Jason William Ricketts

Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences

University of New Mexico

Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131


Dept. of Geological Sciences

University of Texas at El Paso

El Paso, Texas 79968



My main geologic interests involve processes of lithospheric deformation at all scales. Current projects of mine include (1) Understanding the role of low-angle normal faulting within the Rio Grande rift, (2) Characterizing the directions and magnitudes of Quaternary strain in the central Rio Grande rift using extensional veins sets in travertine deposits (3) Low-temperature thermochronology (apatite fission track and (U-Th)/He) techniques to understand the cooling history of rocks associated with major tectonic events, (4) Geologic mapping along the western boundary of the Rio Grande rift, and (5) Denudation history of New Mexico as recorded by travertine deposits and basalt flows.


Ph.D. - University of New Mexico2014

Thesis: Structural evolution of the Rio Grande rift: Synchronous exhumation of rift flanks from 20-10 Ma, embryonic core complexes, and fluid-enhanced Quaternary extension

Advisor: Dr. Karl Karlstrom

GPA: 4.0

M.S. – Geological Sciences, San Diego State University2010

Thesis: Miocene growth of a depression in the Chocolate Mountains anticlinorium recorded by the Bear Canyon conglomerate, SE California

Advisor: Dr. Gary Girty

GPA: 3.9

B.S. – Geological Sciences, emphasis in Geophysics, San Diego State University2008

Minor – Religious Studies, San Diego State University

Thesis: Crustal structure of the Caucasus/Caspian region using gravity and receiver functions

Advisor: Dr. Rob Mellors

Major GPA: 3.79


Teaching Assistant, University of New Mexico2010-2014

EPS 105 (Physical Geology Lab)

EPS 102 (Environmental Science Lab)

EPS 310 (New Mexico Field Geology)

EPS 307 (Structural Geology and Field Methods)

Instructor, University of New MexicoSpring 2013

EPS 307 (Structural Geology)

Teaching Assistant, San Diego State University2009 - 2010

GEOL 100 (Physical Geology Lab)

GEOL 306 (Structural Geology and Field Methods)

GEOL 508 (Advanced Field Camp)

USGS – NAGT Summer InternshipSummer 2009

Worked with USGS (Menlo Park) geologists on the Salton Seismic Imaging Project (SSIP) to constrain basin depth and fault geometry within the Salton Trough for use in earthquake hazards analysis

Supervisor: Dr. Gary Fuis

One of 37 recipients nationwide


Geological Society of America Short Course – “Introduction to the Theory and Methods of (U-Th)/He Thermochronology” (October, 2013).

ExxonMobil Geoscience RecruitingField Course - Guadalupe Mountains (March, 2012)

ExxonMobil Geophysical Short Course: "Multi-Disciplinary Subsurface Integration in Exploration and Production, from Plates to Pores" (November, 2009)

Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) – Applications of gravity, magnetotellurics, resistivity, magnetics, and seismic methods (Summer 2008)


2013University of New Mexico Student Conference Award Program. $600.

2013Bert Kudo Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico.

2012UNM Departmental Award - Fred D. Traughter Memorial Graduate Scholarship. $650.

2012Best Student Talk - New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting

2011Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences Graduate Student Scholarship. $1,200.

2011Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Minority Graduate Scholarship. $38,500.

2011Susan Deese-Roberts Outstanding Teaching Assistant of the Year nominee

2010Outstanding Masters Thesis Presentation

2010Martin van Couvering award – SEPM AAPG Annual Meeting. $180.

2009San Diego State University Geology Fund Scholarship. $2,500.

2007-2008Deans List, San Diego State University


2013When did the mountains rise? Using apatite (U-Th)/He ages to quantify uplift in the Rio Grande rift, New Mexico and Colorado: New Mexico Research Grant, Graduate and Professional Student Association, University of New Mexico: $5,000 awarded.

