Born in September 1999 in the poorest neighborhood of Mostaganem, its goal is to encourage young women and men by training and entertainment activities, as local development engine.
The association works with children through sociocultural activities and such as plays and training workshops to reinforce values ​​of solidarity, cooperation, respect and citizenship among children. There is also a social action group of young women and men, a space where they can think and reflect on their concerns and also where they can organize and perform activities such as “films forums”, thematic talks, group dynamics, production of social`s short films and environmental awareness.
Moreover, three times a year the association carries out the reception of Responsible Tourism Trips from Spain resulting an enriched intercultural coexistence for both, the Algerians and the Spanish young people.
Finally, the Association Ouled Tigditt networks with other associations for general development themes of Mostaganem city.
The objectives:
1- The social inclusion of the district youth.
2-The promotion of district womenand young girls.
3- The consolidation and promotionof volunteer work.
The ways:
1 - Training.
2 - Creating diverse workshops of cultural, educational andexchange activities.
3 -The associativeinteraction(working in a network).
4 -Voluntary work.
The Associationorganizes its activitiesin workshops
1 - Sociocultural animation.
2 - Raise awareness.
3 - “Women group”.
4 - Theater andmusic for children.
5 - Road-safety educationforchildren.
6 - Audiovisualandsocial cinema.
Totalmemberships: 52 people (34 young boys and 18 young girls)
The role of the volunteers in Ouled Tigditt will be to support the groups of volunteers in implementing daily tasks.
The tasks they are expected to undertake are:
  • Take part in meetings in order to plan fortnightly activities.
  • Prepare materials and dynamics for trainings, activities and workshops.
  • Supporting teachers during workshops.
  • Reception and assistance of Ouled Tigditt’s workshop’s users (i.r. issuing user card for
  • attending courses, giving information, etc.).
  • Collaborate to organize and run local community development projects and sociocultural activities.
  • Take part to the preparation and logistics of Responsible Tourism travels.
The content of the activities may vary if requested by organization’s needs.
  • Practical arrangements:
Food: Volunteers will be lodged in host families, they will be provided with main meals by host family, at home and will not receive any money in concept of board.
Accommodation:Volunteers will be lodged in a host family or a flat.
Local Transport: Local transports costs wil be referred only to cover the mobility costs needed to go from house to working project.
Language Opportunities: Volunteers will have the opportunity to attend a French course at the organization itself.
RIFERIMENTO / Algeria-01
PAESE / Algeria
LOCALITA’ / Mostaganem
DURATA / 9 mesi
AMBITO / Bambini, giovani, cittadinanza attiva
REQUISITI / Elevato livello di flessibilità, adattamento, spirito di iniziativa. Si ricercano giovani disoccupati.
PARTENZA / 03 Marzo 2014
SCADENZA / 30 Novembre