*As reviewed and accepted by the Student Affairs Committee vote February 22nd, 2008

The “Dormitory Rules” will be in effect immediately as of March 3rd, 2008.

Dormitory Management

Organizational Chart

Management of the dormitory is executed via the structure illustrated below.

Behavior That Violates The “Dormitory Policy” based on KIMEP’s General Conduct Policy

All cases will be reported to the Office of Student Affairs & then heard by the Student Affair’s Disciplinary Committee:

Behavioral Misconduct Includes: / Suggested Punishment
1 / Physically Assaulting or Threatening Another Student or KIMEP Faculty Member (Staff) / Immediate Dismissal from KIMEP
2 / Alcohol Intoxication/Possession Of Illegal Substances in the Dormitory (This includes the drinking of alcoholic beverages in the dormitory – no drinking is allowed) / Immediate confiscation of the illegal substance either by a faculty member or security personnel
1st Offense: Verbal/Written Warning
2nd Offense: Disciplinary Probation
3rd Offense: Automatic Suspension or Dismissal From The Dormitory
3 / Smoking in undesignated areas of the Dormitory which includes: (living rooms, balcony, kitchen, laundry, DVD-room, TV room and study rooms) / 1st Offense: Verbal/Written Warning
2nd Offense: Disciplinary Probation
3rd Offense: Automatic Expulsion From The Dormitory
4 / Theft of Property at the Dormitory / Immediate Expulsion From The Dormitory
5 / Vandalism or deliberate damage to Dormitory property or the property of other individuals / 1st Offense: Verbal/Written Warning
2nd Offense: Automatic Expulsion From The Dormitory
6 / Offensive behavior in the dormitory or corridors of the Dorm (For example: spitting, shouting, discourteous conduct towards classmates/faculty members along with ethnic, religious or racial slurs, etc.) / 1st Offense: Verbal/Written Warning
2nd Offense: Disciplinary Probation
3rd Offense: Automatic Expulsion From The Dormitory
7 / Throwing Trash Down On Dormitory Grounds (This would include the improper disposal of cigarette butts, chewing gum, and other trash) / 1st Offense: Verbal/Written Warning
2nd Offense: Community Service (Cleaning Campus)
8 / Gambling and playing cards within the Dormitory / 1st Offense: Verbal/Written Warning
2nd Offense: Disciplinary Probation
3rd Offense: Automatic Suspension or Dismissal
9 / Handing over keys from one’s room to another person (This includes allowing another person to live in your room or renting one’s room to an outside party) / 1st Offense: Verbal/Written Warning
2nd Offense: Automatic Expulsion From The Dormitory
10 / Moving to another room without permission / 1st Offense: Verbal/Written Warning
2nd Offense: Disciplinary Probation & RA Council Discipline
3rd Offense: Automatic Expulsion From The Dormitory
11 / Keeping pets in the room / 1st Offense: Verbal/Written Warning
2nd Offense: Automatic Expulsion From The Dormitory
12 / Using electronic devices in the rooms such as: electric stoves & unprotected electric heaters / 1st Offense: Verbal/Written Warning
2nd Offense: Automatic Expulsion From The Dormitory
13 / Making loud noise and listening to loud music (Especially after 10pm) / 1st Offense: Verbal/Written Warning
2nd Offense: Disciplinary Probation
3rd Offense: Automatic Expulsion From The Dormitory

* The Dean of Student Affairs along with the Dormitory Director and House Parent, will make several unannounced inspections of the Dormitory premises each semester.

University Sanctions: Students

Violation of University policies and rules, which also apply to the Dormitory, will be subject to campus disciplinary review and action. All cases are first received and written up by the Office of Student Affairs and promptly submitted to the Student Affair’s Disciplinary Committee for review. Potential consequences for violations of Kazakhstan Law or KIMEP policy include, but are not limited to:

  1. Arrest and conviction;
  2. University disciplinary warning, probation, suspension, or expulsion;
  3. Confiscation;
  4. Restitution;
  5. Community Service;
  6. Completion of an alcohol and drug education class and/or a chemical use screening;
  7. Loss of privileges on campus (For example: parking, use of computer rooms, the dormitory, library etc.);
  8. Room relocation or termination of a student’s contract with restriction from the residence halls.

KIMEP Drug & Alcohol Policy (pgs. 50 – 51)

The University is committed to promoting and maintaining a work & academic environment that is free from illegal alcohol and drug use and abuse, in accordance with Kazakhstan’s laws. Students and employees are prohibited from reporting to work or working under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

It is in recognition of this issue, the KIMEP Executive Committee reaffirms legislation that KIMEP cannot sell alcoholic beverages, including beer on campus. The possession, and consumption of alcoholic beverages, including beer, in the dormitory is strictly prohibited by students.

KIMEP Policy - Entrance To The Dormitory

  1. Anyone who comes to the KIMEP and is not an employee or student of KIMEP, will not be allowed entrance to the dormitory unless they have been invited by an acknowledged dormitory resident.
  2. In order to be allowed entrance to the dormitory, the guest must be listed on a prepared “Guest” list in which the acknowledged member has his/her name listed along with the name of their guest(s). Security will review this list on a weekly basis.
  3. Non KIMEP students will not be allowed to enter the Dormitory after


4. The Dormitory Cafeteria will be closed to all students at 10pm.

5. The Dormitory Computer rooms will be closed to all visitors at 10pm, and only Dormitory residents can use them after hours.

4. The Dormitory Security staff has the right to check & search thru all bags and purses (of all students) prior to admittance at the entrance of the dormitory.

