Elementary School Trainers’ Agenda for Day 3 of a 3 day workshop 8:00-12:00
Interactive teacher workshop on using the Engineering Design Process to improve
teachers’ effectiveness at teaching science
Engineering Design in Oregon Science Classrooms
Copyright 2013, Oregon University System, All Rights Reserved
Workshop Goals and Objectives
· To increase understanding of the Oregon Engineering Design Core, Content, and Process Standards;
· To increase understanding of the Elements of Effective Science Instruction; and
· To develop understanding of teaching strategies that engage students in “Science as Practice” by incorporating engineering design to learn science content.
Day Three – Elementary School
Total: 10 min
8:00-8:10: Opening (slides 1-2)
(10 min) / Unit One – Welcome Back and Overview / 1) Welcome participants to the EDP PD. / Main Room:
Laptop Computer
LCD Projector
EDP Facilitator’s Folder
Training Kit:
EDP Posters
Name Tags
Markers & Chart pack
Baskets with
post it notes
Resource Books
Bike Rack (by coffee)
Group Agreements/Norms
Essential Skills
Science Inquiry and the EDP / Before Session:
Hang standards posters, set out participant folders, & baskets
Post Workshop Goals & Agenda written on poster
Post Bike Rack, Expectations, and Group Agreements charts
Sign in & Name Tags out
Set up a laptop in main room with a timer.
Total: 100 min – 8:10-9:50
8:10 – 9:00 Presenting and Completing the lesson (50 min)
9:00-9:15 Sharing and Cleanup (15 min)
9:15-9:40 Scientific Inquiry vs the EDP (25 min)
9:40-9:50 Small Group Discussion (10 min) / Unit 1 – Toad’s New Car
Hands-on exercise featuring the Engineering Design process for learning Physical Science / 1) Have participants read the Toad’s New Car booklet.
2) Have participants review the Word Alert handout.
3) Have participants complete the exploration portion of the activity.
4) Have participants complete the engineering design portion of the activity
5) Have participants share what they have learned. Ask about things they will have noticed or had difficulty with
6) Summarize main idea on chart pack
7) Group Discussion: Scientific Inquiry vs. the Engineering Design Process. Groups use flip charts to answer 3 questions
8) Summarize the project, and reflect on the discussion questions as well as the overarching messages about using the engineering design process to improve the teaching of science.
9) If there is time have small group discussion on implementing the EDP into their lesson plans or grade band level. / Participant Folder:
Toad’s New Car Handouts (Toad’s New Car story article, Toad’s New Car Design Worksheet and Toad’s New Car Exploration Handout)
Training Kit:
Pre-made bricks
Testing Kit Materials
2 axels
4 wheels
1 straw
a plastic spoon
meter stick
masking tape
Supplies per group of 3-4
MDF Boards
Craft Sticks
Masking Tape
LEGO 20-tooth wheels
LEGO 12-tooth wheels
LEGO axels
White Glue
Markers, glitter, feathers and other items to decorate the cars (optional). / Make and setup a ramp for pairs of groups using the Car and Ramp Setup Instructions handout.
Make testing kits for each group and set out along a table or counter. Each kit should have sample cars (chassis and bearings only) made according to the Car and Ramp Setup Instructions handout. Each kit should also include 2 axels, 4 wheels, a straw, a ruler, and a meter stick. Have masking tape available.
Break (15 min) / BREAK / Participants take a break
Total: 100 min
Motivating students
Resources review
Integration of Work Samples and Engineering Design into Lesson Plans (80 min)
Have groups share what they just created (10 min) / Teaching students about the engineering design process / Show slides 9-15 about motivating students (1-2 min/slide)
Review the materials on the web and locations (posters, handouts, templates and instructions)
Have teachers work in teams, small groups or individually. Encourage them to use the lesson plan templates.
· Have them design a work sample for a lesson or unit.
· Have them create a lesson or unit based on content standards. Encourage teachers to discuss within their groups or tables.
Have groups share the high points of their ideas, work samples and lessons they just created. / Training Kit:
Lined Paper
Participant Folder:
EDP for Elementary
Elementary ED Standards Handout
EDP lesson plan templates / It may be helpful to have the lesson plans from day 2 as samples.
Total 15 Min
11:45-12:00 (15 min) / Closure Activities:
· Bike Rack
· Goals
· Review expectations
· Expense claim forms
· Plusses/Wishes / Facilitator reviews items on the bike rack.
Review goals and expectations. Have table groups discuss the expectations. See if they are the same now or if they would like to add any.
Participants write 2 pluses about the PD that day and 2 wishes that they had on post-it and turn in when they leave. / Supplies:
Post it notes / Debrief plusses and Wishes at end of the day.