Teacher: E. VásquezSubject: 11th BIOLOGYDate: Oct 20-24,2014
Mazapan G.A.N.A.G. Lesson Plan 2014-2015
/ Standard / Goal / Access Prior Knowledge / New Information / Apply Knowledge / Generalize/ Goal Review/ GradeMonday / Focus Standard:
S3 – Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living htings interact with each other and their environment. / Understand how the cell membrane maintains homeostasis and how it restricts the exchange of substances
Explain why osmosis is important.
3,8 / Ch 8 TEST
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards, S 3C,S3Ca, S3Cb, S3Cc
Tuesday / Focus Standard
S3 – Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living htings interact with each other and their environment. / Learn about the type of energy used in cells
3,8 / Have S. look around the classroom and identify as many forms of energy being used as they can.
2,7,8 / Prezi/Mimio/Class Participation on energy in living systems pg. 197-201
3,8 / -S. ISN note taking
-Hw: Section review 1 pg. 201
-Hand out Pizza dough Recipe
-Bring to Lab: all materials to make pizza tomorrow
3,5,8 / Exit Slip
Which of the following organisms is most likely an autotroph?
a. a sponge
b. a Venus flytrap
c. a worm
d. a mushroom
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards, , S 3C,S3Ca, S3Cb, S3Cc
Wednesday / Focus Standard
S3 – Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living htings interact with each other and their environment. / Learn how glycolysis produces ATP.
Understand how ATP is produced in aerobic respiration.
3,8 / S. complete Cellular respiration lab.
5,6,7,9,10 / Exit Slip
Hypothesize what made the pizza dough rise?
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards, , S 3C,S3Ca, S3Cb, S3Cc
Thursday / Focus Standard:
S3 – Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living htings interact with each other and their environment. / Identify the role of pigments in photosynthesis.
3,8 / S. describe how they get energy from plants and where the plants get their energy from.
2,7,8 / Prezi/Mimio/Class Participation on Photosynthesis pg 201-207
3,8 / -S. ISN note taking
-S. complete Quick Lab on pg. 205 on photosynthetic rate.
-HW: Section Review 2 pg. 207
3,5 / Exit Slip
How would photosynthesis be affected if the sun's rays are blocked by clouds or by smoke of a large fire?
How would the level of atmospheric CO2 and oxygen be affected?
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards, , S 3C,S3Ca, S3Cb, S3Cc
Friday / Focus Standard:
S3 – Students know and understand the characteristics and structure of living things, the processes of life, and how living htings interact with each other and their environment. / Learn how glycolysis produces ATP.
Understand how ATP is produced in aerobic respiration.
3,8 / Have s. explain how they are able to get energy from a sandwich.
2,7,8 / Prezi/mimio/Class discussion on cellular respiration pgs. 208-213
3,8 / S. ISN note taking
-HW: section Review 3 pg. 213
3,5 / Exit Slip
Where does cellular respiration take place in a cell?
Supporting Standards:
S1 and all its standards, , S 3C,S3Ca, S3Cb, S3Cc