Pennsauken Intermediate School Library

Student Acceptable Computer Use Policy (adapted from Board Policy IIBH)


The Pennsauken Intermediate School Library provides access to very large amounts of information through the use of computer equipment, computer services, and the Internet for educational purposes. These technology resources are intended for learning, research, and group projects. This library’s computer facilities feature many databases, libraries, and information sources from all over the world.


·  The library has no control over what is on the Internet; although an Internet filter is used, some sites may contain material not suitable for our students. The library, the Pennsauken Public Schools, and the system administrators do not allow usage of such materials.

·  Students must be supervised when using the Internet.

·  Parents having accounts on the system should monitor home usage of the school district's resources and/or the library’s website.

·  Students knowingly bringing objectionable or inappropriate materials into the library will lose their computer use privileges for a time specified by the librarian and/or administration of the Intermediate School. Additional actions may be take by the Board of Education at the discretion of the system administrators and the Board.

·  All computer users are responsible for their actions, and must adhere to strict guidelines and rules. Students are responsible for any damage done to computers while in use.

·  The library and school district have the right to modify these rules at any time.

·  The "system administrators" referred to herein are staff designated by Pennsauken Public Schools. They are the administrators of the computer facilities and networks and, as such, reserve the right to monitor all activities on network and computer facilities.


·  Delete or change the file or data of another user.

·  Waste computer resources.

·  Change computer settings or add/remove icons, programs, or files.

·  Gain unauthorized access to computer resources.

·  Use another user’s account without permission of both the user and the system administrator.

·  Post or send messages, “chain letters," or "broadcasts."

·  Install, download, or upload any software and/or computer viruses, trojans, worms, etc.

·  Publish any information which violates or infringes upon the rights of any other person.

·  Publish or send any objectionable information inconsistent with the school's code of conduct.

·  Use computers to conduct any business or do any illegal activity.

·  Use any software not already installed by the system administrators.

·  E-mail, chat, or post messages without permission.

·  Give out passwords for online databases or other sites purchased by the library.

·  Vandalize or intentionally damage the system in any way.

·  Play computer games without supervision and permission. Playing online games is not allowed.

·  Print anything without supervision and permission.


Violations of this policy will cause the following disciplinary actions:

·  Warning.

·  Loss of credit for the assignment.

·  Loss of credit for the unit.

·  Loss of privileges to use the Internet.

·  Loss of computer privileges in the Pennsauken School District.

·  Referral to administration for discipline.

·  Referral to law enforcement authorities.