What are the benefits of being a tutor?
Working at the Writing Center provides an opportunity for professional development, specifically in one-on-one tutoring, small group instruction, and mentorship. It offers practical experience and career training for aspiring educators, as qualified tutors may serve as classroom assistants inlower-division English courses. Writing Center tutors better understand processes of composition; this increased awareness leads tutors not only to help others effectively, but also to improve their own writing.In addition to these benefits, the Writing Center offers the opportunity to join a dynamic community of students, faculty, and community members who regularly engage in productive conversation and collaboration.Former Writing Center tutors have gone into successful careers as Ph.D. students, high school and community college teachers, reporters, freelance writers, and editors.
Who may apply to the Writing Center?
Any undergraduate who has attained junior standing and any graduate student may apply. We accept applications from all majors, so long as the minimum qualifications have been met. We hire for the full academic year (Fall and Spring) and often have employment opportunities during the summer following your first academic year working at the Writing Center.
What are the qualifications required for the job?
No previous tutoring experience is required. However, all undergraduate applicants must be currently enrolled in or have completed their upper division writing requirement (examples include English 301, 302, and 307, but consult the most recent university registration guide or your degree program’s advisor for information on the upper division writing requirement for your major). Undergraduates who have completed their upper division writing requirement must have passed it with a B or higher. Undergraduates who are completing the upper division writing requirement in the spring of their application must provide proof of likely completion with a B or higher. While not a requirement, preference may be given to applicants who have successfully completed ENGL 303:Structure of Modern English.
What application materials should I submit and when are they due?
Applicants must submit the following materials to the English Department Office (UH-322):
- a hard copy of the completed application form (NEW FORM TO UPLOAD)
- CSU1 form
- a 3-5 page academic writing sample
- resume/curriculum vitae
All materials must be submitted at one time as a packet to the English Department office (UH-322). Incomplete packets will not be accepted.Application packets are due by the last Friday of April.
Additionally, applicants must ask two faculty members to complete a recommendation form and instruct faculty to submit the form directly to the English Department office (UH-322) or by email to by the last Friday of April.
- Faculty recommendation form (NEW FORM TO UPLOAD)
What is the hiring process?
After applications are reviewed, qualified candidates will be scheduled for an interview during finals week of the spring semester. Applicants selected for employment will receive an offer of employment at the end of the spring semester and then sign an official work contract the following August at their orientation.
If I am selected to be a tutor, when will I start my job, and will I be offered any sort of training course?
All newly-hired tutors must be available for a pre-semester orientation typically conducted the Friday prior to the start of the semester. They must also enroll inENGL 402: Theories of Response in Composition(2 units) andENGL 402S: Tutor Supervision(1 unit) during the fall semester of their first year of employment.
If I work in the Writing Center, what will my schedule be like and how much will I get paid?
Tutors have a great amount of flexibility in their scheduling and usually work between five and twenty hours per week. The number of hours granted are subject to need and budgetary restraints. Tutors are compensated for their orientation training, begin tutoring in the second week of the semester, and have consistent work schedules from the fourth week of the semester forward. The rate of pay begins at $12/hour for undergraduate tutors and $12.50/hour for graduate tutors.