2013Research, Project, and Travel Grant, Office of Graduate Studies, University of New Mexico: $950 awarded.

2013Graduate and Professional Student Association Student Research Grant: $500 awarded.

2013Joint apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th)/He thermal modeling of the Rio Grande rift: Testing competing models of continuous vs. episodic extension, and delineating the nature of accommodation zones: New Mexico Geological Society Grant-in-Aid scholarship: $2,000 awarded.

2013Quantifying differential uplift associated with the Rio Grande rift utilizing apatite fission track and apatite (U-Th)/He joint thermal modeling techniques: Geological Society of America Student Research Grant: $2,125 awarded.

2012Fault geometry and evolution of low-angle normal fault systems within the Albuquerque Basin, central New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Grants-In-Aid Scholarship. $1,800 awarded.

2011Low and high-angle normal faulting and Laramide structures along the western margin of the Rio Grande rift: Implications for groundwater flow within central New Mexico: USGS EDMAP grant awarded to Karl E. Karlstrom and student Jason Ricketts. $9,500 awarded.

2011Characterization of low-angle normal faulting in the Rio Grande rift, central New Mexico: Geological Society of America Student Research Grant: $2,000 awarded.

2010 Geologic hazards associated with the Rio Grande rift: A field study within the Sierra Ladrones, New Mexico: Graduate Research and Development Grant - University of New Mexico Graduate and Professional Student Association. $5,000 awarded.

2010Research, Project, and Travel grant - Office of Graduate Studies, University of New Mexico. $700 awarded.


Geological Society of America

American Geophysical Union

New Mexico Geological Society


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Channer, M.A., Ricketts, J.W., Zimmerer, M., Heizler, M., and Karlstrom, K.E., Using the longitudinal river profile of the Rio San Jose and 40Ar/39Ar dating of late-Cenozoic basalts to test models for mantle-driven uplift across the Jemez lineament, central New Mexico, submitted to Geosphere.

Crossey, L.J., Karlstrom, K.E., Schmandt, B., Crow, R.S., Colman, D., Cron, B., Takacs-Vesbach, C.D., Dahm, C.M., Northrup, D.E., Hilton, D.R., Ricketts, J.W., and Lowry, A.R., Continental smokers couple mantle degassing and unique microbiology within continents, submitted to Nature.

Ricketts, J.W., Kelley, S.A., Karlstrom, K.E., Schmandt, B., Donahue, M.S., and van Wijk, J.,Synchronous opening of the Rio Grande rift ~20-10 Ma supported by apatite (U-Th)/He and fission-track thermochronology, and evaluation of possible driving mechanisms,submitted to GSA Bulletin.

Ricketts, J.W., Karlstrom, K.E., and Kelley, S.A., Embryonic core complexes in narrow continental rifts: The importance of low-angle normal faults in the Rio Grande rift of central New Mexico, submitted to Geosphere.

Bethel-Thompson, C, Sainsbury, J., Ricketts, J.W., and Girty, G.H., 2014, The Rattlesnake Valley and Oriflamme Canyon plutons: Key temporal markers in the Jurassic and Cretaceous development of the transition zone of the Peninsular Ranges batholith, in Morton, D.M., and Miller, F.K., eds., Peninsular Ranges Batholith, Geological Society of America Memoir 211, p. 609-623, doi: 10.1130/2014.1211(18).

Priewisch, A., Crossey, L.J., Karlstrom, K.E., Polyak, V., Asmerom, Y., Nereson, A., and Ricketts, J.W.,2014, U-series geochronology of large-volume Quaternary travertine deposits of the southeastern Colorado Plateau: Evaluating episodicity and tectonic and paleohydrologic controls: Geosphere, v. 10, doi: 10.1130/GES00946.1.

