The Alan C. Williams Leadership Award has been established to recognize the one individual member of Gamma Iota Sigma that sets the best example for all other members and is our best "ambassador" to the insurance, risk management, and/or actuarial science industries at the international level as well as at the local and regional levels. In other words, the Alan C. Williams Leadership Award is the highest honor an individual member can receive from the Grand Chapter. Further, the award will be presented only when a qualified candidate exists. The scholarship recipient is announced the Annual International Conference and the winner is presented with a check for $2,000.
The award has been named to honor an individual who has contributed significantly to the tremendous growth and success of this international fraternity, Dr. Alan C. Williams, a retired emeriti of The Ohio State University. Dr. Williams was at the helm of Gamma Iota Sigma during very important years in the fraternity's development, and he has served as the Executive Vice President since 1990. He guided the Gamma Iota Sigma fraternity through the most perilous of times when it became a totally independent organization. He led the fraternity through its period of greatest growth as a national organization, taking it one great step further to become an international organization. He brought student representation to the Grand Chapter Executive Committee through the position of International Student Representative. He introduced and implemented the concept of the alumni chapter. He has fiercely protected the image and name of Gamma Iota Sigma, and its status as a professional fraternity. Dr. Alan C. Williams continues to be the living symbol of Gamma Iota Sigma, advisor to the Grand Chapter, advisor to advisors, historian, fundraiser, chapter conservationist, and the conscience of Gamma Iota Sigma.
In determining the individual member that best reflects the ideals of Gamma Iota Sigma, the following criteria will be considered:
- Demonstrated leadership at the local chapter level (chapter must be active, should report regularly, show growth, and have good relations will alumni, industry, and public);
- Active in inter-fraternity activities at a regional and national level;
- Attended and actively participated in at least one Gamma Iota Sigma International Conference;
- Contributed any form of assistance to Gamma Iota Sigma at the national level (such as chartering new chapters, reactivating existing chapters, submitting articles for the Sextant, presenter at the Annual Management Conference);
- Active in the local, regional, national, and international industry - insurance, risk management, and/or actuarial science, by attending meetings, participating in the industry meetings as a presenter, and working in internships in the industry;
- Recipient or recognition from national industry organizations (such as competitive scholarships, awards or internships from the Gallagher Internship Program, IFEBP, IRU, Kemper Scholars Program, RIMS, NAPSLO, PRIMA); and
- Important, but not the only criterion, maintains high academic standards.
Any member of the Grand Chapter or local chapters may nominate a collegiate member of Gamma Iota Sigma for this award. The nomination and supporting documentation must be submitted no later than June 1 each year via regular mail or email.
- Application Information
Name of Nominee:
Date of Original GIS Application:
Graduation Date:
Cumulative GPA:
Major GPA:
GIS Chapter Positions Held:
Title / Period Held
(From Date) / (To Date)
Provide detail, on a separate page, of the Nominee’s efforts within Gamma Iota Sigma on both the national and local level and what impact these efforts have had on the organization and its members.
Please provide the following information so that the Nominee can be properly recognized for this award if he/she is to be awarded the Alan C. Williams Leadership Award.
University President
Business School Dean
(Please make sure you have submitted all of the following)
Letter of Recommendation
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