Hyde Heath Pre-School and Daisy Chain

Annual General Meeting

8pm, Friday 9th July 2010


Elaine (Chair) & Trevor Lawson, Sara & Mike Wingrove, Kirsty & Rob Hare, Mark & Mel Walker, Louise (Secretary) & Mark Mandeville, Toni & Murray Chapman, Dan & Elaine Ferguson, Anita & Marc Ben-Nathan, Karen Kay & Ian McIlgorm, Tina & Ben Lear, Helen (Administrator) & Mark Hodgson, Vanessa & Mark Hall, Zitah McMillan-Ward, Abi Binding, Renata Wayre, Simona Matthews, Sarah & Tony Yalden, Jackie & David Payne, Cherie Kernick, Joe O’Dwyer, Lucy Cooper, Linda & Gino Baert, Zoe & Rob Welch, Bob Greenshields, Rachel (Pre-school Supervisor) & John Mistri, Kirsty Harris (Daisy Chain Supervisor), Kim (Pre-school Assistant) & Clive Bunday, Gayle (Deputy Supervisor) & Michael Muriss, Anne Chapman (Deputy Supervisor).


Zoe Allsop, Sally Weatherall, Jo Collins, Puntip Hollier, Siobhan Stone, Melissa Laing, Vikki Cleaver, Ray Challinor (Treasurer).

Chair’s report – Elaine Lawson:

An AGM is a necessary part of being a charity. But it is also an opportunity to celebrate our Pre-school. The last 12 months have seen a number of changes, two keys ones of which are:

Financial review:

·  Last autumn, we were starting to feel the effects of the recession. We conducted a financial review with the aim of ensuring that our charity maintained sustainable financial stability without compromising standards of teaching and care.

·  The financial review indicated that some fundamental changes might be required, including the possibility of redundancy. As soon as redundancy reared its ugly head we were legally obliged to tell staff that it was being actively considered. This was a difficult time for everyone concerned.

·  Indebted to all the staff for their patience and forbearance and to trustees for their support in helping to steer this issue to a successful outcome.

·  Delighted to report that after exploring all the options with the full support of staff and trustees, we were able to avoid any redundancies, whilst ensuring that our charity remains on a firm financial footing.

·  As a result of these efforts, the new Chairman for 2010/2011 will inherit a charity which will be secure for the foreseeable future.

Changes to Pre-school

·  The second major change has been to undertake a complete review of teaching and care in Pre-school in the context of new standards introduced by the government.

·  The funding has been increased to 15 hours per week and is available for every child the term after their third birthday. The fifteen hours can be taken by combining sessions, i.e. a morning and afternoon session, or just mornings or just afternoons, or a combination of both. We have therefore changed the hours from 9-12 and converted Daisy Chain in the afternoons to pre-school from 12-3, giving parents a greater flexibility and more funding for the pre-school.

·  We were supported in this process by Early Years and Childcare Advisors and the Quality Improvements Team at Bucks County Council. Rachel, Kirsty and all the teaching staff have embraced this process.

·  The advice received has led to some fundamental changes to the structure of pre-school which will maximise flexibility and opportunity for parents and ensure that Hyde Heath Pre-school remains at the leading edge of Early Years provision in Bucks.

·  Finally, we have changed the admissions and payments procedures from September 2010, to minimise administrative costs, making the charity more efficient while simplifying procedures for parents and being able to effectively plan staffing levels.

Thank you to the teachers:

·  Rachel, Kirsty, Ann, Gayle and Kim for their commitment, enthusiasm and professionalism

·  They have been successful in creating a wonderful learning environment for our children

·  Activities the children benefit from include cooking, music and movement, PE school trips, Christmas play, sports day

·  Teachers also do a lot of work behind the scenes, often in their own time

·  Parents appreciated having school reports this year

Thank you to the Infant School:

·  Miss Stone: reception class teacher - helped to ensure smooth transition of children into Reception (joint class activities and phonics sessions)

·  Mrs Moulsdale: Infant school Head Teacher for supporting and encouraging links between pre-school and Infants

Thank you to the parents:

·  All parents who support our charity in various ways such as attending events, helping in class, volunteering at fundraising events.

Thank you to the fellow trustees:

·  For support and working together over the year in making key decisions for the benefit of all involved with pre-school

Particular thanks to:

·  Bob Greenshields: former Treasurer, for carefully managing our finances and Ray Challinor who has now taken over the position

·  Louise Mandeville: Secretary - for communicating so effectively with parents

·  Fundraising committee: Kirsty Hare, Sara Wingrove, Louise Mandeville, Zitah Macmillan-Ward, Tina Lear and Mel Walker

·  Anita Cripps: toddler group – now not running but volunteers welcome!

·  Mark Mandeville: producing publicity material, printing and other help

·  Helen Hodgson: Administrator

·  Marc Ben-Nathan: running 100 Club

·  Toni Chapman and Karen Kay: fundraising initiatives such as Curry night, pre-school mugs and apple juice…

·  Cherie: organising Tesco and Sainsbury’s vouchers

·  Trevor: help behind the scenes e.g. designing welcome pack and for general support

The new committee of trustees was announced for 2010/2011 as follows:

Ray Challinor (Treasurer)

Vikki Cleaver

Lucy Cooper

Karen Kay (joint Secretary)

Melissa Laing

Elaine Lawson

Trevor Lawson

Simona Matthews (Chairman)

Sarah Yalden (joint Secretary)

Treasurer’s report – Ray Challinor

Ray sent his apologies. Trevor Lawson ran through the attached report on Ray’s behalf.

