Role: Watch Manager: Contingencies & Planning Officer
Grade: Watch Manager B +7% (On Call WM)
Applications are invited for the role of Watch Manager: Contingencies & Planning Officer based at Service Headquarters, Northallerton. The contract of employment will require you to work in any post appropriate to your role at such other place of employment in the Authority’s services as may be required.
The starting salary will be £33,905 per annum which is Watch Manager (development) rate of pay. If the appointed employee is already, or has been, deemed a competent Watch Manager then the starting salary will be £37,112.00 per annum.
The post is conditioned to the On Call duty system, in accordance with a local negotiated agreement with Representative Bodies. A 7% pensionable allowance is payable for the on-call element and flexible working requirement.
Applicants should meet the following essential criteria:
- Substantive in the role of Crew Manager or Watch Manager;
- In date for all operational training in line with your current service training policy;
- Have a satisfactory Personal Development Review, Appraisal or equivalent within the last 12 months;
- Not be in possession of any formal disciplinary sanctions at the point of application;
- Not be subject to any informal or formal development plans within current role at point of application;
- Acceptable references received from current Fire and Rescue Service;
- Be medically fit to undertake the role of operational Watch Manager;
- Hold a full UK driving licence;
- Align to the Services corporate values (PROTECT);
- Willing to undertake an Enhanced Disclosure check.
Individuals wishing to submit a formal application for consideration will need to complete the expression of interest form on the NYFRS website and submit by noon on Wednesday 31st January 2018via email to quoting Watch Manager Contingencies and Planning Recruitment in the subject heading.
Watch Manager Contingencies & Planning Officer
Application Form
TELEPHONE NO: Mobile: Day: Evening:
Correspondence regarding the progress of your application will be sent by email (e.g. invite to interview). Please confirm your preferred email address to be used for this purpose.
Email address:
Do you require a work permit? YES/NO If Yes, when is it due to expire?
Are you related to, or in a close personal relationship with a member of NYF&RS? YES/NO
Are you a holder of any Senior Office in NYF&RS Authority? YES/NO
If you answered yes to either of the questions please give details here:
Where did you see this vacancy advertised?
You are required to declare any convictions for offences that are not spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act1974. These should include offences dealt with by a court of law, HM Services disciplinary procedures and any driving offences. This will be checked before any offer of employment is made.
Do you have any criminal convictions, which are not yet spent under the Rehabilation of Offenders Act 1974? If so, please detail below:
Date of conviction:
Judgement and sentence:
Give details of any charges pending:
Do you have any disability or medical condition which might require special arrangements to be made at interview and/or to the working environment? YES/NO
If yes, please provide details:
Please provide two references – one of the references must be your current FRS Line Manager
Tick of you do not wish this person
to be contacted prior to interview / Tick of you do not wish this person
to be contacted prior to interview
Notice Period in current role
Employment History
Date / Post Held
Education and Professional Qualifications
Date / Details
Supporting Statement
Please provide a statement below in support of your application against each of the questions. Your statement should be no more than 250 words per question. Please provide a word count at the end of each section.
Q1 Problem Solving – Provide an example of when you have gathered information and developed options to resolve a problem which has a level of complexity.
Q2Planning and Implementing - Provide an example of when you have created and implemented a project related plan.
Q3 Openness to change - Provide an example of when you have proactively supported and implemented a change initiative.
Q4 Confidence and Resilience – Provide an example of a situation when you have needed to challenge an opinion/decision/thought process to support the delivery of your objectives.
Total Number of Words:
I, the applicant, sign below to indicate that I have completed the application form and that the evidence provided is true, accurate and correct.
Applicant Signature: ………………………………………..Date: …………………
In compliance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act (DPA), we are required to inform you that in addition to the information that you supply us on this form we shall also collect hold and appraise information on individual candidates' performance at each stage of the recruitment process, includinginformation we gain from your selected referees. This is for the sole purpose of conducting the selection and recruitment process.
This includes the processing of sensitive data for the purposes of monitoring the Service’s commitment to the promotion of equality of opportunity and meeting its employment law obligations.
This information will be kept for the duration of the process and for no longer than is necessary. It will be destroyed in line with our retention schedule timescales. Should you be employed this information will be kept for the duration of your employment, on your personal record file (PRF) and for a period of time, according to the retention schedule.
We promise to treat your personal data with care and adopt organisational and technical measures to ensure that access will be restricted solely to those in the organisation with a need to see it for the purpose of the selection process and where applicable employment purposes, in accordance with the data protection principles in the DPA.
You also have the right to request sight of the information that we are holding on you at any time.
