18720 Linnet Street
Tarzana, CA 91356
(818) 654-3347
Mrs. Suzanne Miller, GATE/Honors Coordinator
The GATE (Gifted and Talented) Program at PortolaMiddle School
offers differentiated classroom activities that provide alternative learning environments in which gifted students can acquire skills and understanding at advanced academic and creative levels. Subject matter is studied in a differentiated manner to meet and exceed the state core curriculum. Concepts of differentiated instruction such as depth, complexity, novelty and acceleration are incorporated to enrich the learning experience. Students are challenged to think at higher levels by analyzing, synthesizing, interpreting, constructing explanations and justifying arguments and ideas. Highlights of the GATE Program include:
I. Grade Level Activities: 6th Grade – Honors science students in grade 6 participate in an enrichment project focusing on disease. They study a disease in depth by knowing the vocabulary associated with the disease. They also view the disease from different perspectives and look at unanswered questions about the disease.
7th Grade – Students in grade 7 honors math learn about the Stock Market through a simulated experience. The students investigate different aspects of companies on the Internet to determine which companies might be good investments. They simulate the purchasing of stocks in a diversified manner and graph their progress. The students use their math skills to compute stock purchases, broker’s fee, net purchase and later selling price.
8th Grade– 8th grade GATE students investigate careers through Career Cruising, an online program offered by LAUSD. Students complete an interest inventory online that matches their interests with careers. Students are then given strategies for planning high school courses and investigating careers in their future.
II. After-school Enrichment Classes - GATE students are invited to participate in enrichment classes that begin in October. These classes change yearly. Some of the classes offered: Technology Lab, Grammar Workshop, Study Skills, Clamation, Writers’ Workshop, Art History, Debate, and Career College Exploration.
III. Counseling is available to students who are not working to their potential and need assistance in study skills and/or social problems.
- The GATE coordinator meets with students and parents individually to devise plans for success.
- Underachieving students are placed on weekly progress reports and meet with the GATE coordinator weekly.
IV. Field Trips - Many teachers provide enrichment though field trips. Some field trips that were taken in the past include:
- SkirballCenter - Students explore material decomposition, archaeological time periods and ancient burial practices. Later, they participate in a simulated dig learning excavation techniques.
- Central, Library–Students learn history of the library and performed research activities
- PacificAsiaMuseum - Students view Japanese art and look for connections from the past and relate it to the present and future. Students participate in hands-on activities including brush painting and origami.
- CaliforniaScienceCenter- Students use information gathered at the site to expand their knowledge of health, nutrition, human anatomy, biology, and physics.
- Abalone Cove–Using information gathered at the site, students expand their knowledge of ecosystems and marine life.
- UCLASea World Cruise - students measure and record temperature, salinity, density and pH in surface waters while on a cruise of the marina
- Criminal Courts Van Nuys (8th) – Study guided tour of the courts where students learn how the Constitution applies to every day life. They meet with a judge to answer questions relating to criminal laws.
- Will Geer Theatricum Botanicum - Students participate in a full-day living history workshop and view a Shakespeare play. Students learn staging and fighting techniques used by actors of the Renaissance period.
V. Parent Communication:
- Newsletters are sent home 3-4 times a year, informing parents of activities, special programs and help that is provided for students and parents.
- Emails are sent to parents notifying them of special activities and newsletter information.
- Volunteer parents assist in the planning and approval of the gifted budget. Parents also provide clerical assistance and help in organizingspecial events such as Career Day.
VI. GATE Website lists information about the program along with summer activities and other useful information for GATE students and parents.
For further information regarding the GATE program, please call:
Mrs. S. Miller (818) 654-3347 on a Monday, Wednesday or Friday.