Karlstrom, K.E., Lee, J., Kelley, S.A., Crow, R.S., Crossey, L.J., Young, R.A., Lazear, G., Beard, L.S., Ricketts, J.W., Fox, M., and Shuster, D.L., 2014, Formation of the Grand Canyon 5 to 6 million years ago through integration of older palaeocanyons: Nature Geoscience, v. 7,p. 239-244, doi: 10.1038/ngeo2065.

Ricketts, J.W., Karlstrom, K.E., Priewisch, A., Crossey, L.J., Polyak, V.J., and Asmerom, Y., 2014, Quaternary extension in the Rio Grande rift at elevated strain rates recorded in travertine deposits, central New Mexico: Lithosphere, v. 6, p. 3-16, doi: 10.1130/L278.1.

Karlstrom, K.E., Lee, J., Kelley, S.A., Crow, R., Young, R.A., Lucchitta, I., Beard, L.S., Dorsey, R., Ricketts, J.W., Dickinson, W.R., and Crossey, L.C., 2013, Arguments for a young Grand Canyon: Technical comment: Science, doi:10.1126/science.1229390.

Kolomaznik, M., Ricketts, J.W., Priewisch, A., Crossey, L.J., Karlstrom, K.E., Asmerom, Y., and Polyak, V., 2013, U-series dating and stable isotope analysis of Quaternary travertines with implications for incision rates in western Rio Grande rift, Carrizo Arroyo, New Mexico, in Zeigler, K., Timmons, M.J., Timmons, S., and Semken, S., eds., Geology of Route 66 Region: Flagstaff to Grants: New Mexico Geological Society, Guidebook 64, p. 199-204.

Girty, G.H., Muela, K.K., Olson, H., Sutton, L., Biggs, M., Sainsbury, J., Ricketts, J.W., Errthum, R., Colby, T.A., Carrasco, T., Gordon, E., and Pelbath, T., 2012, Toward a unified model for the geologic and tectonic history of the region between Indian Pass and Picacho State Recreation Area, southeastern California, in Wirths, T.A., ed., Picacho and the Cargo Muchachos: Gold, guns, and geology of eastern Imperial County, California, San Diego Association of Geologists, San Diego, CA. p. 53-86.

Ricketts, J.W., Girty, G.H., Sainsbury, J.S., Muela, K.K., Sutton, L.A., Biggs, M.A., and Voyles, E.M., 2011, Episodic growth of the Chocolate Mountains anticlinorium recorded by the Neogene Bear Canyon conglomerate, southeastern California, U.S.A.: Journal of Sedimentary Research, v. 81, p. 859-873.


Ricketts, J.W., and Karlstrom, K.E., 2014, Geologic Map of the South Garcia SE 7.5-Minute Quadrangle, Valencia County, New Mexico: New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources, Open-file Geologic Map 246, scale 1:24,000.


Ricketts, J.W., Kelley, S.A., Karlstrom, K.E., Donahue, M.S., and van Wijk, J., 2014, Abrupt opening of the Rio Grande rift ~20-10 Ma due to fragmentation of the Farallon slab: Evidence from apatite (U-Th)/He and fission track thermochronology: New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting, p. 53.

Channer, M., Ricketts, J.W., Zimmerer, M., Heizler, M., and Karlstrom, K., 2014, Using the longitudinal river profile of the Rio San Jose and 40Ar/39Ar dating of late-Cenozoic basalts to test models for mantle-driven uplift across the Jemez lineament, New Mexico: New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting, p. 20.

Ricketts, J.W., Karlstrom, K.E., and Kelley, S.A., 2013, Updated models on the evolution of the Rio Grande rift: Embryonic core complexes, fluid-enhanced Quaternary extension, and apatite (U-Th)/He constraints for large-magnitude 18-15 Ma fault slip, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, no. 7, p. 444.

Donahue, M., Karlstrom, K.E., Kelley, S.A., and Ricketts, J.W., 2013, Multi-stage uplift of the Rocky Mountains: Using thermochronology data to unravel mechanisms and discrete episodes of uplift and intervening tectonic quiescence, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, no. 7, p. 635.

Karlstrom, K.E., Lee, J.P., Kelley, S.A., Crow, R.S., Crossey, L.J., Young, R.A., Lazear, G., Beard, S.L., and Ricketts, J.W., 2013, A paleocanyon solution for the integration and carving of the 5-6 Ma Grand Canyon, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 45, no. 7, p. 483.

Jimenez, G., Crossey, L.J., Karlstrom, K.E., Ricketts, J.W, Tafoya, A.J., Anan, T., Mohammed, A, Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V., and Farouk, S., 2012, Reconstructing Quaternary pluvial episodes and paleohydrology using travertines from Egypt’s Western Desert, Abstract PP31C-2059 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec.

Ricketts, J.W., Karlstrom, K.E., Read, A.S., Van Hart, D., and Kelley, S.A., 2012, Revisiting the importance of low-angle normal faulting in the Rio Grande rift, central New Mexico, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, no. 6, p. 28.

Kolomaznik, M., Ricketts, J.W., Crossey, L.J., Karlstrom, K.E., Polyak, V.J., Asmerom, Y., Priewisch, A., and Burkett, C., 2012, U-series dating and stable isotope analysis of Quaternary travertines with implications for incision rates in western Rio Grande rift, Carrizo Arroyo, New Mexico, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, no. 6, p. 74.

Burkett, C., Wortman, R., Ricketts, J.W., Nereson, A., and Karlstrom, K.E., 2012, Landscape denudation along the western edge of the Rio Grande rift using basalt paleosurfaces, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, no. 6, p. 75.

Mohammed, A., Crossey, L.J., Karlstrom, K.E., Kehew, A.E., Tafoya, A.J., Jimenez, G., Ricketts, J.W, Anan, T., and Krishnamurthy, R.V., 2012, Hydrochemical characteristics and potential tectonic influences on groundwater quality of the continental-scale Nubian sandstone aquifer system (NSAS), Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, no. 6, p. 67.

Jimenez, G., Crossey, L.J., Karlstrom, K.E., Ricketts, J.W, Tafoya, A.J., Anan, T., and Mohammed, A., 2012, Reconstructing Quaternary pluvial episodes using travertines of Egypt’s Western Desert, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, no. 6, p. 33.

Priewisch, A., Crossey, L.J., Embid, E.H., Karlstrom, K.E., Polyak, V.J., Asmerom, Y., Ricketts, J.W, and Nereson, A., 2012, Large-volume Quaternary travertine deposits in the Rio Grande rift and Jemez lineament, New Mexico and Arizona: Implications for paleoclimate, landscape evolution, and neotectonics, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 44, no. 6, p. 33.

Ricketts, J.W., Priewisch, A., Kolomaznik, M., and Karlstrom, K.E., 2012, Calcite-filled fractures in travertine used to constrain the timing and orientation of Quaternary extension along the western margin of the Rio Grande rift, central New Mexico, New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting, p. 36.

Priewisch, A., Crossey, L.J., Embid, E., Karlstrom, K.E., Polyak, V., Asmerom, Y., Ricketts, J.W., and Nereson, A., 2012, Large-volume Quaternary travertine deposits in the Rio Grande rift and Jemez lineament, New Mexico and Arizona: Implications for paleoclimate, landscape evolution, and neotectonics, New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting, p. 34.

Jimenez, G., Crossey, L.J., Karlstrom, K.E., Ricketts, J.W., Tafoya, A.J., Anan, T., and Mohammed, A., 2012, Reconstructing Quaternary pluvial episodes using travertines of Egypt's Western Desert, New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting, p. 17.

Ricketts, J.W., Karlstrom, K.E., Kelley, S., Priewisch, A., Crossey, L., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V., and Selmi, M, 2011, Deciphering past and present tectonics of the Rio Grande rift in New Mexico utilizing apatite fission track thermochronology, geochronology, Quaternary faulting, and cross-section restoration, Abstract T21A-2312 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.