I confirm that I have read the Data Protection statement and to the best of my knowledge the information I have provided on the application form is true, accurate and correct.
Closing date for applications: Noon on Wednesday, 31st January 2018
Late applications will not be considered in this recruitment process
Role Profile
Role TitleStation
Name / Contingencies & Planning Officer
Reporting To
Responsible ForRole/Grade
F/S Number / Operational Policy & Response Manager
Watch Manager B
Overall Purpose of Role / To ensure that NYFRS is able to provide and maintain a resilient response in the event of catastrophic events which affect either the Service or the community at large.
To contribute to the provision of operational policy procedure and risk assessment.
Lead the work of teams and individuals
Maintain activities to meet requirements
Manage information for action
Take responsibility for effective performance
Support the development of teams and individuals
Investigate and report on events to inform future practice
Lead and support people to resolve operational incidents
Support the efficient use of resources
Acquire, store and issue resources to provide service
Respond to poor performance in your team
Assess candidate using a range of methods / WM1
- Deputise to the SM Operational Policy and Response Manager to a level that is commensurate with the role of the post and to deputise for the WM Operational Resource & Equipment Officer where required
- To assist in the development general risk assessments and SOPs within the R&R section
- To assist in the development of operational procedures/plans for special events at local and regional level
- To inform the Service & other agencies on the current and future National Asset equipment & procedures
- To act as the internal point of contact for issues relating to all National Assets within the Service
- To act as the single point of contact for the Service with the national Asset Assurance Team
- To represent NYFRS at a regional level for ongoing National Asset issues as directed by the Response and Resilience Manager
- To coordinate the introduction and maintenance of new National Assets into the Service, including training, development of SOP, RAs and mobilising procedures.
- To ensure that the security and document control of National Asset project material within the Service follows security protocols
- To coordinate compliance with National Asset assurance and audit requirements
- To assist in preparing / providing statistical information both to internal / external sources
- To develop and maintain the Service’s responses to its duties under the Civil Contingencies Act 2004
- Support the Functions of the LRF
- To monitor the budget for the National Asset equipment and training maintenance
- Maintain operational readiness and undertake operational incident duties as required to Level 1 of ICS
- To attend operational incidents and carry out incident risk assessments as required
- To act as the HVP Tactical Advisor for the Service.
Skills, Knowledge and Understanding Required for Role / ODPM Module
Supervisory Manager
Personal Style
- Embraces and values diversity and demonstrates a fair and ethical approach
- Proactively supports change adjusting approach to meet changing requirements
- Maintains a confident, controlled and focused attitude in highly challenging situations
- Leads, involves and motivates others both within the F&R service and in the community
- Communicates effectively both orally and in writing
- Committed and able to develop self, individuals, teams and others
- Understands and applies relevant information to create practical solutions
- Maintains and active awareness of the environment to promote safe and effective working
- Leads others to achieve excellence by the establishment, maintenance and management of performance requirements
- Creates and implements effective team plans in line with strategic policy objectives
Role Essential Requirements
- Have successfully passed the Supervisory Manager ADC/Promotion Assessment
- Have a minimum IOSH Health and Safety qualification
Approved by: Line Manager ______Date: ______
Agreed by: Post holder ______Date: ______
North Yorkshire Fire Authority is committed to developing positive policies to promote equal opportunities and prohibit unlawful or unfair discrimination on the grounds of sex, race, ethnic or national origin, colour, marital status, disability, age, sexual orientation or religion.The information is for monitoring purposes only, and will be removed from your application form before it is processed. You are not obliged to complete this form. However, the information that you give will help us ensure that our recruitment proceduresare fair.
Post Details
Role______/ Location:______
Gender, Please tick one of the following (X)
Male / Female
Disability - *”Definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010. You're disabled under the Equality Act 2010 if you have a physical or mental impairment that has a 'substantial' and 'long-term' negative effect on your ability to do normal daily activities.
Please tick one of the following (X)
I have a disability / I do not have a disability
If the answer is yes, please state the type of disability.
Sexual Orientation, Please tick one of the following (X)
Gay/Lesbian / Heterosexual / Bisexual
I do not wish to declare my sexual orientation
Ethnic Origin, Please Tick one of the following (X)
Other Asian / CHINESE
Other / MIXED
White & Black Caribbean
White & Black African
White & Asian
Other Mixed / Black or Black British
Other Black
I do not wish to declare my ethnic origin
Faith,Please tick one of the following (X)
Jewish / Buddhist Muslim / Christian
Sikh / Hindu
I do not wish to declare my faith
Age, Please Tick one of the following (X)
17-24 25-35 / 36-45 46-55 / 56-65 66+ / Not Stated
Thank you for completing this form