1st Quarter
Mrs. Michelle Lelli
Room 407: 248-299-3798 ext 321
Welcome to Mrs. Lelli’s math classroom. I am so excited to meet you and share my love of mathematics with you. I know we are going to have a great year. To get started, you will find in this document: class supply list, classroom procedures, binder set up information, and grading information. If you do not understand any of this information, please ask sooner rather than later. I want our year to start off on the right foot.
SUPPLIES:Calculator – I recommend the TI-30 Multi-view, (all students need a scientific calculator which means they must have trigonometry functions)
Binder – 1 to 1 ½ inch capacity (a durable or heavy duty is preferred)
5-tab dividers
Compass & protractor
Pencils – ALL MATH HOMEWORK IS DONE IN PENCIL (mechanical pencils are okay,
but NO liquid-lead allowed)
Red Pens – all homework must be checked in red pen
Loose-leaf paper – LOTS
Graph paper – need all year (I will again sell the post-it graph squares, $0.75/pad)
Each day I expect you to come to class prepared. You need to bring your homework, book, binder, and supplies. When the bell rings, you should be in your seat, with your homework and homework log out and ready to check. Please sharpen your pencils when you enter the room, not when I’m teaching.
Each day we will check the previous night’s homework (unless there is a quiz). There will then be a period of time for questions about the homework. Before you ask a question, please make sure you have copied the question correctly from the book, and then look to see if you can identify the mistake. Many times students can see that they’ve made a simple computation mistake and don’t really need to see the entire problem worked out. I don’t mind answering questions, but want to leave as much time as possible after the lesson to begin that nights’ homework.
After homework, a new lesson will be presented and homework assigned. Whatever amount of time that remains in the class is to be spent working on the homework assignment. Wasting this time is NOT an option; trying the first few on your own will really help you know if you understand the new concept, or if you have further questions.
MATH TEXTBOOK/ON-LINE BOOK: You will be expected to keep your math book covered all year. You will also be given a code to activate your on-line book and resources. The on-line book site gives you tons of resources that you can use throughout the year. We will review some of these in class, but I recommend that you visit the site yourself. The personal tutors attached to each lesson have proven themselves to be very useful to students in the past.
MATH BINDERS: You are expected to set up your math binder by Thursday, and bring it to class every day.
There are five tabs, label with: HANDOUTS, NOTES, HOMEWORK, QUIZZES, TESTS
All these items are to be kept in your binder for the entire quarter. Also keep lots of paper and graph paper. At the end of the quarter, there will be a binder quiz. This is where we will check to see if your binder is in order and complete. All sections must be in chronological order, properly labeled, and complete. The homework log is to be in the front. This quiz grade is a great way to average out a poor quiz grade you may have received during the quarter. It should help your grade average; don’t let it hurt your grade. Binder quizzes will be during the last two weeks of the quarter.
HOMEWORK LOGS: You are expected to keep a homework log. This log needs to be filled out completely each day. You need to bring it to every class and have it ready when we are checking homework. Points will be lost if logs are not kept up-to-date each day. Parent signatures will be required randomly throughout the quarter.
CURRICULUM (WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO LEARN): Course 3 concepts will be used to make you successful in algebra one. These foundation concepts are very important. You will cover chapters 1 – 12, with the second half of the book presented in a slightly altered order. Approximately half way through each chapter there will be a chapter quiz, and at the end of the chapter, a test. We will always do the book “Practice Test” as our review for the test. The homework given the day before the test is to STUDY for the test. However, students should really start preparing for a test a few days before, using the odd numbered problems, extra problems from the back of the book, or the website. By breaking up the study time in smaller amounts, you will retain the information better. Use your homework logs to help you focus on the chapter concepts you struggled the most on. I will review studying and test taking strategies in class throughout the year.
GRADING (WEIGHTED AVERAGES): Your math grade is based on weighted averages.
Tests – 40%, Quizzes – 35%, Homework – 25%
Because we use a weighted system, you need to have at least one grade in each category before you have a good idea of the overall class grade. What this means is if you happen to do poorly on the first quiz (but I know you won’t), your grade in PowerSchool won’t look very good. But once you take the test and do awesome on it, your grade goes way up because you’ve completed another category of the total grade.
**Remember HFRS has changed to a 7-pt grading system. See your planner for details.**
NOTES: Notes will be taken every class day. Each day, a clean sheet of paper needs to be headed with the chapter number and lesson number, as well as the date in the top margin. Vocab from the lesson should be written down, as well as all the examples that are done in class. Notes can be taken in pencil or black/blue pen. All notes must be kept in chronological order (ascending or descending) in your math binder. Notes must be legible and complete. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to copy notes from a classmate. Missing notes will impact your binder quiz grade.
HOMEWORK: Homework will be assigned each night, and will be due the following class period. ALL WORK MUST BE SHOWN ON THE HOMEWORK PAPER WITH THE ANSWERS EASILY IDENTIFIED. NO WORK SHOWN WILL RESULT IN ZERO CREDIT. All homework will be checked in red pen. If you are absent, you are to correct your homework with a classmate's or the teacher's answers. You can do this as the start of class, during homework time, or you may come in at recess or before school begins. Corrected work then needs to be turned in to the absent tray on my desk. Homework not corrected will receive no credit. Problems that are incorrect need to be marked wrong and the correct answer is to be written down. The total number wrong must be written at the top of the homework page and a percentage (%) score needs to be written as well. Your homework log sheet also needs to be completed. Homework needs to be properly headed:
HANDOUTS: There will be a number of handouts given throughout the year. These all need to be kept in the handout section. If you lose a handout it can be downloaded from the class web page.
QUIZZES/TESTS:All quizzes and tests for the quarter will be kept in the binder. At the end of the quarter, these will be turned in to Mrs. Lelli.
FINAL EXAM: There will be a final exam covering the entire year’s curriculum. An extensive review packet will be given the week before the exam. The final exam will count as one test grade.
Your signature below, as well as your parents, indicates that you have read this class syllabus. If you have any questions regarding this class please ask me. With us working as a team, we will have an awesome year.
Student SignatureParent Signature
Signatures due by Tuesday, September 5, 2017.