Bluebonnet Horse Expo 2017
Sponsorship Program
Bluebonnet Equine Humane Society is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to improving the lives of horses and other equines by educating and helping owners, assisting law enforcement agencies, rehabilitating abused horses and placing them into safe, permanent homes.
To further our goals, we are holding the eleventh annual Bluebonnet Horse Expo. During the Bluebonnet Horse Expo, horse enthusiasts can attend health care and training clinics to learn to better care for their horses. They can also meet Bluebonnet horses, donkeys and mules appearing at the event and watch the Bluebonnet Rescue Horse Training Challenge. The rescue will also have new and used tack as well as horse and ranch-themed artwork, jewelry and home décor for sale in a silent auction and live auction to be held during the event.
We’re inviting you to become a Bluebonnet Horse Expo Sponsor. Sponsors enable us to put on the best Expo possible and to reach more horse enthusiasts and help even more horses. Previous Bluebonnet Horse Expos have had over 650 in attendance, and this year we expect even more. Our Bluebonnet Horse Expo website reaches thousands of viewers and ads placed in newspapers and magazines across Texas reach thousands more. Becoming a Bluebonnet Horse Expo sponsor not only enables us to create a great event, it gets your name in front of thousands of potential customers.
Help us Help the Horses!
Bluebonnet Horse Expo
Sponsorship Levels
Name Amount Benefits
Winner $25 Listing in program and on website, 1 free admission
Blue $50 Above benefits and two free admissions
Trophy $100 Above benefits, 2 free admissions, free vendor space,
Winner business card ad in program
Rosette Winner $250 Above benefits plus logo listed on website (if provided) and
1/4 page ad in the program.
Champion $500 Above benefits, 4 free admissions, ¼ page ad
in program, name listed on Expo T-shirts
Reserve $1,000 Above benefits, 6 free admissions, ½ page ad in program,
Grand Champion name listed on Expo T-shirts
Grand $5,000 Above benefits, 10 free admissions, full page ad in program,
Champion banner displayed in arena or at entrance, name and
Logo on Expo T-shirts
Bluebonnet Horse Expo
Sponsorship Form
To be listed as a sponsor in the program or on the t-shirt, this form and your ad must be received by October 1, 2017 (no exceptions).
Send to: BEHS, PO Box 632, College Station, TX 77841. Please include a copy of your photo-ready ad or email your ad to by October 1. Thank you!
Name of CompanyContact Name
City / State / Zip
Phone / Email
Sponsorship amount
Will you be using your vendor space? ($100+ sponsors) / YES / NO
If your sponsorship entitles you to an ad space, we must have the camera-ready ad by October 1, 2017. We cannot make any exceptions for late artwork.