Name: Department:
Summary of equipment:
Please complete the following:
1) What is the model you have in mind for hosting your equipment in MGHPCC – shared/collocated (adding your compute nodes to ours), dedicated, or something intermediate? Details on different models are here.
2) Have you consulted with Information Technology Services (ITS) for the acquisition of this equipment? Please provide further details.
3) Is this new or existing equipment?
4) Have you purchased onsite hardware support/warranty for this equipment? What service levels do you desire from ITS for hardware, software, storage, security and backups? For example if you do not have onsite hardware support, clarify who will do the part replacements? Or if you do not have warranty who will supply and pay for the parts?
5) Describe your network topology. For instance, are you planning to use 1Gbps Ethernet, 10Gbps Ethernet, or FDR Infiniband? If stand-alone, do you already have the network equipment required to support your servers?
6) What is the preferred OS on the servers? (Current default is Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6)
7) What job scheduler would you prefer to use? (Current default is IBM/Platform LSF)
8) Are you expecting to provide login nodes for your equipment or use Discovery Cluster login nodes?
9) What are your storage needs? (For instance, if considering the shared/condominium model, are the current default amounts sufficient? If considering the dedicated model, is the required storage part of your equipment?)
10) Please estimate your plans to expand or add later to this equipment and what is the time frame?
11) Does your equipment meet the needs for remote access? For example if a server or chassis, does it have an IDRAC, ILO, ILOM or other lights out management feature?
For ILO:
12) Please identify any/all software applications you desire to use on this system.
13) What are your backup needs?
Please write any further comments/details below and feel to contact us at any time with questions or more clarifications at .
Also please attach your vendor quotes/configuration details for this equipment.
Thank you for your help – Research Computing Team.