5.For the purposes of maintaining security and public order in the dormitory of KIMEP, guests and relatives are allowed to visit Students only from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. and only in strict compliance with the order stipulated in the present Rules.

6.Entrance to the room of a Student by a guest - is allowed only in the following circumstances:

 In the case that the KIMEP student takes full personal responsibility for his/her guest;

 In the case of necessity to prepare a joint project by the Student and his/her guest.

7.In the above-mentioned cases the Student and the guest give out their personal documents to security of the KIMEP dormitory. In case of violation of the attendance rules of the dormitory a warning notice shall be issued to the Student.

Dormitory Rules (Living In The Dorm)

The rules and conditions of KIMEP accommodation are governed by these Rules and the Contract students must sign.

1. The Dormitory Administration bears no responsibility for safety of a student’s personal belongings and property in his/her room.

2. Each student who is allowed residency at the Dormitory must sign the “Dormitory Code of Conduct” form, in which the student clearly states that he/she has read the rules and will abide by them.

3. The Dormitory Rules and Code of Conduct most be kept updated and posted on the KIMEP website and must also be in English.

4. Dormitory Rules must be posted throughout the dormitory as well as in each student’s room.

5. The 4 elected RA’s must meet, at the beginning of the Academic Year, with the Dean of Student Affairs and review exactly what their responsibilities and functions are.

6. The Dormitory Administration shall instruct each student on Accommodation Rules, fire safety rules, electric devices maintenance rules, and safety regulations, and ask him/her to sign a familiarization form.

7. Any students caught fighting at the KIMEP dormitory will face severe punishment as KIMEP so decides. This policy is in effect whether there is a student event taking place or not. Cases where there is evidence of a fight or altercation taking place will automatically be handed over to our KIMEP authorities and then reviewed & discussed by the KIMEPDisciplinary and Grievance Committee for further disciplinary action. If it is a serious enough offence, the student could also face prosecution by local police authorities.

8. Violations by anyone living in the dormitory (including adult faculty members) or RA’s (Resident Assistants) may result in the termination of the dormitory contract and removal from the dormitory itself. No alcohol or drugs (narcotic drugs, psychotropic or other non-prescription controlled substances - e.g. cannabis, coca derivatives, opiates, etc.) are allowed at all in the dormitory.

9. A student should strictly follow the fire safety rules (which must be posted throughout the dormitory).

10. Students living in the KIMEP dormitory must be registered in the authorized body (get residence registration) within 5 days after moving in the dormitory. The Student shall submit the following documents to the authorized Employee of the dormitory who will assist in registration:

- A letter justifying that he/she is a KIMEP student;

Person liable for military call-up, apart from that, shall submit military card (certificate for inductee) with the reference note of military registration and enlistment office concerning acceptance or removal from military registration.

11. Residents must be courteous with dormitory administrative and maintenance staff.

12. A resident should lock their windows, balcony and his/her room door when leaving the dormitory, and hand over their keys to a dormitory Employee.

13. A resident must notify the dormitory Employee if a student leaves the dormitory for more than 5 days.

14. Residents must show their pass to a security guard at the entrance of the dormitory.

15. All students living in the dormitory will participate in public works and cleaning campaigns in a dormitory and surrounding territory.

3. Directions for Use of Dormitory Property

1. A student is obliged to carefully handle the dormitory property provided for personal use (electric stoves in the kitchens, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, TV, sofas, armchairs and other furniture in the rooms).

2. A student is not permitted to take bed clothes, furniture, and other dormitory property out of the room.

3. When a student leaves the dormitory, he/she must get an exit checkout form from the Dormitory Administration and hand over all property in normal condition according to the property inventory.

4. Responsibility for Violation of the Rules

In the case a student violates the Rules and the Contract conditions, the Dormitory Director is entitled to impose the following sanctions:

A warning notice showing a period required to cure a breach or repay the damage caused;

Eviction from the dormitory on the basis of the decision made by the Dean of Students & KIMEP Disciplinary Committee;

Notification of the Student's parents.

1. In the case any dormitory property has been damaged or lost, the student at fault shall repay the damage incurred at a rate of a double book value of the property item lost or damaged.

5. Regulations on Residential Assistant (RA) Council

1. The function of the Residential Assistants’ Council is to work for the “rights” of students residing in the KIMEP dormitory.

2. RA Council is elected at the beginning of the academic year - by student residents of the dormitory.

3. RA Council is representative body of the dormitory administration.

4. The RA Council will conduct cultural events in accordance with the Dormitory action plan.

5. In case of violation of the Rules, the RA Council along with the House Parent has the following authority:

- To verbally warn students and to also write up a written warning to those who have violated the Rules;

- To make proposals to the Dean of Student Affairs & Disciplinary Committee in regard to disciplinary action against violators who have already received one written warning.

6. Other Conditions

1. The Rules shall come into force on the day of approval by Dean of Student Affairs, and are obligatory for all students living in the Dormitory and the maintenance staff.

2. The Rules can be amended or modified. These amendments and modifications shall come into force on the day of approval by Dean of Student Affairs, and are obligatory for the students and maintenance staff.

KIMEP Gambling Policy

It is in recognition of this issue, the (2007-2008) KIMEP catalog clearly states that Gambling is prohibited on KIMEP premises, including the dormitory, & violators will be subject to sanctions.

All students are expected to be familiar with and abide by the KIMEP’s policies regarding gambling-related activities. The practice of illegal gambling among students has a disruptive effect and can lead to financial loss and possible retaliation by others. Students are not allowed to organize games of skill or chance where money changes hands or play cards in dormitory rooms.

Violation of this policy, will automatically be referred to our KIMEP authorities and then reviewed and discussed by the Student Affairs Disciplinary Committee.