Fundraising report – Kirsty Hare

·  We have been very pro-active this year, raising over £3000

·  Thank you to Mark Hall for helping with Race Night

·  Thank you to Ben Lear for sponsoring the Barn Dance

·  Thank you to everybody who has supported the fundraising team over the last few years. Fundraising is fun and you make lots of good friends. Good luck to next year’s team!

Pre-school Supervisor’s report – Rachel Mistri

·  We have opened up Tuesdays to some of the younger children this year and now have 22 children who particularly enjoy cooking on a Tuesday morning!

·  The children have also particularly enjoyed PE with Phil on a Wednesday and Music and Movement on a Friday.

·  This year we have covered many subjects including, Festivals & Celebrations, Night-time, Animals and Journeys.

·  In December the pre-school children visited the Pantomine at the Elgiva which was a great success.

·  At Christmas the children enjoyed their Nativity Play and also the party in the village hall with Mr Marvel & Santa.

·  There have also been trips to Odds Farm and Cassiobury Park and the very well attended Sports day.

·  Many thanks to Cherie for organising the vouchers collected in pre-school. We have been able to purchase from Tesco a “Movement and Dance and Grab & Go kit” and easy grip balls. From Sainsburys we have got a play Cooker (though Anne Chapman would still like a real cooker!), inflatable sea creatures and “soft furry things”!

·  The pre-school staff have remained a dedicated team and will continue to offer a safe, stimulating and enjoyable environment.

·  From September there will be a number of changes. Full-time pre-school care will now be available from 9-3, incorporating a morning and an afternoon session, rather than Daisy Chain. Kirsty Harris will continue as afternoon supervisor.

·  Numbers are on the increase. This year we have had 29 children. We already have 34 on our books for next year.

·  Bucks County Council “Early Years Guidance” team have been very helpful with suggestions as to how things should move forward. The improvements to the Outdoor classroom remain a priority at present.

·  Many thanks to all those who have helped out in so many ways over the past school year.

Daisy Chain Supervisor’s report – Kirsty Harris:

·  This year has been extremely hectic, but good!

·  We have had a lot of new children, particularly this term and they seem to be really enjoying Daisy Chain.

·  At times we have had to rely on parent help and are particularly grateful if those of you who gave their time voluntarily.

·  Thank you to Kim, Gayle, Anne and Rachel for their invaluable support.

2010/2011 Committee:

Next year’s committee were sworn in as per Chair’s report


Karen Kay is organising the pressing and sale of local apple juice and would appreciate some more responses to her emails and flyers. This venture has a huge fundraising potential to kick-start next year!


The staff and out-going committee were presented with gifts as a thank-you for all they have done over the last year.

Treasurer’s Report to the Members of Hyde Heath Community Pre-School Group

May I begin with my apologies for absence on holiday.

Since the 2009 AGM there have been a number of changes with regard to the financial affairs of the Charity.

1.  The Annual Accounts for the year ended 31st May 2009 have been completed and formally examined. In the financial year under review there was a surplus of receipts in excess of payments totaling £2,865. This resulted in total funds of £16,153 as at the 31st May 2009. Acting as I then was as an Independent Examiner I was pleased to sign off such Accounts which were duly lodged with the Charity Commission.

2.  The satisfactory state of the Accounts for the year ended 31st May 2009 owes much to the previous Treasurer, Bob Greenshields with whom I am working with regard to a smooth transition of responsibilities and of course his co Trustees for all their hard work.

3.  It is too soon for the 2010 Accounts to have been completed but I can inform members, that the Charity’s funds are in a very satisfactory state. Whilst I am unable to provide you with the balance of the general fund as at 31st May 2010, I can inform you that the balances at the banks totaled £21,739. This figure does not reflect accruals of income or expenditure but I would not expect there to be any substantial variance once the formal Accounts for the year are finalised. My confidence in this view is supported by noting that the current balances at the banks now totals £28,102. However as with the year end figure, there has to be some caution as regards accruals.

4.  Nevertheless the Charity’s cash position is very healthy and I make no recommendations for any imminent fund raising activities to be organised in support of the Charity.

5.  Other events since last year have included the following items:

a.  a decision has been taken to transfer our bank account from Lloyds to HSBC thereby saving about £150/200 per annum

b.  New arrangements have been made for the independent examination of the Accounts which will save the Charity approximately £1,000 per annum.

c.  A review of the Pre-School/Daisy Chain operations has been completed. The Chairman will provide more details

d.  Revised grant support from Bucks CC, together with a modest revision of charges has enabled us to plan the forthcoming year’s budget with more confidence than for some time.

e.  The budget includes a revision of salaries which if agreed will resolve a number of long standing anomalies. In particular we wish to recognise the important role undertaken by our staff by firstly thanking them for working in recent years without any increases in their basic remuneration. If the budget is approved levels of remuneration will be much more in line with market conditions generally.

6 I am reasonably confident that the finances of the Charity are soundly based and adequate to meet its obligations for the foreseeable future.

Ray Challinor

6th July 2010