Profile for Mission and Ministry

of the New England Annual Conference

Of the United Methodist Church

LOCAL CHURCH – Due Dec. 1st

The United Methodist Church has an open, itinerant appointment process. Appointments are made without regard to sex, race, ethnic origin, marital status, or age. They are made according to local church’s missional needs and the gifts for ministry. While the Bishop appoints pastors to the churches, the local Church Pastor Parish Relations Committee is involved in a consultative process with the Bishop and Cabinet. The following information is important to this process. It will be used by the Cabinet and also be provided to the appointed pastor. (See “Point of Appointment Document,” available at “”)

Church: ______District: ______

Address: ______

Phone: ______Fax: ______

Email: ______

The Church’s Community/Local Mission Field

1.  Describe the neighborhood, community, area in which the church is located (i.e. urban, rural, racial/ethnic make-up, etc.).

2.  What trends are present in the community? (growth, transition, decline, etc.)

3.  What are the pressing issues in the community?

4.  What percentage of the members live within the church’s neighborhood/mission area?

5.  Other comments regarding the community:

The Church’s Ministry and Mission

  1. How is your congregation involved in your community? (What is your ministry and mission?)
  1. Describe your worship style.
  1. Describe your theological outlook.
  1. Describe how you use technology in ministry and mission.
  1. What events that have had significant impact on your church?
  1. What are the key goals for the church in the next 1-3 years? If the church has a strategic plan, what are the key elements/goals of the plan and how is it being implemented?
  1. In order to achieve God’s church’s vision and mission what significant ministries and programs are being used in the following areas?
  1. Calling People to Christ
  1. Nurturing Disciples
  1. Reaching out to the Community

Church Organization

  1. List and describe all church staff positions (i.e. title, hours, etc.)
  1. How is your church organized for ministry and mission?

Other Issues

  1. Describe your church’s physical space, and any issues/plans/concerns.
  1. List any other issues/concerns facing the congregation:


  1. What is your average worship attendance?
  1. On average, how many in your worshiping congregation are:

_____ (0-12) _____ (13-18)

_____ (19-34) _____ (35-59)

_____ (60-74) _____ (75 and above)

  1. What is your average Sunday school attendance?

______Children and youth _____adults

  1. How many members does your church have?
  1. What is the racial/ethnic make-up of the congregation?
  1. What else can you tell us about the diversity of your congregation?

Pastoral Needs

1.  What do you need a pastor to do FOR you?

2.  What do you need a pastor to do WITH you?

3.  What is this church able to do with existing gifts, graces, and visions ON ITS OWN without significant pastoral involvement?

4.  In the light of your responses to the above questions, rank the importance of each of these areas for pastoral emphasis in your church on a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being very important and 1 being not important.

_____ strategic planning _____ healing ministry

_____ conflict resolution _____ use of technology

Worship technology Communication technology

_____ use of social media _____ social justice ministries

_____ Leading & designing worship _____ Teaching

_____ Preaching _____ Church Administration

_____ Equipping Laity for Ministry _____ Stewardship

_____ Counseling _____ Visitation (Congregation &Community)

_____ Children’s Ministry _____ Youth Ministry

_____ Evangelism _____ Vision – Leading Congregation

_____ Spiritual Growth of Members _____ Leading staff

_____ Hospital/emergency visitation _____ Mission in Community

_____ Ecumenical participation _____ Other ______

5.  Other comments regarding pastoral needs:

Parsonage Life

  1. Please describe the parsonage (i.e. style, rooms, handicapped accessibility, neighborhood)
  1. What is the school district like?
  1. Other information you feel is important:

This report was prepared by: ______


Date: ______


Local Church Profile for Ministry and Mission

Revised August 2013