Audition Sign Up: Ambition Musical
Closing date: Extended to Sunday 11 December 2016
Please complete and email to:
Audition Date: Monday 19 December 2016
We will contact you with a time-slot to arrive, but you will be expected to stay until 4pm. Please be prepared to sing, act and dance, and ensure you wear comfortable clothes.
Lead roles: You will need to prepare one verse, and a chorus, from a musical of your choice. You will sing without accompaniment. You will be given your acting and dancing audition pieces on the day.
Chorus: Please be prepared to participate in singing, dancing and acting workshops. You may be asked to sing solo, but you don’t need to prepare material in advance.
For more details of the lead roles, please visit the official Facebook page
Name / Date of BirthGender / Current Year Group
Contact Address and Postcode
Contact number / Landline / Mobile
Contact emails
Emergency Contact
Emergency Number / Landline / Mobile
Medical information we should know about in the event of an emergency
Auditioning for…
(mark one option) / Singing lead / Non-singing lead / Chorus member
Previous three productions, most recent first (not GCSE pieces, or lower school work).
Name of show / Your character name / Year performed / Theatre Group / School
Details of referee (who knows your performance commitment levels)
Referee name
Professional capacity
Referee email
Referee phone number
Your (If over 18) or Parent/Carer Signature
Your (If over 18) or Parent/Carer Name
We would like to use images and recordings of you/your child for promotional purposes while you/they participate in activities and events organised or attended by Hampshire Music Service (HMS). We may also invite the media to take photographs and/or film footage to publicise these activities and events when it is considered appropriate to do so by HMS. We ask for your permission to use the images and recordings taken of your child in the printed and electronic publications produced by HMS. This includes promotional videos, uploads to the HMS websites and social media sites administered by HMS. Whilst every care will be taken to ensure the images and recordings remain in the context they were taken whilst in HMS publications, it is important for you to be aware that:
· Websites and social media sites are visible throughout the world, not just in the United Kingdom, where UK law applies.
· When images or recordings are uploaded to social media sites they will be subject to the terms and conditions of those sites
· HMS cannot accept any responsibility for the reuse of images or recordings placed on its websites or social media sites
Conditions of use
· Your consent will remain valid for five years from the date of signing
· Your consent will end upon the expiration of five years
· We will not re-use any images after the expiry of this consent
· We may use group images with very general labels, such as ‘a rehearsal at’ or ‘a performance at’
· We will not include the name of you/your child (meaning first name or surname) in any images or recordings without seeking your further consent as appropriate
· We will only use images of children who are suitably dressed, to reduce the risk of any images being used inappropriately
· Images taken or recorded by HMS may be transferred to, stored and/or processed at, a destination outside the European Economic Area (for example, using the HMS administered Flickr account). By agreeing to HMS using images/recordings of you/your child you are confirming your agreement to this transfer, storage or processing
I have read and understood the conditions of use and give consent for my child’s images to be used as described above / Yes / No
Image Consent