/ Release Notes / Ref. MMO RN
S. Vielliard / MobileMapper Office 4.6 / Revision: 4.6.2
Page 5 04/12/2013 / Page : 5/5

Release Notes


MobileMapper Office version 4.6



Verified by / SW Group
Approved by / SW Group
Approved by / Project Management
Approved by / Marketing


Revision / DATE / OBJECT
4.6.0 / June 21, 2013 / 1st release of MobileMapper Office 4.6 for MM20
4.6.1 / Sept 30, 2013 / Implement last requirements and fix FNC 68
4.6.2 / Dec 4th, 2013 / Fix bugs and FNC85

REMARK: paragraphs modified from the previous version are signaled with a vertical line in the left margin.


1. Context and purpose 3

2. Versions 3

3. Applicable documents 3

4. Released files location 3

5. Installation procedure 3

6. New features 4

7. Missing features 4

8. Fixed issues 4

9. Known issues 5

1.  Context and purpose

This document contains the Release Notes for MobileMapper Office 4.6 to be released with MM20

2.  Versions

MobileMapper Office : 4.6.2

Languages : English, French, Spanish, German, Simplified Chinese (RPC), Japanese, Portuguese,
Traditional Chinese (Taiwan), Korean, Italian, Greek, Polish, Czech, Hungarian, Romanian, Russian, Bulgarian, Turkish, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish

3.  Applicable documents

PRD/PSD : «PSD_MM20_2013_06_20.doc», (5. MobileMapper Office Requirements)

4.  Released files location

Setup CD & documentation was placed on G: & hayloft

G:\Engineering\Software\MobileMapper Office\4.6.2


5.  Installation procedure

Launch CD/Setup.exe and follow instructions

You can re launch applications using Desktop Icon or Windows Start Menu

5.1.  Smoke test

There are sample data available in Sample.zip,

you can unzip on your hard drive and then use to try

-  Raster & Vector layers import & display

-  Rover Raw data Import

-  Reference Raw Data Download

-  Vector Post Processing & Quality Control on post-processed vectors

-  KML & CSV Export

5.2.  Test coordinate transformations

Software was released with a test application named TransfoTest.exe

This can be used to validate coordinate transformations, using the following procedure

1 / Open your deployment folder:

C:\Program Files\Spectra Precision\MobileMapper Office 4.6 (unless you provided another one during setup)

2/ Copy TransfoTest.exe nearby TransfoProxy.dll
(which is the DLL used by Mobile Mapper Office for coordinate transformation)

3/ Launch TransfoTest.exe to validate coordinate transformation between any supported coordinate systems
provided as Open GIS WKT (You can copy past system from GNSS Solutions)

5.3.  Test post-processing engine

Software was released with two registry update file named TestEngineON.reg & TestEngineOFF.reg

Those can be used to validate the post-processing engine, as described below.

Double click TestEngineON.reg to tell software to record all post-processing results in Vector layer. Check corresponding checkbox to display all Vectors on the map. Export in CSV format to retrieve Vectors in Excel.

Double click TestEngineOFF.reg to tell software to return to normal behavior and store only Vectors that are really used to update shape files.

6.  New features

Implement following mandatory requirement

5.4. Build MobileMapper 4.6 and corresponding Setup using latest code from Igor Artushkin to fix issue with new raw-data flagging and any encountered issue with MM20 raw-data

Implement following recommended requirement

5.8. Improve coordinate selection when creating new job from shape file

WARNING: New Setup was generated from new computer (XP Virtual Machine from Windows 7 64 bits).

This is first Setup generated from this machine, so I recommend that Setup should be deeply tested
(on several OS and selecting different languages)

7.  Missing features


Last remaining requirements in PSD were canceled by marketing during Pandora meeting dated Sept 17th 2013:

5.3. Add Pandora Protection in MobileMapper Office

5.6. Deploy Batch Processor

FNC35 (5.7) is now considered as Windows installation issue that cannot be fixed on MobileMapper Office

8.  Fixed issues

8.1.  Between 4.6.1 and 4.6.2

FIX Bug MMO-2: It is not possible to process a lot of maps

FIX Bug MMO-3: It is impossible to install Lithuanian version

FIX Bug MMO-5: Language list contains changeable string. (Lithuanian)

Fix FNC85: Fix crash encountered when trying to process FNC data on some computers.
About the missing epoch in post-processing results, Igor Artushkin reported:

“The problem is in nearest base station LIL2 raw data: - we have two bad epochs inside corresponding RINEX file: at 13:36:30 – epoch with only two GLONASS SV and at 13:37:00 – epoch with 4 GPS and 5 GLONASS SV.

Because we have to interpolate base data from 30 seconds to 1 second interval – and we use the same algorithm of interpolation as NGS one – and single missed epoch in base data lead to loss of interpolated SV data for 8 epoch (i.e. 270 seconds of raw data in our case – this time span contains 4 points without any solution due to missed interpolated base data).

The solution of this problem – utilize data from other station in MMO post processing.”

8.2.  Between 4.6.0 and 4.6.1

Fix FNC68: User should be able to open DBF file using numeric field of 20 digits
(But we can keep current restriction when creating new DBF File)

8.3.  Between 4.5.1 and 4.6.0


9.  Known issues

Bug MMO-4: [LOC] Application starts in minimize mode.
Fixing this minor issue would require a lot of work plus expensive license for new Install Shield.
We recommend postponing.

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