Councillors are hereby summoned to a meeting of OPEN SPACES COMMITTEE to be held

on MONDAY 18thMarchat 8.00 pm in the Council Offices, Gravel Hill.


Cllr Mrs J Harper (Chairman), Cllr P Dale, Cllr J Hatton, Cllr Mrs L Smith, Cllr Mrs K Southworth



92s.Declarations of interest

To disclose any Personal or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests

93s.To approve minutes of meeting held on 14 January 2013

94s.Review action points from last minutes

50s (c)Wild flower project. Planting to take place when contractor returns to plant seed in Riverside Nature area. Funding.

54s (a)Commissioning a Commons Management Plan. Gold Hill plan now with PC. Austenwood due shortly.

5s (a)Dog Poo Bins. Five bins ordered at cost of £1389.25

38s(d) Football pitch on Gold Hill Common. Fertiliser spreader delivered. HH arranging for work to be done.

39s(d) Water meter and chambernot yet ordered.

41s(a)Playgrounds Mill Meadow grant application awaits staff time.

41s(b)Working group to meet for launch event.

42sMarket Place signAwaiting formal approval from Mr Birring to go ahead with painting wall.

51sAutumn Planting. Planted at Mill Meadow and Gold Hill Common.

57(s)Plastic sheeting for unused allotments. Sheeting purchased.

75s(b) Ramp from Bench Manor Crescent to Gold Hill Common. Cllr Dale to report

75s(c) Sponsored dog waste bin. No response yet from applicant.

75s(d)Gott’s monument. Details of the structural survey and repairs to be undertaken.

77s(b) Litter in Church Lane Car Park. Cllr Hatton to have written.

78s(a) Boundary Rd Play Area. Work to start w.c. 18 March.

84sCommunity Volunteering Policy. Cllr Mrs Harper to have met with Comms and PR.

86sGreening and trees.

88sWorks to finger posts.

90s(a)DC to write to Funeral Director regarding late payment.

90s(b) Servicing agricultural machinery. Work done

90s(d)Work to Mill Meadow playing surface

90s(e)BT cabinet on Chalfont Common. Cllr Hatton to report.

90s(f)Riverside Nature Reserve.


Copy of letter 9 March to TfB asking for work to repair grass verges around the village.

Neil Curtis letter 11 march. Grave digging fees to increase.

Best kept village competition entry forms.

96s.Allotments and grazing field.

(a)Notice boards.Erection of old board at Love’s Delight awaits staff time

(b)Allotment Holders meeting took place on Sat 9 March 2013 at 9.30am.

  1. Should the code to Mill Meadow gate be changed? Sign to ‘Close gate’ needed.
  2. Should a new lock for the top gate be purchased?
  3. Reports of trailer loads of waste being burnt.
  4. PC asked to prevent flooding of low level allotments.

97s.Village Wellbeing

(a)Incidents report – see attached from Head Haywarden

98s. Strategy for development of playground facilities

(a)Boundary Rd play areas.

99s.Riverside Nature ReserveWork complete except for final planting. Species board to be ordered and possibly benches installed.

100s Community Groups/Volunteering Policy. Brought forward from previous meeting.

101s Greening and Trees

102s Works to finger boards. Single quotation to paint black and new finial of £1340 plus.

103s Budget

104s Replacement Land Rover. The Land Rover has again been out of service for several weeks due to safety issues. It is proposed a small group of Councillors, with the Deputy Clerk and Head Haywarden meet to discuss options to recommend to Main Council.

105s Approved list of tenderers. It is often difficult to get 3 competitive quotations for works, particularly for annual maintenance etc. Can a list of approved contractors be set up?

106s Proposed steps at Hill House end of new footpath.

107s.Information items

Next meetingMonday29 April 2013at 8:00pm.