GOLD: Guidance for Online Learning Design

Development Process

Overview of the GOLD Program

The goal of the GOLD program is to give faculty a solid start on developing their online or hybrid course within a 16-week development timeframe (see timeline at end of document). We will, at a minimum, help instructors complete a planning matrix, import/modify an introductory module, provide resources (e.g., templates, etc.), train faculty on how to build a learning module, build the course based on the TRACS design document, and review course materials.

Instructional Designer (ID) Responsibilities


§  Manage project (initiate meetings, schedule tasks, track progress, etc.)

§  Consult on and review planning matrix

§  Identify training needs (e.g., Camtasia Relay for mini-lectures)

§  Identify potential special production needs (see Production below under Faculty Responsibilities)


§  Consult on how to develop and review TRACS design document

§  Provide discussion rubric template and link to other example

§  Provide assignment template with headers and guiding questions

§  Import/customize introductory module sections (e.g., Help with Learning Modules, How to Use Forums and Assignments, Using Adobe Connect, etc.)

§  Refer instructors to information/training on Camtasia Relay

§  Offer TRACS training as it relates to online course

§  Provide a syllabus template and assist instructor with completing schedule as needed

§  Create project site and build online TRACS archive course (e.g., Assignments, Forums, Learning Modules, Assessments) based on what’s finalized in the TRACS design document by the 14th week of design. (This assumes that the TRACS site is of average size based on a typical 15-week course schedule and also that ITS development resources are available to create the TRACS site.)

§  Build student perceptions survey in TRACS Assessment based on ID/instructor revisions to questions in survey template

§  Copy project site to create course site. (Course site will be maintained going forward and copied by instructor for use in future semesters. Project site will be retained by instructional designer for backup purposes.)

§  Review built course (If TRACS design document is not complete by the 14th week, we will review TRACS components added by the instructor after the 16-week development timeframe and provide feedback.)


§  Be on call for help with technical issues the first time the course is taught (but we will not actively monitor the course).

§  Provide a field test report with recommendations based on Student Perceptions Survey data and input from the instructor.

Instructional designers will not provide:

§  Detail-level editing

§  Formatting of assignment and other documents

§  Permissions for 3rd party videos

§  Transcripts for video and mini-lectures (faculty can request services from ODS)

Faculty Responsibilities


§  Develop a planning matrix that includes objectives and a top level description of ungraded and graded instructional activities correlated to those objectives


§  Develop a TRACS design document that specifies in detail all aspects of the TRACS course site

§  Provide all content (e.g., lessons including reading materials, assignment instructions, rubrics, assessment questions, etc.)

§  Build at least one representative TRACS Learning Module and, as appropriate, a representative Assessment, Forum, and Assignment. (This may not be necessary if the instructor has successfully completed the Online Course Workshop.)

§  Build any TRACS site components online that are not fully specified in the TRACS design document by the 14th week of development

§  Provide transcripts for any video included in the course

§  Secure permission to use copyrighted materials as needed


§  Refer to the GOLD Course Set Up process here [link to be added]

§  Review student discussion forums for input on course revisions and reflect in field test report

§  Make revisions based on the field test as needed


§  Produce mini-lectures as needed. (If you plan to use Camtasia Relay to record mini lectures, please go to the Camtasia Relay support page at You will need to request an account and then refer to the tutorials on how to use it on your personal or office computer. If you need additional support with Camtasia Relay, please contact .

§  Video production and programming: Given the timeframe, video production and programming are outside the scope of GOLD projects. Discuss any special needs in these areas with your instructional design coach.

Participant Requirements

§  Participants must have successfully completed our Online Course workshop (preferred) or our Technology Integration workshop. (Pending our capacity to serve more instructors, we will consider accepting participants who first agree to complete basic TRACS training and our Online Course workshop if one is scheduled at an appropriate time.)

§  Instructors must have previously taught the course they wish to develop through the GOLD program. The course can be a redesign of an existing hybrid or online course or a conversion of a face-to-face course to a hybrid or online format.

§  The instructor must have finalized the textbook selection for the course.

§  The instructor must be scheduled to teach the course within the year.

§  We will accept participants who meet the requirements above on a first-come first-served basis.

ID Only Notes

§  The ID acts as a consultant/reviewer (GOLD assignments are estimated to require approximately 1/4 of an ID's time during a given semester).

§  After the charter is signed, scan and email the charter to the instructor with a copy to the instructor’s department chair. Suggested language:

[Instructor’s name], attached is a signed copy of the charter with goals, objectives, and milestones for our work this semester on [a hybrid/an online] version of [course name] through ITS’ Guidance for Online Learning Design (GOLD) program.

I am pleased be working with you on this ambitious endeavor!

§  Starting Fall 2011, we will invite graduates of past workshops (since 2009) to participate.

§  Prepare instructor for course launch: Review tasks on GOLD Course Completion Process.

§  We will offer as an incentive a Netbook or an iPad to the project instructor (pending funding).

§  Refer to the meetings notes template for a detailed version of the schedule below.

Model 16-Week Development Schedule

Weeks 1-6 / Develop planning matrix
Weeks 7-9 / Develop content & TRACS Design for 5 modules (or 1/3rd of total modules)
Weeks 10-11 / Develop content & TRACS Design for next 5 modules
Weeks 12-13 / Develop content & TRACS Design for final 5 modules
Week 14 / Catch- up week
Weeks 15-16 / Build Course and develop syllabus

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