CHAIR: Merrer (Fall), Rojas (Spring) On Leave in spring: Merrer
Fall 2014
1003x / Chemical Problem Solving lecture / Lecture M W F 11:00-11:50 / Diana308 / Merrer
1010x / Pumpkin Pie to CSI: Chemistry in Everyday Life lecture / Lecture T 11:00-12:00
Th 11:00-12:00 / Diana
308 / Rao
2001x / General Chemistry lecture / Lecture M W F 11:00-11:50 / 202 / Magyar
2001x / General Chemistry laboratory / Lab M-F 2:00-5:00
Lab lecture M-F 1:10-2:00 / 813
805 / Alexander, Vadakkan, associates
3231x / Organic Chemistry II lecture / Lecture M W F 10:00-10:50 / 202 / Rojas
3253x / Quantum Chemistry lecture / Lecture M W F 11:00-11:50 / 805 / Crowther
3333x / Modern Techniques of Organic Chemistry laboratory / Lab lecture T 12:00-12:50
Lab M 1:10-5:30,T 1:10-5:30, Th 1:10-5:30 / 805
716 / Rao, Vadakkan, associates
3355x / Biochemistry Laboratory Techniques / Lecture T 12:10-1:00
Lab T Th 1:10-5:00 / 530
606 / Sever and Liu
3365x / Integrated Chemistry I laboratory / Lecture W 1:10-2:00
Lab M 1:10-5:30, W 2:10-6:30 / 514
606 / Crowther
3901x / Senior Honor Thesis seminar / Group Meeting F 2:10-4:00 / 805 / Buzzeo
Spring 2015
1003y / Chemical Problem Solving lecture / Lecture M W F 11:00-11:50 / 530 / Sever2900y / Research Methods Seminar / Seminar F 2:00-3:00 / Diana
308 / Vadakkan, Bauer
3230y / Organic Chemistry I lecture / Lecture M W F 11:00-11:50 / 202 / Castillo
3328y / Introductory Organic Chemistry laboratory / Lab M-F 2:00-5:30
Lab lecture M-F 1:10-2:00 / 716
805 / Rao, Vadakkan, associates
3232y / Intermediate General Chemistry lecture / Lecture M W F 10:00-10:50 / 202 / Charnick
3242y / Quantitative Analysis lecture / Lecture M W F 11:00-11:50 / 805 / Alexander
3252y / Thermodynamics and Kinetics / Lecture M W F 10:00-10:50 / 805 / Crowther
3271y / Inorganic Chemistry lecture / Lecture T Th 8:40-9:55 / 805 / Magyar
3282y / Biological Chemistry / Lecture M W F 9:00-9:50 / 903 / Sever
3338y / Quantitative & Instrumental Techniques laboratory / Lab Lec. T 1:10-2:00
T 2:10-6:00, W 1:10-5:00,
Th 1:10-5:00 / 903
813 / Alexander, Liu, Charnick
3368y / Integrated Chemistry II laboratory / Lab Lec W 1:10-2:00
Lab M 1:10-5:30, W 1:10-6:30 / 530
606 / Crowther
3902y / Senior Honors Thesis seminar / Group Meeting: F 2:10-4:00 / 805 / Buzzeo