AESC Meeting Minutes

5 Oct 2011


5 October 2011

CALLED TO ORDER @ 1119 in the home of Roz Riley.

ATTENDEES: Kathleen Whittle, Mary Pratt, Roz Riley, Holly Scherer, Laura Putnam, Mollie O’Neill, Jackie Caldwell, Lynda Flowers, Pat O’Neill, Sarah Pearce, Kathy Candido, Ginni Guiton, Priscilla Noah, Betty Meuleners, Gene Villiva, Bobby Buxbaum.

AESC General Member: Glenda Hudson (guest of Laura Putnam).

MINUTES APPROVAL: Minutes were sent and received electronically. No corrections were needed. Motion made by Holly Scherer to accept minutes as sent, with motion second by Pat O’Neill. Motion carried.

PRESIDENT: Kathy Moakler (not present, report sent)

·  Recognition and/or thanks given for following:

Hostess: Roz Riley

Food: Ginni Guiton and Kathy Candido

Board Birthdays: Ginni Guiton (2), Gene Villiva (10), Laura Putnam (18)

·  Kathy is unable to attend and the meeting will be conducted by Vice Presidents: Mary Pratt and Kathleen Whittle.

·  Message from Kathy M:

o  Many thanks to all who joined together to make the Cocktail Party a success, especially Kathleen, Mary and their husbands, Bob and Lynda Flowers, the redoubtable Reservation chairs, Pat and Sarah, the Castle Boutique babes, Kathy and Isabel. A special shout out to Laura Putnam for rallying the 249th troops – it was nice to see so many young people there.

o  Thanks to Gene for his great photography work at the cocktail party.

o  Thanks to Cindy Wesley and the young ladies were so hospitable.

o  Could everyone put together an individual AAR on just what they did for the party? This way we can have a binder with a comprehensive AAR on all that needs to be done to make the cocktail party a success.

o  Thanks, too, to Donna Leketa for organizing the AEA envelope stuffing and many thanks to all who did the stuffing. It was great fun.

o  We all send our best wishes to Betty Swygert, who took a spill at the party the other night. There will be a card to sign to send to her. Don has kept us all apprised of her situation. Do we want to do meals when she gets home?

·  Note:

o  Laura Putnam volunteered to develop a volunteer meal roster when that is needed for Betty and Don Swygert.


Per Kathy Moakler - We will finalize the honorary advisors after we have a Chief’s Spouse.

·  Acting Chief’s Spouse (Nancy Temple) not present, no report.

·  CSM Spouse (Bobby Buxbaum)

o  Spoke encouragingly of the group and the efforts to date. Stated the club is “going in a great direction”.

·  Civil Works Spouse (Joan Stockton) – not present, no report.

·  Military Programs Spouse (unnamed)

VICE-PRESIDENT: Mary Pratt, Kathleen Whittle

·  Thank you to Cindy Wesley who acted as House Aide at the Welcome Cocktail Party. She worked tirelessly in the kitchen and when the party was over, the kitchen was already cleaned with leftover food ready to be taken home.

·  November Program: Stonewall Cooking, November 15 at 1100 in National Harbor is full. Roz suggested developing a waiting list for those unable to get on the class list but might be interested should a vacancy come develop, as there may be last minute schedule changes/cancellations.

·  “Women in War“ Lecture by LTC Whittle is in the works. Date and details are developing for this add-on program.

o  Plan is to meet at the Pentagon for the lecture and then to enjoy lunch in the Executive Dining Room afterward.

o  Emails will be sent to local general membership with information as it is finalized.

·  Holiday Home Tour at Logan Circle in D.C. is 4 Dec. More to follow.


·  PLEASE submit any AAR you might have from your position last year. These are valuable documents for those who follow in your position. They are valuable for the history and future success of AESC.

·  Per Kathy M., please get your suggestions for improvements/changes about Welcome Cocktail Party to our VPs as they compile the Welcome Cocktail Party 2011 information and AAR.

TREASURER: Holly Scherer

Motion was made by Priscilla Noah to accept Treasurers Report as stated.

Second was made by Pat O’Neill. Approved Report to be filed with minutes.


·  Report submitted for review and approval (complete report attached and filed in archives).

