Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
International Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law Program
1 The candidate should complete all details in Section 1 and send this form (if possible electronically) to each referee for completion.
2 The referee should receive a copy of the candidate’s application and all supporting documents. The referee is requested not to complete the reference before seeing all these documents.
3 The referee is requested to complete all of Sections 2―9 below (in English, German, French, Spanish or Russian). If possible, please fill out the form electronically in MSWord and print on A4.To move from field to field use Tab, PgUp/PgDn or cursor. For help with some fields, use F1 or Status Line. Each field has a limited size; do not enter more characters than are visible. If hand-written, please write clearly.
4 The referee should sign, stamp and date the form, and put it in a sealed envelope (also signed, stamped and dated), and return it to the candidate for submission with the application. The referee can instead also send the reference direct to:
Dr Carmen Thiele
— International Human Rights Law Program—
Europa-Universitaet Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)
Postfach 1786
D–15207 FRANKFURT (Oder)
Federal Republic of Germany
Further contact data:
+49 335 5534―2363 (tel), ―2449 (fax), ―2412 (secr)
The Viadrina European University wishes to thank each referee sincerely in advance for their assistance in selecting candidates for study in Frankfurt (Oder).
1. Indentification of Program and Candidate
1.1 Title of Degree/Program of Study
1.2 Study beginning (year) in: Summer Semester (Apr.) Winter Semester (Oct.)
1.3 Candidate Family name∆
/1.4 Candidate First name(s)∆
1.5 Candidate Date of birth∆
/1.6 Candidate Place of birth∆
2. Indentification of Referee
2.1 Please provide the full name, position and address (including email and phone) of the referee: title, name, position: university, full address: full phone nr(s): full fax nr: email:
2.2 Referee’s field of activity/specialisation
3. Referee’s Knowledge of Candidate
3.1 Period of contact to
/3.2 In what capacity?
3.3 Have you had the opportunity to observe the candidate’s abilities closely (e.g. supervision of a written assignment, small group work or other activity)? Yes No
/3.4 If Yes, in what way(s)
4. Referee’s Knowledge of the Application
Note: The candidate has been asked to provide each referee with a copy of the completed application and supporting documents. Referees are requested not to submit a reference if they have not seen the application and supporting documents.
4.1 Have you seen the candidate’s completed application form and supporting documentation ? Yes No
4.2 As far as you know, do the application (especially the statement of motivation in Section 12) and thesupporting documents confirm your assessment of the candidate’s suitability for the selected program? Yes No
4.3 Referee’s additional comments (if any) on the application and supporting documents:
5. Referee’s Assessment and Ranking of Candidate’s Academic Ability
5.1 How do you rate his/her academic ability? Please relate your comments to the candidate’s level of degree (where possible, please relate the level to the scale at the relevent institution, if necessary explain the degree structure) and to the candidate’s position relative to other students in his/her graduating class/group (please indicate a percentage group or decile, for example ‘in the top 10%’ or in the ‘second top decile’, etc.) or is of higher ability than the class of degree achieved). If he/she is about to take any further examination, please give a realistic prediction.
6. Referee’s Overall Evaluation of the Candidate
6.1 Taking an overall view, what do you consider to be the candidate’s major talents and most significant weakness? Please relate this to the program of postrgraduate study which the candidate is now applying for (indicated above).
7. Referee’s Opinion of Candidate’s Motivation for Study in the Selected Program
7.1 Has the applicant previously shown an interest in the proposed area of study? Yes No
7.2 General comments on the applicant's ability to sustain his/her motivation for study, where possible especially relating to the selected program.
8. Additional Comments of Referee
8.1 Further comments (if any) which you feel will be helpful, for example, relevant employment or other experience or the candidate’s possible involvment in extra-curricular activities which may provide further information (whether positive or negative) to assist in assessing the candidate’s suitability.
9. Referee’s Signature And Institutional Stamp
9.1 Date
/9.2 Institutional (university/company/department) stamp
9.3 Signature
International Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law ProgramConfidential Referee’s Report / Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder)