MINUTES of the meeting of Dunston Parish Council held at 7.30 pm on Wednesday 1st February2017in the Lamyman Room, Village Hall, Dunston.
Present: Cllr R Ford (RF) (in the Chair), Cllrs.Bellingham (DB),Greaves (EG), Hughes (RH), and McLuckie (RM), plus 2 membersof the public.
143/16.Apologies– Cllr Murray who was on holiday and Cllr Simpson who was detained at work, also Cty Cllr Overton.
144/16. Public – There were no questions from the public.
145/16. There were no declarations of interest.
146/16. It was resolved that the Minutes of the meeting held on 11th January 2017 be signed as a true record.
147/16. Reports – PC Hanson had e-mailed to report that there had been one crime (heating oil stolen) at a property in Fen Lane between 2nd January and 1stFebruary. There were no District Council nor County Council reports.
148/16. Highways –
[a]Nothing further from LRSP as yet, regarding acquisition of 30 mph signs.
[b] Cllr Hughes said that the streetlights that are not working will be repaired but unlikely to be until March – they will be LED lights. He said that the surface for the footbridge over the bridge (which is slippery) and cutting back of bushes on Fen Lane, are “in the system”. Not aware as to whether the potholes on Back Lane, up to the cemetery have been attended to. He will report the pothole outside The Grange. There are some overhanging trees which Cllr Greaves will take a look at and talk to the property owner about.
[c] Clerk read out a letter from Linconshire County Council regarding cutting of amenity areas which they are going to do for the year 2017/2018 (despite previously saying they weren’t). Clerk to advise the Contractors that they will not need to cut those areas as previously arranged.
149/16. Environment issues-
[a] Clerk has chased the transfer of the phone kiosk to the PC but had not heard back from CHT. She will chase again.
[b]The Mary Lamyman bench is in the Chairman’s barn – agreed it will be moved to the Village Hall this weekend. Resolved to site the bench under the kitchen window next to the cycle rack. Proposed EG and seconded RM – agreed by all. A new bench for the bus stop will be considered in the new year when the noticeboard will be replaced and can be sited so that a new bench can go in its place nearer to the bus stop, and the noticeboard moved further away from the bus stop.
[c] Clerk read out Network Rail response. Copy to Mr Packwood. RF will let Clerk know number of copies required for distribution.
150/16. Planning –
[a] 5 The Tydings annexe and car port – approved.
[b] Works at Nocton Wood House – to be determined.
[c] Concern was raised over extremely large and well laden vehicles moving through the village going to Beeswax premises. Clerk to write to Beeswax asking them to ensure they advise contractors of problems and make them aware of the difficulties using the narrow roads.
151/16 Village Hall–RF reported that the VH is working well. There are no details for the new heaters as yet but he will let the Clerk know when they are available.
152/16. Playing Field:
[a]The leak in the toilet block had been fixed and it was resolved to pay the contractor £125. The container floor may not be safe and it was agreed that DB will do a risk assessment on it and the matter will then be considered.
[b] A cheque to cover the cost of the planning application has been submitted to the architect and we will see the application in due course.
[c]The Meadow Road boundary fence repairs have been done, the stiles are in but the southern boundary still needs to be done; benches still need repairing too. EG will chase.
[d]The Groundsman’s January report was considered. There is a lot of waste coming from residents at MAC Farms – clerk to write to MAC and ask them to put a notice up in the accommodation block (in all relevant languages ) saying that it is illegal to discard waste. Clerk to write to Openreach Area Manager and ask him to remind the contractors that they have a duty to clear up all waste after working. Clerk to write to Playing Ground Inspector and ask him to ensure that the various problems noted are dealt with on the quarterly inspection, as well as the need for tightening bolts on the swings.
[e] Clerk to write again to FC and say they must sign the Agreement.
[f] Grasscutters insurance information now on file.
153/16. Finance:
Resolved to approve budget statement and bank reconciliation and signed accordingly. Bank balances at 19.1.17 are Lloyds Business Acct £19,486.58and Lloyds Treasurers £6,169.13.
Bowls Club has paid its £100.
154/16. No correspondence. Noted that Clerk’s and Groundswoman’s appraisals had been carried out prior to the meeting.
155/16. Date of next meeting : Wednesday 1st March at 7.30 pm.
Meeting closed at 8.25 pm