russia to the east and France to the west.
d. / Switzerland to the south and Russia to the east.

____ 15. What was the immediate result of trench warfare?

a. / an easy victory for the Allied Powers / c. / fewer casualties on both sides
b. / massive deadlock / d. / an easy victory for the Central Powers

____ 16. Women’s participation in World War I consisted primarily of

a. / entertaining the troops.
b. / fighting on the front line.
c. / assisting on the home front and nursing wounded soldiers.
d. / filling vacated jobs in the service industry.

____ 17. Germany attempted to “bleed France white” in the

a. / Battle of Verdun. / c. / First Battle of Ypres.
b. / Battle of Somme. / d. / Second Battle of the Marne.

____ 18. Which best describes conditions in Russia on the eve of World War I?

a. / Russian nobles wanted to overthrow the czar and claim Russia for themselves.
b. / Russia was a troubled country, with a worsening economy and an ineffective ruler.
c. / Russia had a strong economy, and a recent revolution had put an effective leadership into government.
d. / The provisional government that was put into place after the revolution resisted entering the war.

____ 19. Bolsheviks planned that which of the following groups would lead a revolution and rule Russia?

a. / nobles / c. / socialists
b. / the Whites / d. / the military

____ 20. The Bolsheviks took over the Russian government after

a. / farmers refused to produce crops to sell to the provisional government.
b. / the Red Guards attacked the provisional government.
c. / the Russian army successfully resisted the Central Powers along the Eastern front.
d. / the Black Guard’s military coup.

____ 21. Which of the following countries declared war on Germany in 1914 as part of a military agreement with Great Britain?

a. / Belgium / c. / Japan
b. / the Netherlands / d. / New Zealand

____ 22. How did the Zimmermann Note affect American neutrality?

a. / It led the United States to attack Mexico.
b. / It made American leaders more resolved to safeguard their neutral rights.
c. / It led to strong public support for U.S. entry into the war.
d. / It led the Allies to beg the United States to support their war effort.

____ 23. Allied treaties with the defeated Central Powers accomplished which of the following?

a. / They consolidated Russian ethnic groups into the Soviet Union.
b. / They allowed each nation to rebuild its military forces.
c. / They forced every nation to pay retribution into a world fund for maintaining peace.
d. / They broke apart Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.

____ 24. Following World War I,

a. / the economy of the United States took several years to recover.
b. / Europe lost its role as the dominant economic region of the world.
c. / France’s economy flourished.
d. / European colonies became more loyal to their mother countries.

____ 25. The entry of the United States into World War I

a. / did not effect the war’s outcome.
b. / added hundreds of thousands of troops to the Allied cause.
c. / made German soldiers fight much harder than they had before.
d. / infused much-needed cash into the Allied war effort.


Complete each statement.

26. ______is information designed to influence people’s opinions.

27. ______is the deliberate destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group.

28. A ______war is one in which a society uses all its resources to fight the war.

29. A deadly outbreak of ______that killed perhaps 50 million people or more swept across the globe in the spring of 1918.

30. The ______, or truce, that ended the fighting in World War I was agreed to on November 11, 1918.


Select the letter of the term, person, or place that matches each description. Some answers will not be used.

a. / Nicholas II / j. / poison gas
b. / propaganda / k. / Balfour Declaration
c. / Franz Ferdinand / l. / Titanic
d. / Schlieffen Plan / m. / Battle of the Somme
e. / Vittorio Orlando / n. / Grigory Rasputin
f. / no-man’s-land / o. / Lusitania
g. / Armenian massacre / p. / proletariat
h. / Aleksandr Kerensky / q. / Georges Clemenceau
i. / Woodrow Wilson / r. / Gavrilo Princip

____ 31. German military plan to fight France, then Russia

____ 32. Supported the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine

____ 33. Information designed to influence people’s opinions

____ 34. Industrial workers

____ 35. The last czar of Russia

____ 36. Trusted advisor to Czarina Alexandra

____ 37. A new weapon developed during World War I that was fairly ineffective

____ 38. Area between opposing trenches

____ 39. French leader who wanted to punish Germany

____ 40. Did not gain territory for his nation during the peace talks