So you want to host an IBMA networking? A Simple Guide to Being an IBMA Networking Host
Please give at least a month notice for all networking sessions as some school districts need this extra time.
- Arrange a location within your building that can hold anywhere from 10-25 teachers.
- Complete the registration template found on IBMA’s website. This includes completing the registration form with school details, pricing two or three nearby hotels, writing directions to your location from various places in the region, and editing the parking pass.
- Send all of the above forms from the registration template to John Day, Executive Director, at . John will post the documents on the IBMA web page and also email coordinators to let them know that the session details have been posted.
- IBMA will reimburse schools up to $15per participant after the event has concluded and the appropriate documents have been submitted (see details below about reimbursement).
- Sessions generally begin with a light Continental breakfast and include a working lunch. Some schools arrange for their catering classes to serve meals. What you serve is completely up to you.
- Many schools use a PO to requisition school funds for the event, knowing they will be reimbursed by IBMA afterward. Individuals may also use a personal check or credit card to purchase food items and be reimbursed afterwards. Please note on your reimbursement request whether a school or individual should be reimbursed.
Make it official:
- Email the appropriate IBMA Vice-President with the name of your school, subject session you will be hosting and proposed date for your session.
- Jeannie Awono, DP ()
- Nonye Oladimeji, MYP ( )
- Nicole Boissiere, PYP ()
- The Vice-President will attempt to find an IB educator located near the networking who can facilitate the professional development portion of the meeting. The Vice-President will contact the host school with at least two weeks advance notice of the networking with the contact information for the designated IB educator. If an IB educator will lead professional development, he/she will lead the first part of the meeting from 8:30-11:30. Lunch will be from 11:30-12, followed by networking from 12:00-1:30.
- As you receive registration forms, make note of the responses to the question “What topics would you like to discuss at the Networking?” These responses will assist the facilitator in planning an agenda for the session.
- Create an agenda that best meets the needs of the participants. The host facilitator is encouraged to lead discussion based on the established agenda, but he/she is not responsible for direct instruction during the entire session.
- The networking will take one of two formats. If an IB educator is found, the above schedule will work and the host school will only be responsible for facilitating the networking portion of the meeting. If an IB educator is not available, schools will run a full day networking session with an agenda based on participants’ input.
To receive reimbursement:
- Have participants fill in attendance sheet (template found on IBMA website).
- Have participants complete an evaluation of the networking (use appropriate form based on whether or not an IB educator led professional development). Collect.
- Save any receipts from food purchases.
- Scan and email the three above sets of documents to Amy Woolf at . Make sure that you indicate who needs to be reimbursed (your school name or your name).
- Send agenda along with minutes from the meeting to John Day at .
Schools will not receive reimbursement for expenses until the above steps are completed.
Revised 10/2017