Application to Local Authority for Registration of a Quarry under Section 261 of the Planning & Development Act, 2000

Name of owner/operator of quarry (s) ______

Address ______



Telephone ______

Mobile Telephone ______

Email Address ______

If owner/operator is Company:

Name of Company ______

Name of Company Directors ______

Registered Address of Company ______




Companies Office Registration No. ______

Location, townland or postal address

of Quarry concerned ______

Please indicate on an Ordance Survey Map Ref. No. and the Grid Reference where available. A site location map to a scale of not less than 1:2500 would also be attached. The map should indicate (a) the site boundary (outlined in red) and (b) the current workable area (outlined in blue).

Was planning permission granted under Part IV of

the Local Government (Planning & Development) Act 1967? ______

If yes please give the Ref. No. and include a copy ______

Did the quarry commence operation before 01/10/1964______

If Yes please supply any available documentary evidence

Total site area of quarry (hectares) ______

Extraction area of quarry (hectares) ______

Types of materials being extracted ______

Date which quarrying commenced on the land? ______

(If the operation of the quarry was only periodic, please give details of dates of operation, if known)

Quarry operating hours

(i)  Plant operating hours ______

(a)  Weekdays ______

(b)  Saturdays ______

(ii)  Loading/off site haulage hours

(If different from above)

(a)  Weekdays ______

(b)  Saturdays ______

(iii)  Hours outside normal opening hours

required to service exceptional

customer requirements: ______

The traffic generated by the operation of the

quarry? (type and frequency of vehicle

entering and leaving the quarry) ______

Please give details of emissions (noise,

dust, water etc) from the quarry where

measurements are available. ______

Please note that any changes to the particulars noted above must be brought to the attention of Mayo County Council as soon as possible.