Total Minimum Suggested Funds


TOTAL (Assets in all accounts as of 4 Oct 11)
GKM / $80,811.83
$37,469.12 / $69,000.00
$34,000.00 / $11,811.83

·  AEMA Charter sent out to Board Members with suggestions and comments for final approval.

o  Motion made by Ginni Guiton that AEMA Charter be approved as written. Second by Sarah Pearce. Motion carried.

o  AEMA Charter is current and intent will be to review annually for amount of funds to be considered untouchable.

·  AEMA Scholarship 2011-2012 information will be sent for publishing in CastleGram.

·  Acceptance letter will be revised and sent to AEMA awardees. New section will have each awarded student sign intent to attend xxx university or college or trade school.

·  Still needs confirmation letter from Morris family that states agreement that GKM eligibility will be consistent with changes to AEMA eligibility.

·  Family of Virginia Carter (recently deceased member whose dues have been received) to be contacted to request dues transferred to AEMA in memory of her.

SCHOLARSHIP CHAIRMAN: Nancy Temple (out of town, report sent)

·  Application revised for this year. Ready for posting 1 Nov.

·  Laura will send to Anna Marie with request to update eligibility requirements on scholarship page to reflect recent changes.

·  Bill Arthur has info for Engineer Blast.

·  Elsie please publish that form available 1 Nov.

·  Thanks! Nancy


No report.

MEMBERSHIP: Jackie Caldwell

·  Current membership total: 120 (renewals with 20 new members)

·  Referrals DO make a difference! Cited specific examples of members successfully approaching non-members, referral info is on the membership form. Good job!

·  Redbook publication goal is still 1 November. Has been working with prior printer on this year’s book.

·  Will be meeting with Sandra Loew to get actual thumb drive and documents. She has been working off of roster sent via email.

·  Thanks to all who have helped.

HOSPITALITY: Lynda Flowers

·  November Board Meeting is 2 November

·  Hostess: Sarah Pearce

·  Food: Kathleen Whittle and Gene Villiva

NEWSLETTER: Elsie Mersereau (not present, report sent)

·  Submission deadline: October 22, 2011

·  From Elsie: I am away on a business trip and will not be attending the Oct Board Meeting. Please pass on my report:

o  Have received numerous compliments on the Castle Gram (CG). I enjoyed incorporating all submissions together but the credits go to all who contributed. I thank all of you. Please keep the inputs coming!

o  Received an e-mail from a member who requested posting of her August birthday which was missed in Sep and Oct issues. I replied with regret of the oversight.

o  Received faxed copy of the 2012 membership data spreadsheets from Membership Chairperson Jackie Caldwell on 27 Sep. I will use these hard copies to gather Nov and Dec birthdays for the upcoming issue. Please send updated data when available.

o  Deadline for Nov submission will be Oct 22. Will need a note from a senior advisor. Thanks to Kat, Women and War page is set for Nov. Please recruit future authors for this page.

o  I gave Kathy Candido POC for Humphreys Engineer Center for her Sales in November. I will be happy to create a flyer for the compound distribution list. I just need the date and some pictures of the items for sale. I helped with last year's sale before started working there and will gladly help again with approval from my boss when the Sales date is determined.

o  Thanks to Gene for sending pictures of the Welcome Party. Will incorporate some of these in the Nov issue.

o  Requesting a photo of each Board member for my database to be used in the CG at appropriate occasions. Thanks, Elsie

WEBMASTER: Anna Marie Cox (virtual, no report)

·  From those in attendance at the meeting:

o  It has been noted that website needs eligibility for membership updated.

o  Please review website and contact Anna Marie with suggestions or corrections.

RESERVATIONS: Pat O’Neill, Sarah Pearce

·  Pat commented on how great Sarah’s technical skills are for this committee.

·  There were 67 attendees, one of the lowest attendances in years.

·  Monetary collections for 2011-2012 Cocktail Welcome totaled $1,340.00 (suggested donation was $20 per person and $35 per couple).

·  Observations after the Annual Welcome Cocktail Party:

o  RSVPs were again difficult to get, problematic, and confusing---especially since the computer program was temporarily inaccessible the week of the event.

§  Those in attendance may be confused as to the “donation” expected.

§  For example, in 2004 (when the suggested donation was $20 per person), 126 people attended and the total collected for that event was $1310.00, which breaks down to $10.40 each.

o  The default answer on the web invitation is NO. Some did not pick up on this.

