Chrome Plus International Phone: 316-944-3600
3939 W. 29th Street S Fax: 316-944-3602
Wichita Kansas 67217 Web:
Quality Management Survey
The purpose of this survey is to provide information of our company’s Quality Management System. This information will allow you to evaluate our quality system and facility. If you have any questions concerning this survey please contact Chrome Plus International, Inc. (CPI) Quality Department.
Type of business: Processor
Principal products/capabilities: Chemical Processing, NDT, Paint, Shot Peening
Management Officials:
President/CEO: Jorge Della Costa QA Manager: Simone Murphy-Fickenworth
Facility size: 59,000 sq ft. #of Employees: 112 # of QA Employees: 9
Quality System: AS9100 compliance, AC7004 accredited
Quality Management Survey Questions
Quality Management SystemDo you have a formal Quality Management System with written quality procedures, which are consistent with product complexity and quality system requirements? / YES
Is the Quality Management System documented in a manner that will impose applicable regulatory authorities’ requirements? / YES
Are written procedures in place to control all activities affecting product/service quality?
If yes please include a copy of the Table of Contents of the Quality Manual / YES
Are these written procedures periodically reviewed and revised? / YES
Additional Comments:
Management Responsibility
Is responsibility and authority defined and communicated within the organization? / YES
Is a member of Top Management appointed to resolve Quality matters, establish, implement, and report improvements for review? / YES
Does this position have the organizational freedom to do such? / YES
Does management carry out periodic reviews of the Quality Management System? / YES
Are records of Management Reviews maintained, including meeting minutes and action items? / YES
Additional Comments:
Resource Management
Have adequate resources been determined and are they provided to maintain the Quality Management System? / YES
Are adequate resources determined and provided to enhance customer satisfaction by meeting customer requirements? / YES
Are personnel performing work affecting product quality competent based on appropriate education, training, skills and experience? / YES
Are qualifications and training records maintained for personnel? / YES
Additional Comments:
Product Realization
Are documented procedures established and maintained for contract review concessions? / YES
Do the procedures cover amendments, changes and concessions? / YES
Are records maintained of contract review? / YES
Have documented procedures been established to ensure that purchased products and service conform to specified requirements? / YES
Do the purchasing documents clearly describe the requirements and key characteristics? / YES
Are sub-tier suppliers selected on their ability to support product and/or processes to stated requirements? / YES
Is there a process for review and evaluation of the sub-tier supplier performance? / YES
Is there a register of approved sub-tier suppliers that is periodically reviewed and necessary actions are taken if requirements are not met? / YES
Are process controls established, including key characteristics, when identified by the customer, i.e., Statistical Process Control (SPC)? / YES
Are these measurements recorded? (Actual measurement – not pass fail) / YES
Are in-process verification points identified when verification cannot be confirmed at a later stage of production? / YES
Does the production planning process account for the following: / YES
a. Availability of information that describes the characteristics of the product / YES
b. Availability of work instructions. / YES
c. Use of suitable equipment, e.g. mills, jigs, fixtures, tooling, etc. / YES
d. Availability & use of monitoring & measuring devices, e.g., calipers, micrometers, CMM, etc. / YES
e. Implementation of monitoring and measuring devices. / YES
f. Implementation of release, delivery and post delivery activities. / YES
g. Accountability for all product manufacturing, e.g. part quantities, split orders, etc. / YES
h. Evidence that all manufacturing & inspection operations are complete as planned. / YES
i. Provision for prevention, detection, and removal of foreign objects (FOD). / YES
j. Monitoring and control of utilities and suppliers that affect product quality, e.g., water, air, chem., etc. / YES
k. Criteria for workmanship. e.g. written standards, representative samples or illustrations. / YES
Are production operations performed in accordance with approved data – drawings, part lists, work instructions, inspection documents, etc? / YES
Is regulatory authority and/or customer approval obtained prior to implementing any changes? / YES
Are tools, production equipment, and numerical controlled programs validated prior to use. Are they maintained and inspected periodically? / YES
Are processes validated for production and/or services when the resulting output cannot be verified by subsequent monitoring or measurement? / YES
Is care exercised with customer property, are records maintained and if property deemed lost, damaged or unsuitable is it reported to the customer? / YES
Is conformity of product preserved during internal processing thru delivery to customer, e.g. cleaning, FOD control, handling, etc? / YES
Is a documented calibration system in place that meets the requirements of ISO/9001/AS9100? / YES
Are tools and equipment properly identified for calibration status? / YES
Is there a process outlining what action to take to secure any affected product when calibrated equipment is found not to conform to requirements? / YES
Additional Comments:
Measurement, Analysis & Improvement
Is there a process in-place that ensures and monitors that the customer’s requirements are met? / YES
Methods for monitoring and where applicable, measurement to determine the ability of the process to achieve requirements? / YES
Can your system collect & analyze appropriate data to demonstrate: / YES
a. Customer satisfaction? / YES
b. Conformity to product requirements? / YES
c. Characteristics and trends of processes and products? / YES
d. Sub-tier supplier control? / YES
Are internal audits of the Quality Management System performed at planned intervals to determine that it is effectively implemented and maintained? / YES
Do you perform a First Article Inspection on a representative item from the first production run and following any process or configuration change? / YES
Are inspection records maintained that include: / YES
a. Criteria for acceptance and/or rejection, including when applicable the actual variable date? / YES
b. Where in the sequence measurement and testing operations are performed / YES
c. Type of measurement instruments utilized / YES
Do you record actual test results when required by the specification or acceptance test plan? / YES
Are inspection stamps, markings, tags, labels or other suitable means used for identifying the inspection status and conformance to requirements? / YES
Is the identification of inspection and test status maintained to ensure that only conforming goods and services are used? / YES
On nonconforming issues, do you take the following actions: / YES
a. Takes appropriate action to correct nonconforming processes? / YES
b. Evaluates whether nonconforming process resulted in nonconforming product? / YES
c. Identifies and controls nonconforming product? / YES
d. Takes action to eliminate all detected nonconformity? / YES
e. Only authorizes the use, release, or acceptance of nonconforming product under concession by the customer? / YES
f. Only dispositions nonconforming product “Use-As-Is” or “Repair” when authorized by the customer? / YES
g. Re-verification when nonconforming product is corrected? / YES
h. Makes timely notification to customer in the event that nonconforming product is released? / YES
Do you take action to eliminate the cause of nonconformity’s by: / YES
a. Reviewing nonconformity’s and determining their cause? / YES
b. Evaluating the need for action and implementing that action? / YES
c. Flow down corrective action requirements to suppliers? / YES
Is there a process in place that takes action to eliminate the cause of potential nonconformity’s by: / YES
a. Determining potential nonconformity’s and their causes? / YES
b. Evaluating the need for action to prevent occurrences, implementing the action, record results, & review the process? / YES
Additional Comments: