GM food can help ease hunger
· Gustav Nossal
· June 23, 2008
CHAIRING the Victorian Government's review of the moratorium on genetically modified canola proved a challenging task. It was also a heartening exercise in democracy at work. The panel received 248 substantive submissions from the public as well as 1177 that were essentially form letters. Further, 36 groups were invited to meet the panel to discuss their views.
Those who wished the moratorium to continue gave essentially five groups of reasons:
■Genetic engineering is somehow against nature or God's plan.
■GM foods might pose health or environmental risks, hazards that had not been properly investigated.
■GM foods gave too much power to a small group of multinational corporations.
■Growth of GMOs might imperil Australia's clean, green image by, for example, damaging the business of organic farmers.
■Farmers might be forgoing a price premium that GM canola could command in export markets.
Those who argued for a suspension of the moratorium reasoned along four lines.
■They wanted growers to have choice. In fact, 29 organisations participating in the grain supply chain signed a Single Vision Statement favouring the marketing of both GM and non-GM canola, so that those growers who wished to take advantage of the yield improvements and of the environmental benefits of the biodegradable herbicides used with GM canola (rather than the toxic, non-biodegradable triazines for conventional canola) could do so.
■The industry was convinced it had the capacity to maintain segregation of GM from non-GM grain right across the supply chain.
■The financial benefits to Victoria were seen as $170-$180 million to 2016, and $29 million a year thereafter.
■Submissions argued forcefully about the downstream effects of continuing the moratorium.
A rejection of the GM approach would imperil research on many new traits more exciting than glyphosate or glufosinate resistance.
To mention just a few, current research is directed towards drought-resistant wheat, virus-resistant white clover, allergen-free rye grass, frost-resistant horticultural products and bananas resistant to soil pests.
Furthermore, banning the industry's most powerful research tool was seen as having a devastating effect on corporate investment and a demoralising influence on prospective agriculture students and their teachers. One university authority claimed that five more years of moratorium would effectively destroy agricultural innovation in Victoria.
After six months of meetings, extensive reading, interviewing of experts and robust discussion, our panel was unanimous in recommending a lifting of the moratorium. We urged that the market should be allowed to work, that growers should be given choice, that industry self-regulation was to be encouraged and that the Government
should work with the organics sector to identify barriers to and opportunities for growth.
It is worthwhile remembering that GM methods of improving agricultural traits build on about 6000 years of conventional plant breeding to improve food crops. It substitutes high-tech ways of introducing desirable traits for the Darwinian process of random mutation and selection.
One slightly amusing aspect is that in conventional plant breeding programs, the process of mutation is often speeded up by irradiation. If there are fears of unwanted, unpredicted and undesirable side effects, how much more would these be apparent in the totally random process of mutation that irradiation accelerates.
Critics of GM foods often forget that between the first insertion of some new, desirable trait and the commercial release of the relevant GM crop, there is a process of at least a decade of applied research and development. This is precisely because it is important to remove the risk of some unpredicted undesirable trait in the plant involved. The quickest way for the much-maligned multinational to go broke would be to release a plant variety that did harm instead of good.
The present debate about GM foods is like that about GM pharmaceuticals in the 1980s. At that time, fears of GM ran so high that, at one stage, the mayor of Cambridge, Massachusetts, threatened to shut down all the laboratories of Harvard University that were conducting genetic engineering research.
Who now worries about the pharmaceuticals that resulted from GM processes: interferons to fight virus infections, some cancers and multiple sclerosis; the hugely effective vaccines against hepatitis B and the human papillomavirus — the first anti-cancer vaccines in history; erythropoietin to revolutionise quality of life in the chronic kidney disease patient; G-CSF, the unique Australian invention to help restore the white cell count after cancer chemotherapy or bone marrow transplantation?
All the merchants of doom about GM pharmaceuticals have long since been silenced. Thus it will be with GM foods.
My chief reason for engaging in this debate concerns the Third World. While there is little calorie malnutrition except in areas of disaster or conflict, there is still malnutrition in quality of food. This involves content of protein and essential amino acids as well as micronutrients such as vitamin A, iron and iodine. GM technology offers the hope of devising staple crops richer in these essential constituents. Ought we to constrain the research that brings these about? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, for one, thinks not. And Monsanto believes that GM technology offers the hope of doubled crop yields per hectare of arable land. A hungry world needs such research.
Sir Gustav Nossal is professor emeritus at the University of Melbourne. As 2008 Medallist of the Australian Society of Medical Research, he canvassed these issues at the National Press Club.