Kristine Augustyniak, Ph.D.



Ph.D. Counseling Psychology and School Psychology, February 1997

M.A.School Psychology, May 1993


B.S. Elementary Education, May 1990

B.S. Business Administration, May 1986


August 2000 – PresentNIAGARAUNIVERSITY


Director of School Psychology Program,

Chairperson - Department of Professional Studies

Dean: Dr. Debra Colley

(August 2000 – September 2002) Assistant Professor and Director of Mental Health Counseling Program

Graduate Division of Education

Dean: Dr. Debra Colley


  • Graduate course instructor:

EDU652 Multicultural Counseling

EDU658 Counseling Process

EDU665 Psychoeducational Assessment

EDU669 Group Theory and Application

EDU670Differential Diagnosis and Treatment Planning

EDU679 Mental Health Counseling Practicum

EDU685 Mental Health Counseling Internship I

EDU 686 Mental Health Counseling Internship II

EDU 687 Mental Health Counseling Internship III

*EDU800 Intelligence Theory and Assessment

*EDU801 Perspectives in School Psychology

*EDU802 Psychological Assessment of Children and Adolescents

*EDU803 Counseling and Behavior Therapy with Children

*EDU805 School Psychology Practicum I

*EDU806 School Psychology Practicum II

*EDU807 School Psychology Internship I

*EDU808 School Psychology Internship II

(* Courses created)

  • Department chairperson July 2007 – January 2008, May 2009 - present
  • University supervisor of students in practicum and internship field placements
  • Academic advisor to students in School Psychology and Mental Health Counseling programs
  • Researched and authored a New York State Department of Education approved graduate program in school psychology
  • External Programs instructor: School Violence Prevention Certification Training
  • Served on multiple committees at the department, college, and university level
  • Represented the University on several community agency boards and advisory panels including:

- (1/03 – 9/04) Western New York Association of School Psychologists: Conference Planning Committee

-(10-02 to 5/03) New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services: Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (serving as consultant in program design and evaluation)

- (10-00 to 5-04) Compeer Niagara – Mental Health Association in NiagaraCounty (serving as an advisory board member)

  • (April 2004 to Present) Serving volunteer, two-year term as appointed public officer under Article 80 of the N.Y. Mental Hygiene Law: Medical member of the Surrogate Decision-Making Committee (3 consecutive appointments).


Private Practitioner - Licensed Psychologist

Provides integrative psychotherapy for:

mood disorders, anxiety disorders, eating disorders, anger management issues, adjustment disorders, behavioral disorders, family relational problems, and psychological trauma.

Provides psychological assessment of:

cognitive abilities, developmental and academic skills, developmental disorders, behavioral disorders, and psychopathology.

Consults with health care providers on psychopharmacological treatment of clients.

September 1996 – August 2000 AMHERST CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT


Supervisor: Nancy Calabrese


  • Provided consultation to parents, school faculty, and physicians regarding the developmental needs of children
  • Provided individual intervention and group counseling to youths at risk
  • Participated in case conferences, multi-disciplinary teaming sessions, and committees
  • Consulted with school officials and administrators for the enhancement of district academic programs and psychosocial interventions
  • Planned and conducted staff development

January 2000 - May 2000 CANISIUSCOLLEGE

Adjunct Professor

Psychology Department

Department chairperson: Harvey Pines, Ph.D.

September 1997 – July 1999NIAGARAUNIVERSITY

Adjunct Professor

Division of Education

Department chairperson: Robin W. Erwin, Ph.D.


  • Instructed undergraduate and graduate students in psycho-educational assessment



Doctoral Intern

Supervisor:Dewey J. Bayer, Ph.D.


  • Conducted all phases of psycho-educational assessment
  • Provided consultation to parents, school officials and physicians regarding the treatment needs of children
  • Provided individual and group counseling to youth
  • Provided family counseling and parent training

September 1994 – May 1995WESTERN NEW YORK CHILDREN’S


West Seneca, New York

Doctoral Practicum Student

Supervisor:Holly Watson, Ph.D.


  • Conducted all phases of psychological assessment
  • Formulated IEPS, treatment plans, and discharge plans
  • Participated in case conferences and multi-disciplinary training sessions
  • Provided parent-training, individual, group, and family counseling


Graduate Assistant

Supervisor:LeAdelle Phelps, Ph.D.


  • Assisted in formulation and implementation of large-scale eating disorder prevention program
  • Collected and analyzed research data
  • Assisted in training of MA level school psychology students



Buffalo, New York

Consultant to Erie County Department of Social Services

Supervisor:Dewey J. Bayer, Ph.D.


  • Conducted developmental, psychological, and family systems assessments to guide placement of children in foster care
  • Provided family counseling and parent training


Cheektowaga, New York

Intern and PracticumLevelSchool Psychology Student

Supervisor:Susan Rajnisz, NCSP


Niagara Falls, New York

PracticumLevelSchool Psychologist

Supervisor:Corrina Scozzaro, M.A.


