Anthem K-8 School

2700 N. Anthem Way Florence, AZ 85132

Office: 520-723-6400 or 480-888-7550

Fax: 520-723-3575

Kathy Brown, Principal

Ken Schlinger, Assistant Principal

June 30, 2015

Dear Governing Board Members and Dr. Fuller,

Anthem is excited and ready to begin the new school year! We have been working hard to plan and prepare for the success of our teachers and students! The main points were identified in the June report. We have made one minor adjustment with our PBIS and RTI. Since both are connected and are just two different sides to the three tiered pyramid to student success, we will be referring to them as APPS, Anthem Pride Programs of Support. There is the academic side of the three tiered pyramid, which we will refer to as APPS A. Then we will have the behavioral side of the pyramid that will be referred to APPS B. We do not want our teachers to view PBIS and RTI as two separate programs, as they are both part of the multi-faceted approach to student success so we made the change. They are the same program focused on the two different areas of academics and behavior.

We are prepared for our new teacher week with training and explaining of who we are and how we do things at Anthem. Then, as we bring everyone together the next week with our whole faculty, we will begin the process of creating a school-wide team. There are informational meetings, training, and fun all put together to begin our year successfully.

Although it looks like we are only looking at our teachers, everything we are doing is focused on our students. As we make our decisions we continually ask, “What is best for them?” They are the reason we do what we do! We will not forget this!

It is going to be a great year of growth and success! I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of Anthem!


Kathy Brown

Kathy Brown


We Fly with Pride, We Soar above the Rest, because we ALWAYS do our Best!!

Board of Education

Denise Guenther –President Janeane Candelaria-Vice President

Rose Marie Monks – Member Bob Dailey – Member

Steve Johnson– Member