Supplementary TableMulticenter TWA studies in patients with LV dysfunction

Studies / Etiology / LVEF
cut-off / No. of centers / No. of patients / ICD
use / BBs at TWA test / TWA-
Ind (%) / Follow-up duration / Primary events
Endpoint / VT/VF
cut-off / TWA-NEG / TWA-
Non-NEG / Period / P
Hohnloser, et al (8) / ICM / ≤30% / 8 / 129 / NA / NA / 27/60/13 / 17±8M / SCD/CA / ─ / 0.0% / 15.6% / 24M / 0.02
Bloomfield, et al (9) / ICM/
NICM / ≤40% / 11 / 549 / 13% / ON / 34/NA/NA / 20±6M / All death/
VF/Rapid-VT / NA / 2.5% / 15.0% / 24M / <0.001
Chow, et al (10) / ICM / ≤35% / 4 / 768 / 51% / OFF / 33/NA/NA / 18±10M / All death / ─ / 8.4%* / 21.8%* / 18±10M / 0.0002
ALPHA study (11) / NICM / ≤40% / 9 / 446 / 8% / ON / 35/45/21 / 19M / Cardiac death/ CA/VF/VT / >150bpm† / 1.6% / 6.5% / Annual / 0.002
MASTER trial (12) / ICM / ≤30% / 50 / 575 / 100% / OFF / 37/51/12 / 25±11M / SCD/
VF/Rapid-VT / ≥188bpm / 5.0% / 6.3% / Annual / 0.37
SCD-HeFT (13) / ICM/
NICM / ≤35% / 37 / 490 / 34% / OFF / 22/37/41 / 30M / SCD/
VF/Rapid-VT / ≥188bpm / 14.9% / 16.5% / 36M / 0.72
ABCD trial (14) / ICM / ≤40% / 43 / 566 / 87% / OFF / 29/46/25 / 19±7M / SCD/VF/VT / >171bpm / 4.6%‡ / 8.4%‡ / 12M / NS
NICM / ≤40% / 38 / 453 / 25% / ON / 29/49/21 / 36M / SCD/
VF/Rapid-VT / ≥188bpm / 3.0% / 10.5% / 36M / 0.037

BBs indicates beta blockers; bpm, beats per minute; CA, cardiac arrest; ICM, ischemic cardiomyopathy; Ind, indeterminate; M, months; NA, not available;

Neg, negative;NICM, non-ischemic cardiomyopathy; NS, not significant; Pos, positive.

Other abbreviations as in Tables 1and3.

*All-cause mortality in patients without ICD (n=376).

†A symptomatic sustained VT/VF or VT/VF of >150bpm lasting for >10 seconds documented by implanted device.

‡Estimated from the original article.