  • Conducted all phases of psycho-educational evaluations
  • Participated in case conferences, multi-disciplinary teaming sessions, and committees
  • Consulted with teachers and parents for the enhancement of academic and affective interventions


Austin, Texas

Western New York Regional Standardization Examiner


  • Located demographically appropriate subjects for nationally representative norm base
  • Collected data on mental, motor, and language performance for establishment of national norms for: Bayley Scales of Infant Development – Second Edition
    Preschool Language Scales – Third Edition



Specialized Advanced Training:

Individual Intelligence Testing

Psychological Assessment of Children and Adolescents

Psychological Assessment of Infants and Preschoolers

Advanced Personality Assessment

Psychological Tests Administered and Interpreted:

Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist

Achievement tests - multiple specialized formats

Adaptive behavior – multiple inventories

Adolescent Psychopathology Scales

Autism rating scales – multiple inventories

Bayley Scales of Infant Development - III

Beck Depression Inventory - II

Behavioral Assessment for Children - 2

Bender Gestalt

Bracken’s Multi-Dimensional Self-Concept Scale

California Personality Inventory

Children's Depression Inventory (CDI)

Children’s Memory Scales

Conner’s Rating Scales – youth and adult

Continuous performance tests – auditory and visual forms

Differential Abilities Scales -II

Eating Disorders Inventory

Emotional Regulation Scales - Youth

Functional Behavioral Assessments

Halstead – Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery

Kaufman series

Lethality assessments

McCarthy Scales

Mental Status Exam



Parenting Stress Index, 3rd Ed.

Projectives – various drawing, thematic apperception, sentence completion, etc.

Rey Complex Figure Test

Self-concept scales – multiple inventories

Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales: Fifth Edition

Test of Memory and Learning

Universel Nonverbal Intelligence Test

Visual Motor Integration Test - IV

Wechsler series

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test

WideRange Assessment of Memory and Learning - 2

Woodcock-Johnson III


Specialized Training and Experience:

Specialty in Counseling with Children and Families

Individual, Marital and Group Counseling – Integrative Techniques

Multi-Cultural Issues in Counseling

Crisis Intervention

Prevention Programming


Specialized Training:

School-Based Consultation


Consulted with parents, school officials, physicians, and other clinical professionals in instituting educational, affective, and behavioral interventions for children and their families. Assisted teachers in developing behavioral management strategies and academic interventions with diverse populations.


  • Developed New York State Education Department approved M.S. program and new curriculum in school psychology with careful scaling of expected learning trajectories
  • Served as chairperson on College Curriculum Committee (September 2002 – May 2004)
  • Served on College Doctoral Studies Committee (11/02 to present)
  • Served as continuing education curriculum reviewer for Medical Education Collaborative (APA accredited provider) (August 2003 to present)


(Copies are available upon request.)

Augustyniak, K.(2011). Anxiolytics / hypnotics. In S Goldstein & J. Naglieri (Eds.) Encyclopedia of

Childhood Behavior and Development.New York: Springer.

Augustyniak, K.(2011). Verbal intelligence. In S Goldstein & J. Naglieri (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Childhood

Behavior and Development. New York: Springer.

Augustyniak, K., Brooks, M., Rinaldo, V., Bogner, R., & Hodges, S. (2009). Emotional regulation:

Considerations for school-based behavioral interventions. Journal for Specialists in Group Work, 34, 326 - 350.(Selected as “Best Article” in JSGW for 2009 and “Research Article of the Year” by the Association for Specialists in Group Work.)

Augustyniak, K., & Kilanowski-Press, L. (2008). Neuromuscular disorders: A primer for school

psychologists. Communique, 37, 23-25.

Kozen, A.A., Augustyniak, K., Mattie, H., Iannarelli, B., & Brown, K (2008). An investigation of factors that

positively or negatively influence collaborative relationships.Proceedings of the Paris International Conference on Education, Economy and Society, 4, 61 – 69.

Murphy, J., Augustyniak, K., & Rinaldo,V.(2006). Students with neuromuscular disorders: A survey of

parental satisfaction with school based services. International Journal of Special Education, 21, 68-76.

Augustyniak, K., Murphy, J., & Kester-Phillips, D. (2005). Psychological perspectives in

mathematics learning and intervention planning.Journal of Instructional Psychology, 32, 277-286.

Augustyniak, K. (2005). Integration of the FBI and USSS/DOE threat assessment models into a

conceptual framework for school violence prevention.Journal of School Violence, 4, 29-46.

Augustyniak, K., Cook-Cottone, C.P., & Calabrese, N. (2004).The predictive validity of the Phelps

Kindergarten Readiness Scale. Psychology in the Schools,4, 509-516.