·  Roz mentioned that she was approached about the nametag format using rank. The concern was why we might use rank if the club was promoting membership to all ranks. (The current procedure was to absolutely list the rank for all General Officers, but other nametags may not indicate rank).

o  Discussion followed.

o  The consensus of the group was that rank, regardless of level, is earned and service member needs to be recognized for that.

o  It was suggested that those in attendance like to know to whom they are speaking which would include name and rank.

o  Suggestion to add an entry to the invitation: How do you wish your name to appear on your nametag/correspondence?

CIRCULATION: Kara Anderson (not present, report sent)

·  October Castle Gram sent electronically and 15 sent via US Mail September 21.

·  I am still utilizing supplies on hand for mailings. Cost of copies was $21.49.

·  Local email listing has been updated with information on hand – passed along to Kathy Moakler.

·  Waiting updated membership spreadsheet to update email addresses and mailing addresses for the Castle Gram and other correspondence.

WAYS AND MEANS: Kathy Candido

·  Thank you to Isabel, Priscilla, and Bobby for your help at Corps Sales.

·  Thank you Isabel (and the men who assisted set up and break down) for your help at the Annual Cocktail Party.


§  Corps HQs (Leaders Emeritus 14 Sep 11): $1,325.00

§  AESC Cocktail Party (1 Oct 11) : $ 568.00

§  AEA merchandise (3 Oct 11): $ 653.00

Total: $1,893.00


§  Note cards: $ 53.94

§  AEA products (flags, mouse pads,

hats, paperweights, card holders, cufflinks) $ 678.40

·  Heavenly Treasures (gold and silver angel

pins, oval pins) $ 1,091.00

Total: $ 1,823.34

·  Waiting for reimbursement from AEA order.

·  Working with the egg man.

·  Setting up sale at the Kingman building for November and sale at Corps in December.

·  Would like ideas on how to make the Castle Boutique more mobile/move ready. Glenda Hudson spoke of interest in helping.

WELFARE: Donna Leketa (not present, report sent)

·  A really BIG “THANK YOU!” to the ladies who participated in the AEA Envelope Stuffing.

o  4600 envelopes were stuffed in one day!

o  Sincere Appreciation to: Kathy Moakler, Mollie O’Neill, Nancy Temple, Isabel Stevens, Bobby Buxbaum, Judy Castro, Elsie Mersereau, Lynda Flowers, Ginni Guiton. And last but NEVER least: Kathy Candido “The Boss”.

o  If I left anyone off please forgive me.

o  Thank you note received from Jack O’Neill with AEA donation check of $750 for AESC efforts for envelope stuffing. Note read aloud to group.

·  The Welfare Committee suggests that the February Wine Tasting be a Fund Raiser.

o  The Leketas (who live 15 miles Northwest of Annapolis and 25 miles from Washington, DC) offer their home, and will provide variety of wines, music, and heavy hors d'oeuvres to the AESC.

o  In return, couples would be charged a donation to the AESC Memorial Fund in exchange for an evening of fun.

o  This could be called a Valentine’s Wine Tasting perhaps even with a block of rooms available at govt./military rate in downtown Annapolis.

President suggests this be forwarded to Vice Presidents for consideration as a program.

·  I have received a letter from the National Military Family Association and they are asking the AESC to consider giving a donation. Let me look into this further and you can expect a report on this at our next meeting.

PUBLICITY: Ginni Guiton

·  Publicity sent cocktail party press releases to both the Belvoir Eagle and the Engineer Blast outlining that the event was a fundraiser for the Army Engineer Memorial Award.

·  Created AESC business cards. Distribution of the cards has started and will continue at the next Board meeting.

·  Gene Villiva kindly took pictures at both the Board meeting and the Cocktail Party, and provided these to Anna Marie and Elsie for the web page and newsletter. Thank you, Gene.

·  President’s note: Ginni will be out of town for a while. We have some volunteers that will work with to serve as her back-up.

KNOLLWOOD LIAISON: Betty Swygert (not present, hospitalized)

FAIRFAX LIAISON: Joyce Rebh (not present, no report)


·  Has received a check from member for AEMA.

NOMINATIONS: Bette Meuleners (out of town, no report)



o  Adding of new members to the Board and invitation of Advisors – President is working on this.


·  Cards were passed around by VPs for thank you to Cindy Wesley and a get well encouragement card for hospitalized Betty Swygert

·  Lynda Flowers suggested that the board send flowers to Betty. VP mentioned that mums were left at the Flowers home and they could be delivered to her.