Priewisch, A., Crossey, L.J., Embid, E., Karlstrom, K.E., Polyak, P., Asmerom, Y., and Ricketts, J.W., 2011, A record of more than 500,000 years of large-volume travertine formation in the southwestern United States and links between paleohydrology, paleoclimate, and landscape evolution, Abstract PP31C-1897 presented at 2011 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 5-9 Dec.

Donahue, M. S., Ricketts, J., Nereson, A., Kelley, S., Karlstrom, K., Crow, R., and Gonzales, D., 2011, Testing a hypothesis for multistage uplift of the Rockies using thermochronology and detrital zircon data: Laramide reverse faulting, long wavelength Oligocene uplift, and shorter wavelength Neogene differential uplift: New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting, p. 21.

Priewisch, A., Crossey, L. J., Embid, E., Karlstrom, K. E., Polyak, V., Asmerom, Y., and Ricketts, J., 2011, Geochronology, geochemistry and tectonic occurrence of large travertine deposits in New Mexico and Arizona: New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting, p. 52.

Ricketts, J. W., Karlstrom, K. E., Kelley, S. A., and Read, A. S., 2011, Cross-section restoration from Ladron Peak to the Joyita Hills and investigations of the timing and mechanisms of low-angle normal faulting in the Rio Grande rift: New Mexico Geological Society Spring Meeting, p. 56.

Ricketts, J. W., Kelley, S. A., Read, A. S., and Karlstrom, K. E., 2010, 20 – 10 Ma rapid exhumation and ductile low-angle normal faulting in the Rio Grande rift, recorded at Ladron Peak, central New Mexico, Abstract T31B-2167 presented at 2010 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 13-17 Dec.

Bethel-Thompson, C.E.M, Sainsbury, J.S., Ricketts, J.W., Girty, G.H., and Kimbrough, D. L., 2010, Structural history of a segment of the Peninsular Ranges batholith (PRB), southern California: new evidence for pre-130 Ma and post- to syn-116 Ma deformation; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, p. 108.

Ricketts, J.W., Voyles, E.M., Sainsbury, J.S., Sutton, L.A., and Girty, G.H., 2010, Middle-Late Miocene growth of a depression in the Chocolate Mountains anticlinorium, as recorded by the Bear Canyon conglomerate, SE California; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, p. 68.

Sainsbury, J.S., Ricketts, J.W., Muela, K.K., and Girty, G.H., 2010, The Chocolate Mountains anticlinorium: Miocene-growth and re-activation recorded in volcanics and alluvial gravels, Indian Pass to Carrizo Wash, SE California; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, p. 69.

Sutton, L.A., Ricketts, J.W., Sainsbury, J.S., Gordon, E.M., Hasten, Z.E.L., and Girty, G.H., 2010, The Copper Basin fault, a newly defined regional reverse fault in the lower Colorado River region, SE California: implications for the initiation of the ECSZ; Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 42, p. 108.

Murphy, J. M., Rymer, M. J., Fuis, G. S., Stock, J. M., Goldman, M. R., Sickler, R. R., Miller, S. A., Criley, C. J., Ricketts, J. W., and Hole, J. A., 2009, Calibration shots recorded for the Salton Seismic Imaging Project, Salton Trough, California, SCEC annual meeting poster 2-028.

Ricketts, J. W., Sainsbury, J. J., Muela, K. K., and Girty, G. H., 2009, Preliminary report on new evidence for the Late Miocene growth of a segment of the Chocolate Mountains anticlinorium, SE California, Pacific Section AAPG – SEPM – SEG Ventura Convention.

Ricketts, J. W., Takedatsu, R., and Mellors, R., 2008, Crustal structure of the Caucasus-Caspian region using gravity and receiver functions, Eos Trans. AGU, 89(53), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract T21A-1922