Hodges, S. & Augustyniak, K. (2004). Spirituality, life meaning, and coping in an age of uncertainty. The

Journal for the Professional Counselor, 19, 3-15.

Phelps, L., Johnston L., & Augustyniak, K. (1999) Prevention of eating disorders, identification of predictor

variables. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention, 7, 99-108.

Phelps, L., Augustyniak, K., Nelson, L.D., & Nathanson, D.S. (1997). Adolescent eating disorders, chronic

dieting and body dissatisfaction. In Bear, G., Minke, K., & Thomas A. (Eds.) Children’s Needs II: Psychological Perspectives. Bethsada, MD: National Association of School Psychologists.

Doctoral Dissertation: The pathogenesis of eating disorders: Analysis of the relationship between eating

disorder symptomatology, body image, and self-concept of adolescent females.

Research Grants:

NiagaraUniversity Research Council (Summer 2009). Embracing a paradigm shift in school psychology: The mediating role of perceptions of service delivery among school professionals.

NiagaraUniversity Research Council (Summer 2004). School-based prosocial behavior intervention: A youth needs assessment.

New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services: Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant (served as consultant to Niagara Falls Police Department in program design and evaluation10-02 to 12/03).


Academic textbook reviewer: Sage Publications (June 2011 – present)

Conference presentation proposal reviewer: National Association of School Psychologists (2011)

Field Editor: Encyclopedia of ChildhoodBehavior and Development. (Springer: New York) (2009 – 2010)

Editorial Board Member: Journal for the Practical Application of Constructivist Theory in Education(online journal - Institute for Learning Centered Education) (2007 – 2009)

Continuing Education Curriculum Reviewer for Medical Education Collaborative (APA accredited provider) (August 2003 to August 2006).


-State of New York Commission on Quality of Care for the Mentally Disabled. West Seneca, NY: Completed training, pursuant to Article 80 of the N.Y. Mental Hygiene Law, to serve a two-year appointment as medical panel member of the Surrogate Decision-Making Committee (Appointed to four consecutive 2-year terms, 3-07-04 - present).

-New York State Department of Criminal Justice Services: Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant: Consultant in program design and evaluation (10-02 to 5-03).

-Compeer Niagara of the Mental Health Association in Niagara County Advisory Board member (10-00 to 5-04).

-Consultant to Orleans/Niagara BOCES regarding school violence prevention staff training program (3/01).

-Advisory Panel member for Niagara County School Community Collaborative. (2/01 to 5/02).

-Consultant to Niagara Falls School District attorneys and school safety coordinator regarding school violence prevention staff training program (12/00).


New YorkState Licensed Psychologist

New YorkState Certified School Psychologist

Surrogate Decision Making Panel Member -State of New York Commission on Quality of Care for the Mentally Disabled (appointed position)

External reviewer for faculty promotion and tenure - BucknellUniversity (2009)

Recipient of NYASP Ted Bernstein Award of Excellence in the Study of School Psychology

Recipient of New YorkState Challenger Fellowship for School Psychology


Member of American Psychological Association (APA)

Member of National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

Member of Western New York Association of School Psychologists (WNYSPA)


  • Harvard Medical School Department of Continuing Education. Boston, MA, Meditation and Psychotherapy. CPD 14.0 hours. (5-6-12 & 5-7-12).
  • PESI, LLC. Fairfax, VA, Dialectical Behavior Therapy.CPD 12.0 hours (3 hours each: Master Behavior Chain Analysis, DBT Innovations and Adaptations, Using DBT with Axis I Disorders, Developing DBT Programs.(5-15-09 & 5-16-09).
  • Health Education Network, LLC. Buffalo, NY, Neuro-Developmental Disorders. CPD 6.0 hours (8-11-06).
  • State of New YorkCommission on Quality of Care for the Mentally Disabled. West Seneca, NY: Completed training, pursuant to Article 80 of the N.Y. Mental Hygiene Law to serve in appointed public office as medical panel member of the Surrogate Decision-Making Committee. (3-07-04).
  • WesternNew YorkSchoolPsychology Association. Amherst, NY, Ecological Assessment and Positive Behavioral Supports. CPD credit 6.0 hours (9-26-03).
  • Cortext Educational Seminars. Buffalo, New York, Clinical Aspects of Memory. APA continuing education program: 6.0 hours. (9-09-02).
  • United States Secret Service and United States Department of Education. Boston, MA, The Final Report and Findings of the SafeSchool Initiative: Implications for the Prevention of School Attacks in the United States. (7-12-02).
  • National Association of School Psychologists Program Approval Board. Chicago, Illinois. The New NASP Training Standards and Associated Performance-Based Approach to Program Review and Approval. (3-01-02).
  • Medical Educational Services, Inc. Professional Development Network. Buffalo, New York. Intervention with Aggressive and Resistant Youth. APA continuing education program: 5.5 hours. (9-20-01).
  • Western New York Children’s PsychiatricCenter and Child Advocacy Center of Niagara County Adolescent Sexual Offending Typologies and Detection Strategies. (6-15-01).
  • SUNY at Buffalo: International Symposium: Race and Ethnicity: A Struggle for Identity in America (USA). (3-15-01).
  • Professional Education Opportunities for the Human Services. Erie, PA: Corrective Attachment Therapy Across the Lifespan. APA continuing education program: 14.0 hours. (9-22-00).
  • Tourette Syndrome Association. Buffalo, NY: Tourette Syndrome in the Classroom. (10-29-99).
  • Dr. James M. Bell Training Institute. BerkshireFarmCenter and Services for Youth. Buffalo, New York: Explosive Noncompliant Children. APA continuing education program: 6.0 hours. (10/01/99).
  • Professional Education Opportunities for the Human Services. Erie, PA: Children’s Memory Scales: Introduction and Training. APA continuing education program: 3.0 hours. (9-12-98).
  • Western New York Association of School Psychologists. Buffalo, New York. Pervasive Developmental Disorders. CPD credit: 2.0 hours. (3/6/98).
  • Professional Education Opportunities for the Human Services. Erie, PA: Treatment of Depression in Children and Adolescents. APA continuing education program: 6.5 hours. (11-14-97).
  • Erie I BOCES. Traumatic Brain Injury Consultant Training for School Reintegration. (representative of Children’s Hospital of Buffalo12-97 through 1-98).
  • New YorkState Office of Mental Health, Bureau of Psychiatric Services. West Seneca, New York. Treatment of Aggression in Children and Adolescents. (4-12-95).


05-16-11. Anxiety Disorders in Childhood and Adolescence.Kenmore-Town of Tonawanda Union Free School District - Staff Development. Kenmore, New York.

10-26-07. Factors That Contribute to the Efficacy of Prosocial Group Interventions. Co-presenter with Drs. Roselind Bogner, Morgan Brooks, and Shannon Hodges. New York Counseling Association Annual Conference. Rochester, New York.

3-30-07.School-Based Prosocial Behavior Intervention – A Youth Needs Assessment. Co-presenter with Dr. Vincent Rinaldo, Dr. Roselind Bogner, and Dr. Morgan Conway. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. New York, New York.

3-29-06. Differential assessment and intervention planning for mathematics learning needs. Co-presenter with Dr. Jacqueline Murphy. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. Anaheim, California.

3-28-06. Students with neuromuscular disorders: Parental satisfaction with school-based services. Co-presenter with Dr. Jacqueline Murphy, and Dr. John T. Murphy. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. Anaheim, California.

9-29-05. School-based Prosocial behavior intervention: A youth needs assessment. NiagaraUniversity Research Council Annual Faculty Research Showcase.

12-04-04. Ethics andconfidentiality: Professional practice issues. Co-presenter with Dr. Shannon Hodges. Niagara FallsSchool Counselors Staff Development.

11-19-04. Managing barriers to successful collaboration in consultant teaching: A work in progress. Co-presenter with Dr. Alice Kozen. New YorkState Federation of Chapters of theCouncilfor Exceptional Children Annual Conference.Rochester, New York.

10-23-04. CACREP and NCATE: The synergistic effect on counselor education programs. Co-presenter with Dr. Morgan Brooks-Conway and Dr. Shannon Hodges. New York Counseling Association’s Annual Conference. Glens Falls, New York.

10-14-04. Perspectives on assessing kindergarten readiness. Co-presenter with Dr. Catherine Cook-Cottone. New York Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference. Buffalo, New York.

10-17-03. CACREP and NCATE: Focusing on the journey while keeping sight of the destination. Co-presenter with Dr. Morgan Brooks-Conway and Dr. Shannon Hodges. North Atlantic Region Association for Counselor Education and Supervision.

9-30-04. Special education experiences of children with neuromuscular disorders and their families. Co-presenter with Dr. Jacqueline Murphy. NiagaraUniversity Research Council.

4-10-03. Application of the FBI’s Threat Assessment Perspective: An overview of assets and limitations as a conceptual framework in school violence prevention.National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention. Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

11-07-02. Assessing developmental pathways to violence. Co-presenter with Dr. Shannon Hodges and Dr. Salvatore Pappalardo. New York Counseling Association’s Annual Conference. Cooperstown, New York.

3-9-01 to 6-30-02. New YorkState Project SAVE: Two hour certification course in School Violence Prevention. Provided training on a semi-annual basis in conjunction with NiagaraUniversity’s Center for Continuing and Community Education and Orleans/ Niagara Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) to more than 1,000 degree candidates and school professionals.